• 接下来日子里更多镇上的年轻人被捕了

    In the following days, several more youths from the town were arrested.


  • 接下来日子里一套系统回答问题

    Over the following days I'll be talking about a new system to answer questions.


  • 我们目标这些东西打分,使接下来日子里解决他们

    And our goal is to grade those things and get them back to you the following day.


  • 问题你该想出什么法子接下来日子提高博客的访问量。

    The problem is how to come up with good ideas to sustain your blog in the next few months.


  • 接下来日子里世界各地电话接连不断,但是没有一个使感到满意

    In the following days, phones from all of the world came to sell him the perfect gift. However, none of them interested him.


  • 虽然艰苦,但是接下来日子里我们习惯了,开始享受自由时光

    It was tough, but in the coming days, we got used to it and started to enjoy the free time.


  • 我们兴奋接下来的日子里我们全部都借口保持紧密联系

    We are 23)thrilled that we all have an excuse to keep more closely in touch in the seasons to come.


  • 如果的话接下来日子里不会过得安宁除非完成作业

    If I don't follow her words, I wouldn't have peace in the following days until I finish my homework.


  • 接下来日子里我们一种非常非常非常直接方式向你们演示如何实现

    In the coming days, we will show how we handle this in a very, very direct way.


  • 接下来日子里一样的支持者将会开始全国锻造一个全新的、属于我们组织

    In the coming days, supporters like you will begin forging a new organization that we'll build together in cities and towns across the country.


  • 我们亲人们致以最美好的圣诞祝福接下来的日子里事业兴旺,幸福美满!

    We wish the merriest of Lantern Festival to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the days ahead!


  • 接下来的日子里任命另外5名杰出美国人包括科学家工程师以及环保人士加入这个委员会中

    In the days to come, I'll appoint 5 other distinguished Americans - including scientists, engineers, and environmental advocates - to join them on the Commission.


  • 但是提到我们恢复繁荣之前还有段很长的录要接下来日子里还是有可能有多人失业

    But he cautioned 'we have a long way to go before we return to prosperity' and more job losses were likely in coming days.


  • 接下来日子里这些白色粉末回家并且建议那打喷嚏儿子吸入一些手背上这些粉末。

    The following day he brought home some of this (cellulose) powder and suggested his sneezing son should 'sniff' some of the powder off the back of his hand.


  • 然而假如两个接下来日子里能够达成书面协议的话,萨帕特罗时代最终逆转可能仅仅周后确立。

    But the final big U-turn of the Zapatero era could be settled in just three weeks, assuming the two big parties can agree on a text over the coming days.


  • 天气预报显示这场天灾接下来日子越发严重,周末又大雨。 “接下来的三天会有强降雨,防洪工作困难重重。”

    Weather forecasts suggested the crisis would only worsen in the coming days, with rain expected through the weekend.


  • 由于受伤觉得自己无法重返职业赛场,接下来日子里Boris Yeltsin的经历作为美好的人生回忆

    Plagued by injuries Anastasia doesn't think she will make a return to the professional tour and has decided to live her life preserving the memory of Boris Yeltsin.


  • 即将发布季报本周接下来日子里将陆陆续续季报公布。

    Quarterly reports on the horizon: The rest of the week brings a slew of quarterly financial reports.


  • 卡尔·瓦格纳独生女儿作为一位父亲说道,我必须甘心接受接下来16多数日子里,无法切尔西一起。

    Carl Wagner, who was also the father of an only daughter, told me I'd have to reconcile myself to being away from Chelsea for most of the next sixteen months.


  • 测试进行一个他们发现某些日子,他们每天可以发送高达7000条短信推动了他们下来的一个月打破记录的企图

    On a test run the prior month, they found that they could send up to 7,000 texts on some days, which prompted their record-breaking attempt the following month.


  • 接下来一个有风日子他们附近山上放风筝了。

    On the next windy day, they took the kite to a hill near their house and flew it.


  • 接下来成功日子里杜梅尼科斯蒂芬诺面孔成为他们品牌代名词

    In the years of success which have followed, the faces of Domenico and Stefano have become synonymous with their brand.


  • 芭蕉接下来经历了许多痛苦只有健康的人才存活日子里连续失去了两孩子然后芭蕉失去了妻子菊子。

    Issa continued to face much sorrow. He lost one child after another at a time when only the healthiest people survived. Then he lost his wife, Kiku, as well.


  • 新月带来好运接下来日子里,把你的提薪要求大声说出来。

    Speak up and ask for an increase in the days that follow the new moon for best luck.


  • 个人层面……不明袭击者我们为目标、我们接下来其余日子里破门而入设法捉拿他们时,开始意识到麻烦

    On a personal level... I started to sense trouble when unidentified attackers targeted us and as we spent the rest of the days breaking in houses trying to catch them.


  • 个人层面……不明袭击者我们为目标、我们接下来其余日子里破门而入设法捉拿他们时,开始意识到麻烦

    On a personal level... I started to sense trouble when unidentified attackers targeted us and as we spent the rest of the days breaking in houses trying to catch them.


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