• 进了大学寝室生活是个严酷现实只有星期四的晚上,寝室才会无一人。

    Dorm life is a harsh reality to college, and the only time the room is empty is on a Thursday night.


  • 那时,斯蒂芬·摩根星期四晚上潜入了当地的警察局ACB回到了以往的嘈杂,虽然平常更多限制

    By the time Stephen Morgan turned himself into the police Thursday evening, cacophony had returned to the ACB, albeit more restrained than usual.


  • 星期四晚上首都举行庆祝活动包括来自白宫高级职员祝酒,再家人朋友聚会

    The festivities in the capital on Thursday evening will include a toast from senior White House staff, followed by a party with family and friends.


  • 很棒一向乐于认识朋友并且尽量每个星期四晚上举行送别聚会,邀请我这一周里这个城市认识的所有朋友参加。

    That’s cool too, I am always up for meeting new people, and try to have a send off every Thursday night in each city with all the people I have met and worked with during that week.


  • 星期四晚上,柏利伦敦一场华丽晚宴上得到了这项尊荣。此之前,“每日电讯报”很难得地获准登上皇家海军“不懈”号采访,潜艇通常严格保密的。

    Before he received his prestigious award at a glittering dinner in London on Thursday night, The Daily Telegraph was granted rare access to HMS Tireless, which is normally veiled by strict secrecy.


  • 事情开始1997年夏天星期四晚上之所以记得因为那一晚我公寓地板做着文书工作,同时看《老友记》。

    It began in the summer of 1997. It was a Thursday night; I remember this because I was sitting on the floor of my apartment doing paperwork for my job as I watched Friends.


  • 接着星期四下午挑选密苏里州参议员汤姆.伊格尔顿作为竞选伙伴之后,而当天晚上投票又默认了另外几个提名人被拿出来比较。

    Then, on Thursday afternoon, after he picked Senator Tom Eagleton of Missouri to be his running mate, McGovern allowed other names to be put in nomination against him during the voting that night.


  • 一些人试图星期四入侵全国保卫人民大会星期四晚上离开鲁因地区后,大约70迈迈族人试图进入那里,他们的计划到达基旺加村。

    There was some attempt of incursion on Thursday, when a group of about 70 Mai Mai tried to enter Rwindi, which was left by CNDP on Tuesday evening," said Dietrich.


  • 我们相当享受星期四晚上新布朗·费尔斯的兰大公园停车场举行音乐会

    We're also really enjoy the Thursday evening concerts in the park at Landa park in NB.


  • 卡特星期四晚上开罗发表演说之前的以色列加沙进行空袭,导致21死亡

    Mr. Carter's speech late Thursday in Cairo comes just one day after an Israeli air strike killed 21 people in the Gaza Strip.


  • 重型装备到达几个小时泥石流再次爆发,持续了晚上,重新阻断通往舟曲的一条主要道路。接着星期四了几暴雨,幸存者帐篷里乱成一团。

    Survivors huddled in tents under more rainstorms on Thursday, after a new overnight mudslide blocked a key road into Zhouqu only hours after heavy equipment had begun arriving.


  • 计划闹市区温哥华酒店提供了种巧克力每个星期四星期五星期六晚上吧。

    Planning: in the heart of downtown Vancouver, the hotel offers two chocolate-buffet seatings every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evening.


  • 他们强烈要求民众工作周末尾星期四晚上留守家中,因为通常那时街上都是熙来攘往

    People are being urged to stay at home on Thursday evenings at the end of the working week, when the streets usually bustle.


  • 约翰·麦克马洪表扬加盟后卫基里亚·科斯努力星期四晚上面对代表预备队2比3输给布莱克本比赛中出场亮相。

    John McMahon praised the effort of new defender Sotirios Kyrgiakos when he made his debut for the club during the reserves 3-2 defeat to Blackburn Rovers on Thursday night.


  • 哈瓦那——东部城市古巴圣地亚哥飞往首都古巴客机星期四晚上坠毁机上68包括28名外国人国家媒体报告

    HAVANA - a Cuban airliner flying from the eastern city of Santiago DE Cuba to the capital crashed Thursday night with 68 people aboard, including 28 foreigners, state media reported.


  • 很少这样激情迸发时刻,正如上个星期四西柏林爱乐乐团,我们墨西哥城爱乐乐团一起度过的那个晚上一样。

    In a few occasions there has been an explosion of enthusiasm such as the one we experienced last Thursday night with the Mexico City Philharmonic Orchestra at the West Berlin Philharmonic.


  • 星期四晚上公公打来电话,不要公婆家几天顺便他们复活节时候去海边的房子因为我没去过。

    In the evening of Thursday, Dad-in-law called me to ask whether I wanted to go to their place to stay several days and go to beach house with them.


  • 拜纳姆更好活动度星期四周三晚上的比赛中,的时候,他几乎胳膊他的衬衫足够他的头上。

    Bynum had better range of motion Thursday than he did Wednesday night, when he could barely lift his arm high enough to pull his shirt over his head.


  • 星期四晚上布什总结会谈重申美国争取和平协议以及鼓励双方进行和谈目标

    Bush capped the two days of talks Thursday evening with a restatement of U. s. goals for a peace deal as well as encouragement for both sides to pursue talks.


  • 星期四晚上布什总结会谈重申美国争取和平协议以及鼓励双方进行和谈目标

    Bush capped the two days of talks Thursday evening with a restatement of U. s. goals for a peace deal as well as encouragement for both sides to pursue talks.


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