• 晴朗的天气拍摄人物照片可打开闪光灯

    When taking people pictures on sunny days, turn your flash on.


  • 喜欢晴朗的天气里,一起朋友出去野餐风筝。

    On sunny days I like to go out to the park with my best friends for a picnic and some kite flying.


  • 层雾似乎使月光悬浮起来,让那层雾晴朗的天气里显得具有弥漫性

    It seemed to hold the moonlight in suspension, rendering it more pervasive than in clear air.


  • 会堂一端装有一个宽广的大门可以通往更远平台,使得晴朗天气可以举行露天表演

    A broad door is camouflaged at one end of the auditorium and opens onto a further terrace that can be used to host open-air performances during fair weather.


  • 一位工程师FM信号旁边又增加AM频道晴朗天气里,欧洲那么地方可以听到他们的广播。

    An engineer added an AM channel alongside the FM signal so that the station can be heard, on clear days, in places as far away as Europe.


  • 几个月里天气通常温暖晴朗所以记得一些防晒用品,尤其炎热日子里用

    The weather is usually warm and sunny during these months so remember to bring some sun protection, especially on hot days.


  • 比如说蓝天预示着晴朗天气就可以解释为什么各种文化中,蓝色人喜欢的。

    A blue sky, for example, indicates calm weather, which might explain why blue tends to be a favored color across cultures.


  • 天气晴朗一个较暗地点适当的时间可以看见跨过天空的微弱光带

    In a clear sky from a dark location at the right time, a faint band of light is visible across the sky.


  • 接下来几天里,结古镇天气以大风晴朗为主,开展救援提供了有利条件

    The town would see strong winds and sunny weather in the coming days, providing favorable conditions for rescue operation.


  • 高压天气系统天气以及晴朗天空带到美国同时,也创造了大气层上的艺术”。

    The high-pressure weather system that brought fair weather and relatively clear skies to the United States also created this atmospheric art.


  • 实际上也好错也罢(借用巧舌如簧辩论家的话),夏季天气晴朗的日子里安琪尔与其说大小教堂里听人讲道,不如说是大自然里接受教训。

    Angel, in fact, rightly or wrongly (to adopt the safe phrase of evasive controversialists), preferred sermons in stones to sermons in churches and chapels on fine summer days.


  • 威尔河横穿我家附近公园条小河喜欢天气晴朗下午到河边坐坐

    The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home. I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons.


  • 如果天气晴朗日子站立海边,你可以看到船桅烟囱沿着地平线移动而不见船体本身。

    If you stand by the seashore on a clear day, you can see the masts and funnels of invisible ships passing along the horizon.


  • 接下来几天里,结古镇天气以大风晴朗为主,这开展救援提供了有利条件

    Thee town would see strong winds and sunny weather in the coming days, providing favorable conditions for rescue operation.


  • 曾经听说过这座魔法控制下城堡神秘故事天气晴朗时候,他可以看到城堡的高塔耸立纠结缠绕的树木之中

    He had once heard mysterious stories of the enchanted castle whose tower he could see high above a forest of tangled trees on a clear day.


  • 天气晴朗夏日系统产生的能量超过建筑需求,多余的能量便转至该地区配电电网以此来抵消冬天对电力的消耗

    In fine summer weather, the system offers an energy surplus that will be rerouted to the region's power distribution grid and accounted for in winter consumption credits.


  • 春天天气总是晴朗的多雨的,,不热,很暖和了。

    In spring, the weather is aways sunny and rainy, it's not cold and not hot, it's warmer and warmer.


  • 周末特别是晴朗温和天气看到一些海上游泳,此外,一些家庭海岸上放松自己,晒日光浴。

    At the weekends, especially when it is sunny and warm, many people can be seen swimming.


  • 事实上厄尔尼诺引起暴雨天气持续几天后,加州大部分地区周四看到了晴朗的天气

    Indeed, most of California saw sunny skies again Thursday after days of powerful El Nino-driven storms drenched the region.


  • 纽约时装第四开始天气晴朗的天,冻雨冰冷街道

    The fourth day of New York Fashion Week was off to a very rough start weather-wise with wind, freezing rain and icy streets.


  • 春天了。天气晴朗温暖的。天空蓝色的。绿色的。美丽的鸟儿歌唱。春天来了。

    Spring is coming. The weather is sunny and warm. The sky is blue. The trees are green. The flowers are beautiful. The birds are singing. Spring is coming.


  • 由于发电站释放出来氮氧化物温暖晴朗气候和天气条件下催化臭氧形成

    They are caused by nitrogen oxides from power stations that catalyse the formation of ozone in warm and sunny conditions.


  • 星期二早些时候一些物理学家他们相信道轨迹飞行器留下而且天气晴朗时,由于人的错觉蒸汽显得像是垂直上升的。

    Some physicists said earlier on Tuesday they believed the trail had been left by an aircraft, and that on a clear day vapour can appear to rise vertically as the result of an optical illusion.


  • 许多北方城市一样,北京周五经历了特殊的天气寒冷依然晴朗

    Beijing, like most of northern China, has been spared the wild weather and was cold but clear Friday.


  • 二楼楼梯可以直接通向建筑屋顶,天气晴朗时候,可以看到东南方向43公里外威尼斯

    A second staircase leads to the flat-roof from where, during clear days, it is possible to glimpse Venice, 43 kilometers South-East.


  • 秋季天气晴朗凉爽天空很少出现浮云,夜空的月亮显得特别明亮,尤其是八月十五的晚上

    In autumn, it is fine and cool, with few floating clouds in the sky, and the moon at night seems particularly bright.


  • 秋季天气晴朗凉爽天空很少出现浮云,夜空的月亮显得特别明亮,尤其是八月十五的晚上

    In autumn, it is fine and cool, with few floating clouds in the sky, and the moon at night seems particularly bright.


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