He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would recognize him.
As policing is stepped up, however, much about the practice of bribery remains murky.
Additionally, an image with a histogram that has pixels maxing out the left end will have a loss of detail in the dark areas.
It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark. Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart.
Some people have thin Shuanzhao wallet on the street throwing themselves in the dark holding the other end of the line.
Someone tied with a thin wallet lost in the streets, holding their own in the dark on the other end.
Pretty much the brightest shade there is. Yes, its pretty gaudy, but people always see me on the bike.
If my uncle was seen turning the corner we hid in the shadow until we had seen him safely housed.
I never saw anything but felt that there was something there, just out of sight in the gloom, breathing and watching.
The dog is natural predators, by hunting and survival in the dark, so they have quite eyesight.
No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.
At the end of the four-week trial, my eyesight only declines very slightly during the day but in the dark, bright lights are still distorted.
Product appearance for presenting the edge by the rings, jade more than 30 minutes in the sunlight can send out a few hours of dark rays.
Product appearance for presenting the edge by the rings, jade sunshine more than 10 minutes in the dark can send out a few hours of rays.
为避免差错,勿在暗处服药。坚持在服用前先看药瓶标签,并特别注意其有效期和使用说明。 。
To avoid mistakes, do not take medicine in the dark. Always read the label before taking, especially noting the expiration date and any directions for use.
Designed, to keep me discreetly neatly in the corner, you'll find me with the flora and the fauna and the hardship.
What was happening I could not very well make out, but would keep staring at the rows of lighted casements from my place in the darkness.
Also, my trailer is bright yellow. Pretty much the brightest shade there is. Yes, its pretty gaudy, but people always see me on the bike.
You just need to head out somewhere dark, which is easier said than done for many people, and let your eyes adjust for ten minutes.
You just need to head out somewhere dark, which is easier said than done for many people, and let your eyes adjust for ten minutes.