• 虽然内心深处等不及开始馅饼的课程

    Although deep down in my heart, I couldn't wait to start the tart classes!


  • 内心深处心灵港湾你!

    You are in my heart of hearts, is the harbor of my mind, I love you!


  • 这个假期中,好多内心深处努力学习熟悉的东西

    I thought of very much in the holidays, deeply in my heart , I would begin to work harder to study what was strange things to me .


  • 之所以受托身份来到这里,是因为,内心深处意识这个决不仅仅个人荣誉

    I say I come as a trustee, for in the depths of my heart I am aware that this prize is much more than an honor to me personally.


  • 所以的内心深处一直一种感觉:“承诺什么事情时,现实一些否则失去人生。”

    So a feeling is kept in my deep heart :"be realistic when you make promise, otherwise you will lost your life."


  • 不用说,内心深处搏动一定形象,一定是视觉回忆味觉联系一起,试图味觉来到我的面前。

    Undoubtedly what is thus palpitating in the depths of my being must be the image, the visual memory which, being linked to that taste, is trying to follow it into my conscious mind.


  • 就是指望人前夸耀,但是的内心深处这样的把握:即使所有不与为伍,你也会依然身边

    The true love is not for showing, but I am sure that even if all other people abandon me, you will still be my side.


  • 然而的内心深处声音安慰没事的,这声音就是经历生活其它艰难时期带给慰藉的那同一个声音。

    Yet there was a voice deep inside me that assured me I would be okay, the same voice that had brought me comfort during the other tough times in my life.


  • 内心深处认为我的邻居们所说的大部分好的东西其实都不好的东西。如果需要为什么事情忏悔的话,可能就是我的习惯

    The greater part of what my neighbors call good I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behavior.


  • 内心深处”这三个有着特殊重量不能轻易说出来的。因为珍贵,所以,更多的时候愿意心底,而不是挂嘴上。

    At the bottom of my heart "I love you" It's three words have a special weight, are not easy to tell you.


  • 最大的遗憾就是没有付出更多因为在我内心深处太多太多付出的东西了。

    My greatest regret is that I have not given out much, much more, because inside me there is much, much more that I would have liked to give.


  • 人类进步没有任何信仰,“内心深处不由自主地承认那些亲爱的同胞们,除了极为少数的一些,其余的都是毫无价值的。”

    He had no faith in progress or people: "in the depths of my heart I can't help being convinced that my dear fellow men, with a few exceptions, are worthless."


  • 知道当时内心深处一种舒服感觉知道仍然那里在我需要任何时候他都那里——一直那里,对面

    I know now that I did feel a sense of comfort in the very back of my mind knowing he was still there, always there, across the street, anytime I needed him.


  • IBM可能一样夜以继日、牺牲周末的时间,内心深处知道,如果周末干活或者5点钟回家股票并不就此下挫。

    At IBM, I probably put in just as many late nights and weekends, but somewhere deep down I knew that if I didn't work one weekend, or went home at 5 p.m. one day, the stock wasn't going to tank.


  • 至少有生之年认为它们内心深处是无可替代的。

    I consider them all irreplaceable-at least in my lifetime-so after deciding to build a treehouse, I thought long and hard about where to put it.


  • 一直假装没有任何发生。但是内心深处知道早已离开了那就是觉得窘困原因

    I keep on pretending as if nothing had happened, but deep in my heart, I know you have left me, and thats why I feel embarrassed.


  • 每个人每天的日子周围世界传达着“是什么”,都展现们的激情,都是反映内心深处感受

    Each of us lives a life that expresses who we are, reacts to the world around us, shows our passions, reflects our deep river of feeling and being.


  • 看透眼神就如打开我的内心深处扎根,停留我的麻木之内。

    How can you see into my eyes like open doors. Leading you down into my core Where I've become so numb.


  • 虔诚声音内心深处冒出来中,能为撑一把伞呢?

    A faint sound came from the bottom of my heart, in the rain, who could hold an umbrella for me?


  • 名片上,任天堂的社长我的脑海里游戏开发者在我内心深处是一名玩家

    On my business card, I am a corporate President. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.


  • 透过艺术得以通往内心深处世界的路径漫游,并且将省视的结果视觉化。

    Art shows me how to look at inner and outer worlds and make them visible in my own way.


  • 透过艺术得以通往内心深处世界的路径漫游,并且将省视的结果视觉化。

    Art shows me how to look at inner and outer worlds and make them visible in my own way.


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