Paul applies for an online school, while Bill attends classes at school.
Working on the farm is much more interesting than having classes at school .
A good time to leave your phone at home would be at school or when visiting a hospital.
I spend all the day in school, having classes, and after class, I have to spend some time in study.
The next morning, while I was having classes at school, an uncle came to my class and asked me to go back home.
That day, I had classes in school. I had intended to ask leaves from the teacher, but he did not approve.
I was asked to stay in school, my school from my house a hundred 90 kilometers far away so that can not Huijia.
As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, Mrs. Thompson told the children an untruth.
KKW: When I meet university students, I ask them what advantages they would have if they become a light designer.
The mobile phone was a distraction to students during school hours and it also brought teachers so much trouble in class before.
My son came home from school Friday telling me how he had gotten into trouble in band class for yelling during practice.
Students attend classes together and have the same guidance counselors; local employers partner with the academies and provide work experience while the students are still in school.
When classes resumed after the holiday, police patrols were stepped up near schools.
Take some classes: If you learn best in a classroom environment, head over to your local community college.
The ordinary school cannot give much practical training in living, because most of the students' time is spent in classes, studying lessons.
When you are in BJU, take more lessons, play less computer games in dorms and sleep less.
The president noted that “bullying has been shown to lead to absences and poor performance in the classroom.
I can stay in campus, have class and take part in various activities and so on without receiving the stress from outside.
The typical full-time college load is 12 credit hours, so between classes and studying, you can expect to commit 36 hours to school.
He told us that one way of getting acquainted with each other in a new school was by a series of short speeches in class periods during the first week or two in school.
It is only after a tense meeting between the PTA and the school management and under threat of media intervention that they agreed to ban cars from the playground during school times.
Today, I was in an unfamiliar building on campus and I needed to use the bathroom before class started.
Two days before graduation I talked to my mother and father about Bible college. I wanted to go, but I was afraid.
Two days before graduation I talked to my mother and father about Bible college. I wanted to go, but I was afraid.