• 方面一个文件夹

    You will then have a folder for each dimension.


  • 一部分组织过去2要求我们每一个方面我们业务

    Being part of this organization over the last 2 years has challenged us in every facet of our business.


  • 浪漫合作伙伴告诉朋友说,10一个方面

    Your new romantic partner will be telling friends that you're a "10" in every respect.


  • 每一个方面将概述一些看来理论重大影响作者所提出重要观点

    In each area I have summarized my view of the critical observations of a few authors who have shaped the theory.


  • 幸运太阳队,史蒂夫·纳什证明科比,这样每一个方面除了篮板

    Luckily for the Suns, Steve Nash proved that he can compete with Kobe and did so in every aspect except rebounds.


  • 他们方面其他民族不同他们外表包括他们刮光了前半部的脑袋后面根长长的辫子

    They were so very different in every respect: in their physical appearance, including a long "pigtail" at the back of their otherwise shaved heads;


  • 方面证明争论到底支持还是反对每一个不好想法我们需要考虑花费时间。

    On the other hand, we need to consider the amount of time it can take to demonstrate and argue the pros and cons of every bad idea.


  • 应该居住虚拟世界中,或者能够生活舒适当中,而且没有令人不高兴方面惊讶

    Each person should inhabit a virtual world that he or she can live in comfortably, without being surprised in unpleasant ways.


  • 进度安排方面依赖关系指出一个组成要素实现顺序

    In terms of scheduling, the dependencies imply an order in which each of these elements can be implemented.


  • 所以如果你们工程设计室里,你们遵守每一个设计步骤,以此保证你们遵守关于工程方面,的质量保障

    So if you're in the engineering design office you've got to follow every step of design procedures to make sure you are in compliance with quality assurance on the engineering side.


  • 由于领域没有出现可以遵从行业标准,因此设计方面仍然需要特定每一个用户

    As there are no industry standards to follow in this area, this aspect of the design is still specific for each customer. However, we are starting to see the following as common capabilities.


  • SWTBot对于参与其中的人来说很多方面都是一个学习的历程。

    SWTBot has been a learning experience in a lot of ways for everyone involved.


  • 不是一个字符串合法rexx符号——限制程序库中的关键字——但是相对大部分语言,Rexx符号命名方面非常自由

    Not every string is valid Rexx symbolwhich restricts the keys in the dictionary — but Rexx is pretty liberal about its symbol names, compared to most languages. E.g.


  • Purdy指出Oracle一直努力使每一个Coherence版本集群应用开发方面更容易些。

    Purdy noted that Oracle is continuing to make development of clustered applications easier with each new Coherence release.


  • 渗透我们生活就象只无形控制着我们每一个的思想行为

    It infiltrates in every aspect of our lives, like an invisible hand to control our thinking and behavior.


  • 早期我们父母中学到大脑进行编码然后反应我们行为中的几乎每一个方面

    What we learned from our parents in the early years will be encoded in our mind and be reflected in nearly every aspect of our behaviors.


  • 人为一个意义且更成功职业而努力时,自己职业技能方面都有改善空间

    Everyone has some room for improvement in their vocational skills as they strive toward a meaningful and successful career.


  • 保证访问者购买过程中,网站内容简单,又吸引力吗?这个方面你需要注意各个细节每一要有价值

    Have you made sure your copy is simple and engaging all the way through? This is an area where you should focus on details relentlessly. Make every word count.


  • 执行计划之前我们最好每一个方面仔细考虑,看看是否切实可行

    Before we put the new plan into practice, we had better scrutinize every aspect of it to make sure that it is practicable.


  • 机会方面我们不会巩固少数幸运儿优势,而是不遗余力帮助一个最大限度地发挥其才能,不论其背景如何。

    When it comes to opportunity we won't entrench the advantages of the fortunate few, we will do everything we can to help anybody, whatever your background, to go as far as your talents will take you.


  • 事实上这种整合隐含每一个祈祷我们什么除非严格按照神的普罗维登斯我们方面

    Indeed, this conformity is implied in every prayer: we should ask for nothing unless it be strictly in accordance with Divine Providence in our regard.


  • 研究深入了解武术馆校状况条件下深刻思考所以构思设想方面尽可能合理化科学化审视一个问题。

    This study is an in-depth understanding of Wushu schools health conditions of deep thinking, so in the conception and vision possible rationalization and scientific issues to look at each one.


  • 唯一判断标准你们哪些方面变得更自由更伟大每一个建立谬误无关紧要的事物上的社团更具威胁

    That is the only way to judge: in what way are you freer, greater, more dangerous to every Society which is based on the false and the unessential?


  • 通过中国古典园林中国古典文学史的回溯与再现,我们不难看出一个时期文学形式对园林不同方面产生不同程度的影响

    Through the study of classical Chinese garden and classical Chinese literature history, we can find that every kind of literature form in every period can affect garden in different aspects.


  • 所以门窗设备装置调试方面需求协调好各个区域工作掌握每一个国际这么调试起来不会问题了。

    So in the installation of doors and Windows equipment debugging, the need to coordinate the work of various regions, to grasp every international, so it will not debug the problem.


  • 复杂对象缓冲技术方面提出实现复杂对象维持一个非定长页面的对象缓冲区方法,避开传统定长负面缓冲机制缺陷

    Presents the implementation technique of keeping a non-fixed-page object buffer for each complex object, which avoids the drawback of the traditional fixed-page buffering mechanism.


  • 复杂对象缓冲技术方面提出实现复杂对象维持一个非定长页面的对象缓冲区方法,避开传统定长负面缓冲机制缺陷

    Presents the implementation technique of keeping a non-fixed-page object buffer for each complex object, which avoids the drawback of the traditional fixed-page buffering mechanism.


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