• 很久很久以前一个小村庄里住着一位老师。

    Long long ago, there lived a teacher in a small village.


  • 麦凯乐博士这项发现表明这种复杂很久很久以前开始了。

    Dr McKellar's finds suggest, at least, that that complexity began to evolve a long time ago.


  • 很久很久以前可以跟很多约会直到有一天你某人许下了千金一诺。

    In the old days, you could date multiple people until you decided to commit to one person.


  • 很久很久以前,你可以跟很多约会直到有一天你某人许下千金一诺

    I can meet someone in another state, and they end up being the best friend of the cousin of a guy I dated a year ago.


  • 允许描述这样情景很久很久以前陆地上出现了一叫作人类”的生物。

    Please allow me to describe the following scene first: A long, long time ago, a species named "Homo erectus" appeared on the surface of the earth.


  • 另一面随着岁月流逝,描绘东西很久很久以前有着重要的价值的,我而言无足轻重。

    On the other side there's the depiction, worn with age, of something that was important long, long ago, but not to me.


  • 从前很久很久以前太阳月亮姐妹她们母亲黑暗夜空遥远地闪烁著颗很淡却又很美丽的星星

    Once upon a time, a long, long while ago, the Sun, the Wind, and the Moon were three sisters, and their mother was a pale, lovely Star that shone, far away, in the dark evening sky.


  • 一颗心名字玻璃可是很久很久以前并不知道自己名字叫玻璃,直到玻璃遇上另外一颗心,这颗的名字叫铁石

    Have a heart, and its name is glass, but in the long, long time ago, it does not know the name of the glass until the glass case of another heart, heart is the name of iron.


  • 很久很久以前遥远的地方,住着一位国王一位王后,他们因为第一个孩子,一个女儿的诞生非常开心

    A long time ago and far away there lived a King and a Queen.they were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born.


  • 很久很久以前遥远而美丽的城堡里着一个年轻王子

    Once upon a time,in a faraway land,a young prince lived in a shining castle.


  • 很久很久以前美丽的小河山谷中森林里草地间自由的穿行。

    Once upon a time there was a beautiful river finding her way among the hills, forests, and meadows.


  • 担心无论如何因为永远都不会现实生活”中使用汉字,因为大多数日本人很久很久以前放弃阅读了,它们要花大多数的时间宠物小精灵上。

    Don't worry, however, since you'll never have to use kanji in "real life", since most Japanese gave up on reading a long, long time ago, and now spend most of their time playing Pokemon.


  • 长一顿时间里,大多数没有很久很久以前或者科幻小说中的超级英雄,这种商业娱乐活动呈现舒适而且比较富裕生活。

    For a long time most commercial entertainments not set in the distant past or in some science-fiction superhero fantasyland have taken place in a realm of generic ease and relative affluence.


  • 整个美妙的事情真的发生了,很久很久以前梅西船坞,河,泰晤士河得逊河边

    The whole wonderful thing did happen, a long time ago, on the Mersey, on the Elbe, by the Thames and the Hudson River.


  • 很久很久以前说不定哪一我们就会这样告诉我们孩子),我们去音像店音乐广播音乐,杂志上了解音乐信息,电视的音乐资讯节目上看MV。

    Once upon a time (as we might one day tell our children) we bought music in record stores, listened to it on the radio, read about it in magazines and watched it on Top Of The Pops.


  • 是的历史文化听说本书是关于很久很久以前很久很久以前中国那时侯许多不同的国家。

    Yes, history culture. I've heard of one book about a long time ago, a long time ago in China. When there were different like different states.


  • 民间传说是这样说的,很久很久以前岛上,人们总是交易生意上的事争论不休,争论究竟应该用什么作为支付工具

    A long time ago in Yap, the legend goes, people were always arguing about trading and doing business, and what to accept as a method of payment.


  • 很久很久以前丹麦孩子父亲是个鞋匠。父亲去世后母亲改嫁了。

    Once upon a time there was a poor boy who lived in Denmark. His father, a shoemaker, had died, and his mother had married.


  • 很久很久以前丹麦孩子父亲是个鞋匠。父亲去世后母亲改嫁了。

    Once upon a time there was a poor boy who lived in Denmark. His father, a shoemaker, had died, and his mother had married again.


  • 虽然格拉斯最近冲突通过燃烧军团理所当然地代替他们重要地位,但是他们艾泽拉斯历史部分可以追述很久很久以前

    Their part in Azeroth's history lies far, far back in time, although Sargeras has of course taken a more active role in recent conflicts through the Burning Legion.


  • 很久很久以前辉煌古老城市一座辉煌而古老的城堡,里面住着一位伟大的哲学家国王。

    Once upon a time, there was a great and ancient city with a great and ancient castle, and in that castle there lived a great philosopher-king.


  • 很久很久以前树林附近屋里住着一位贫穷老婆婆

    Long, long ago, in a small house near the woods there lived a poor old woman.


  • 很久很久以前古希腊每年春天人们都要向众神之雷亚敬献贡品

    Long, long, ago, in ancient Greece, the people paid tribute to Rhea, the Mother of the Gods, each spring.


  • 很久很久以前遥远小岛上生活着一些愉快人民就是西太平洋瑙鲁

    Very long a long time ago, living on one distant isle a few happy people, this island is in namely on the west Pacific Nauru.


  • 很久很久以前皇宫附近小村庄里住着男孩朋友们

    Long long ago, in a village near the emperor's palace was a little boy, his friends.


  • 很久很久以前,有车夫。一天,他正驾着马车路上行驶

    A long time ago, a carter was driving his cart, when a mantis jumped out in front of the cart.


  • 很久很久以前农村住着一只乌鸦

    There once lived a young crow in the countryside.


  • 很久很久以前遥远的地方,住着一位国王一位王后,他们因为第一个孩子,一个女儿的诞生非常开心

    A long time ago and far away there lived a King and a Queen. They were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born.


  • 很久很久以前遥远的地方,住着一位国王一位王后,他们因为第一个孩子,一个女儿的诞生非常开心

    A long time ago and far away there lived a King and a Queen. They were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born.


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