• 特殊场合婚礼精心装饰银饰完全盖住木质高跷或者银饰。

    For special occasions, like a wedding, the wooden stilts were entirely covered with intricately decorated silver, or with small silver ornaments.


  • EAT报告认为,印度这样的国家传统饮食很少这些可能特殊场合食用或者作为混合菜肴中的少量配料

    The EAT report presumes that "traditional diets" in countries like India include little red meat, which might be consumed only on special occasions or as minor ingredients in mixed dishes.


  • 特殊场合凉亭座位腾出作为家庭表演舞台

    On special occasions, the seating in the pavilion can be cleared to act as a stage for family performances.


  • 产品采用原理特殊场合使用干式变压器。

    The pressure to adopt the principle of magnetic flux leakage of Health, the use of special occasions at the dry-type transformers.


  • 生活一场戏里学习在特殊场合如何表现,”

    "It's like being in a play - you have to learn how to behave in certain situations," she says.


  • 传统白俄罗斯服装起源于基辅罗斯,今天特殊场合仍然有人穿着。

    Traditional Belarusian dress originated from the time of Kievian Rus continues to be worn today at special functions.


  • 我们专业厨师团队能为我们的客户特殊场合的定制独家菜单

    Our team of professional chefs also prepares exclusive menus for special occasions for our customers.


  • 今天人们通常穿西服,特殊场合穿容易穿着。更凉爽舒适浴衣

    Today people often wear western clothes, and wear the easier to wear, cool and comfortable Yukata in special time.


  • 训练每天都要做,并不仅仅特殊场合尘土一样处理点事情就可以的。

    Coaching is a daily event, not just something to be brought out and dusted off for special occasions.


  • 为了特殊场合,准确地测量电压,可以设计一种微处理器组成声音电压表

    The Sound voltmeter composed of microprocessor, which is designed by the author of the paper, provide a new electronic measuring tool for voltmeter measurement under special conditions.


  • 身体其他部位灰烬,化为粉末后将公牛中,特殊场合公牛角授予勇士

    The rest of the body would be burned to ash, ground to powder and made into a paste in the horn of a bull to be administered to the warriors on special occasions.


  • 俄罗斯家庭里蔬菜馅饼为饭前点心和传统的开胃食物,而且每天在特殊场合是这样。

    Meat, fish and vegetable pasties are the first refreshments and traditional starters in Russian houses, both on everyday and special occasions.


  • 特殊场合穿着的礼服花格图案色彩明亮鲜艳,狩猎时穿着的花格图案则通常绿色蓝色棕色

    "Dress" tartans, worn on special occasions, have light, bright colours. "Hunting" tartans are usually green, blue or brown.


  • 见面并打招呼,餐桌礼仪公共场所特殊场合陌生人朋友一起,个人习惯和外表

    Meeting and greeting people, table manners, in public places, special occasions, with strangers and friends, personal habits and appearance, some points for men.


  • Kiribath斯里兰卡人常的与意大利调味饭最相似的东西,只有特殊场合下才,但是我们常年爱吃的饭。

    Kiribath is the closest Sri Lankan thing we have to a risotto. Made on special occasions, kiribath is a perennial favourite.


  • 传统国家体育项目摔跤运动,欢迎的体育项目包括英式足球摔跤特殊场合举行传统的马背上的比赛。

    The traditional national sport is Kurash, and the popular sports in the country include soccer, wrestling and the orthodox horseback games which are played on special occasions.


  • 我们忙乱安排子女侄子侄女堂兄弟姐妹什么的餐桌旁一一就坐,就跟摆放特殊场合才偶尔一用的精美餐具似的。

    We noisily arrange children, nieces, nephews, Cousins around tables, placing them like good China that we take out for special occasions.


  • 公司意识到,100个亚洲人中只有7个使用体产品,很多俄罗斯人其他地方的特殊场合使用该类产品,婚礼上

    Only seven out of every 100 Asians use deodorants, the company reckons, while many Russians and others use them only for special occasions, such as weddings.


  • 来说,社会交际或特殊场合穿着无尾晚礼服最佳选择

    Tuxedo for different social meets and special occasions can be the best formal wear choice for you.


  • 特殊场合寄送卡片——比如圣诞节新年母亲节以及生日——已经成了美国一种传统

    Sending cards for special occasions--- such as Christmas, New Year, Mother’s Day, and birthdayshas been an American tradition.


  • 特殊场合寄送卡片——比如圣诞节新年母亲节以及生日——已经成了美国一种传统

    Sending cards for special occasions--- such as Christmas, New Year, Mother’s Day, and birthdayshas been an American tradition.


  • 玛丽·内拉感动大笑起来,这个绅士灌了通甜型茴香酒,酒是她的枕头底下预备特殊场合用的,不一会儿,晕晕乎乎的了,说话也不连理了。

    Moved to scream, Marianela poured the little gentleman sweet anisette, which she kept under her pillow for extremely special occasions, and before long, he was dazed and stammering.


  • 也许篇文章应该此结束,需要注意这种技巧制作一般用途绕线时非常有用用于其他要求特殊考虑的场合

    It should probably go without saying, but this technique is very useful for general-purpose wiring, and is not for anything requiring special considerations.


  • 相反,我们面对往往不同表达方式的选择这些表达方式某种情况不失为不错的格式,只是就我们关心的特殊场合而言,存何种表达方式相对更好的问题。

    We are usually faced with a choice between expressions, any of which would be admirable in certain circumstances, but one of which is best for the particular occasion with which we are concerned.


  • 相反,我们面对往往不同表达方式的选择这些表达方式某种情况不失为不错的格式,只是就我们关心的特殊场合而言,存何种表达方式相对更好的问题。

    We are usually faced with a choice between expressions, any of which would be admirable in certain circumstances, but one of which is best for the particular occasion with which we are concerned.


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