• 他们过于匆忙火化尸体时有时他们烧毁还活着的人们!……他们应当等一等

    When they're in too much of a hurry to burn them, sometimes they burn them alive! … They should wait.


  • 他们本世纪之前驾驶宇宙飞船到达那里,让今天活着及时看到

    They say it could be reached by an unmanned spaceship before the end of the century in time for people alive today to see it.


  • 断乎不可我们死了,岂可仍罪中活着

    By no means! How can we who died to sin go on living in it?


  • 士兵救出刘先生欢呼时候,其他队伍依然废墟洞,因为还有三个当时麻将依然废墟活着

    Even as soldiers cheered at the rescue of Mr Liu, rescue teams were burrowing into the other side of the building. Three men who had been playing mahjong together were still alive.


  • ,就是开心天——我活着心存感激,为生活的每一份小小恩赐而心生欢喜,做让自己开心的事情相爱的身边。

    One where I am grateful for being and breathing, enjoying the little things life has to offer, doing things that make me happy and spending time with the people I love.


  • 以后我们活着存留的他们一同提到云里空中相遇这样,我们就要和主永远同

    Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.


  • 试着儿子培养优秀一个活着世界变得更美好

    I am trying to build a good human being here, someone who will make the world better for his presence.


  • 比克妻子德琳电邮里面写到:"兰迪个为作为一个消防员的意义而活着

    Wiebicke's wife, Madeline, said Randy was "a man who lived his life in the spirit of what being a firefighter meant to him.


  • 之前,远于黑莓星巴克时代曾经我们只能活着进行交流

    Many generations ago, long before Blackberries and Starbucks, there was a time when we could only interact with other people while they were still alive.


  • 二十世纪以前没有经历总数成倍的增长,但是如今活着看到三倍口增长。

    Before the 20th century, no human had lived through adoubling of the human population, but there are people alive today who haveseen it triple.


  • 嘎嘎也是活着脸谱和上那个受欢迎根据Famecout显示,通过网站追踪了大众媒体用户表现

    Gaga is also the most popular living person on Facebook, according to Famecount, which tracks social media users' performances across the web.


  • 76天后三个渔民发现了,他还活着(世界遭遇海难救生艇上存活最长时间的),他当时瘦骨嶙峋,与出航前相比简直判若两然而他还活着

    Yet when three fishermen found him seventy-six days later (the longest anyone has survived a shipwreck on a life raft alone), he was alive-much skinnier than he was when he started, but alive.


  • 个脆弱地质断裂带百万计的口,这一切太令熟悉了,灾难性的后果可能是不可避免的,她说。

    The all-too-familiar combination of millions of people living by a major fault rupture in quake.


  • 虽然不是所有为出版而写作但是谱写每个活着都有作者的力量

    Not all of us write for publication, but every living person has the power of authorship when it comes to composing our lives.


  • 就是亲爱的必得眼睛看到地方耳朵听到的地方,地方好好活着

    That is dear to the people, you will be in my eyes to see places, in my ears to hear, in my hand can ask to place, live.


  • 这项研究中的患者离世几周几天内做梦往往更加频繁,且梦境中故去者多于活着

    In the weeks and days before death, the dreams of the patients in the study tended to occur with greater frequency, populated with the dead rather than the living.


  • 长的一段日子我们心存哀思可能钢筋混凝土城市重建这些年,我们可以通过爱身边活着来纪念逝者。

    We will mourn for a long time still, and it may be years before the concrete cities are rebuilt, but we can honor the memory of those who lost their lives by loving those who are still alive.


  • 依然还债那个被我杀死活着

    I'm still paying for it and I'm living my life for the person I killed.


  • 很久很久以前遥远小岛上活着一些愉快就是西太平洋瑙鲁

    Very long a long time ago, living on one distant isle a few happy people, this island is in namely on the west Pacific Nauru.


  • 那些活着带回来都很惧怕每次听到声音旁细语逼自己就范,便暗自咒骂

    Those he brought in alive were terrified of him, and swore at every turn they could hear his voice whispering in their ears, compelling them to surrender.


  • 有的呼吸空气只为碌碌无为地膰活着,或是懊悔中度过余生

    Some people use the air to sustain them while they sit around and feel sorry for themselves.


  • 中国西南一角,这里的们阔别那片喧嚣安详活着

    Life in the country's south-west glides along rather sedately.


  • 中国西南一角,这里的们阔别那片喧嚣安详活着

    Life in the country's south-west glides along rather sedately.


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