• 一方面债务银行一种资产却是你的债务。

    On the other hand, your debt is an asset to the bank, but it is your liability.


  • 一方面两个过程有一些共同活动比如开发解决方案验证构建

    On the other hand, both processes share some activities, such as Develop Solution or Validate Build.


  • 一方面调用可能需要临时许可权完成一个拥有那些许可权的类中的操作

    On the other hand, a calling class may need temporary permissions to complete an operation in another class that has those permissions.


  • 这里说明件事情于,当注册中心服务定义策略作为单独文件加载时,策略附件如何一方面链接服务定义,一方面链接到某个策略。

    One thing not yet shown here is how a policy attachment can link to a service definition on one hand, and link to a policy on the other hand, when both are loaded in the registry as separate files.


  • 一方面就意味着建立了新的条目并且同步的时候,你必须为它选择一个分类。

    That means on the other hand, if you add a new item and you wish to synchronize it with an external source, you MUST choose a category.


  • 一方面可能隐藏参议院法规中,某种方式:参议院拒绝[这种方式进行的提名其他类似的事情]者提供席位

    On the other hand, there is probably some way, buried in Senate rules, for the Senate to refuse to seat anyone he names, or something like that.


  • 一方面西方国家进步概念基于建立个人自主自由

    In the West, on the other hand, the idea of progress rests on establishing individual autonomy and liberty.


  • 一方面,所分配虚拟镜像使用一个特殊的端口分组

    On the other side, a specific port group is used for provisioned virtual images.


  • 一方面也不能强制宗教信仰、法定假日或者生活习惯,所以必须鼓励宽容。

    On the other hand, it cannot enforce religious practices and holidays, or different ways of life, so it must preach tolerance.


  • 一方面,“猎户星”号航天飞机很多所以不会很多内置累赘

    On the other hand, Orion will be a much smaller vehicle than the shuttle, so it will have less built-in redundancy.


  • 一方面如果能够一小方法得到很大的帮助,你可能不无道理的。

    On the other hand, if you can point to a small group of people that your idea will be insanely helpful to, you might be onto something.


  • 一方面指出既然研究成果应用现实世界时需要审慎那么不加区别地攻击这些研究成果同样明智的。

    On the other hand, he pointed out that while there was clearly a need to be prudent while applying research to the real world, it would also be unwise to attack it wholesale.


  • 兰德一方面,则措辞相当精明。

    Rand, on the other hand, was rhetorically shrewd.


  • 一方面庞奇一个已经被判重罪的人,尽管麦克马斯特先生全世界的人直到事后了解

    Ponzi, on the other hand, was already a convicted felon, though Mr. McMasters and the world did not find that out until later.


  • 一方面面向服务体系架构(SOA)项目可能截然不同的。

    On the other hand, your service-oriented architecture (SOA) projects are likely to be fundamentally different.


  • 一方面贫困绝对标准让人不敢恭维,因为它们是以专家定义的均衡营养食谱为依据。

    On the other hand, absolute standards of poverty are creepy, reliant as they are on expert definitions of a nutritionally balanced diet.


  • 而桌面应用程序一方面很多更好用户交互性因为所有处理用户的机器本身,所以能给以更加无缝的用户体验。

    Desktop applications, on the other hand, had much better user interactivity because all of the processing was being done natively on the user's machine, resulting in a more seamless user experience.


  • 一方面英国确实未经战斗退出印度,只有为数极少的几个观察员此事大约年前实际预测

    On the other hand, the British did get out of India without fighting, an event which very few observers indeed would have predicted until about a year before it happened.


  • 一方面实现事务门户要求更多地理解选择门户集成每个系统

    On the other hand, implementing transaction portals requires more understanding of each system that has been selected for integration with the portal.


  • 一方面英国与众不同:失业增长率低于其他国家(这些国家解决按揭债务问题)。

    Britain stands out in another respect, too: its unemployment rate has risen by far less than in other places that had also racked up big mortgage debts.


  • 一方面不是业内人士从来不布兰克·费恩面前运行公司

    On the other hand, it's not like the traders never ran the company before Blankfein.


  • 但是一方面银行一览无遗的反映经济

    But as elsewhere, its Banks are a reflection of its economy, warts and all.


  • 琳达·格拉顿指出一方面,“一些人65了还非常聪明。”

    On the other hand, points out Lynda Gratton, "there are some really smart 65-year-olds."


  • 一方面如果编写插件插件可以单独分发不必提供一个GIMP自定义版本就可供他人使用

    On the other hand, if you write a plug-in, it can be distributed by itself, without the need for a custom version of GIMP for other people to use.


  • 一方面RACF中的UPDATE访问权限将取代先前授予group1的所以权限,因为访问权限是累加的。

    On the other hand with RACF, UPDATE access supersedes any access which had previously been granted to GROUP1, since access is cumulative.


  • 一方面一种模型发现不足人们通常不会立刻抛弃,而是通过修正对之进行拯救

    On the other hand, when a model is found lacking, people still often don't abandon the model but instead attempt to save it through modifications.


  • 倾向认为一个大胆的观点一方面可能也是错误的。

    No, I'm inclined to think that that other bold claim, on the other side, is probably mistaken as well.


  • 倾向认为一个大胆的观点一方面可能也是错误的。

    No, I'm inclined to think that that other bold claim, on the other side, is probably mistaken as well.


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