In the real world, problems rarely come neatly packaged, so being able to discern their deep structure is key.
Teams of four students make a video illustrating a math problem and its real-world application.
And that's the problem with a social cure engineered from the outside: in the real world, as in school, we insist on choosing our own friends.
In the real world, this phenomenon has had powerful implications, sometimes even when wealth is a result of hard work.
It can be as time consuming and exhausting as making the effort to get yourself out in the world and find love in person.
In the real world, that information would have been loaded from a database, Web service, or something similar.
In the real world, an activity such as going to dinner with your friends could be considered a loosely coupled activity.
In the physical world, an artist may choose to draw on paper, cloth, or even a wall.
In the real world, however, we have seen very frequent coding errors caused by this lack of convenient functions.
But that doesn't mean that in this world the mind is not identical to my body.
Let me begin by putting my CARDS on the table: in the real world, I'm unconditionally opposed to torture.
However, in the empirical world it is possible to test this and thus learn from it.
However, in the real world, there are often functional areas in any product set where overlaps exist.
Compared with an experimental situation, in the real world people have their own goals which may conflict with those of the group.
Intermediaries are widely used in the real world; see the sidebar below for an example.
"In the real world, the laws go unenforced and impunity is the norm, " she said.
In the real world, no such thing as pure data-centric, process-based, or policy interoperability exists.
In the physical world, for example, burglars can break through a locked door, but they leave evidence in doing so.
The same "ironic errors," as Dr. Wegner calls them, are just easy to evoke in the real world.
In the real world, RFCOMM should be used when you want to take a traditional serial port application and make it Bluetooth-enabled.
In the real world, most voters neither know nor care who represents them in the EU's parliament.
Is there really a "rank" on Twitter that can be calculated and be useful in real world usage?
The same risk that applies in the physical world with regard to use of credit CARDS over the phone applies to systems relying on credit card Numbers for authentication on the Net.
In the real world, the random noise is often more subtle and various-a hundred little things rather than one big thing.
Why do you think would the rich, usually so quick to isolate themselves in real life, be so eager to embrace the hoi polloi online?
In the real world, you would probably use an XML-based format called XLIFF, which is suitable for importing into third-party translation tools.
Nevertheless, in the real world, H5N1 has not yet mutated into a more contagious form, despite having had plenty of chances to mix with human flu viruses.
Nevertheless, in the real world, H5N1 has not yet mutated into a more contagious form, despite having had plenty of chances to mix with human flu viruses.