• 高中可能发生这样的事,还好这种行为现实世界里少见。

    That may happen in high school, but thankfully that type of behavior is rare in the real world.


  • 现实世界里有现成法律保护厂商避免受到侵害

    In real world, off-the-peg law protects the inroad that the manufacturer prevents this kind to get.


  • 所有这些虚拟空间赌咒愤恨,人们根本就无心现实世界实施。

    For all the huffing and puffing in cyberspace, people simply don't care enough to take it into the real world.


  • 现实世界里大多数问题恰好不可解决的,而且很多竞争需求

    In the real world, most problems are not solvable exactly, and there are many competing demands.


  • 可能做到因为现实世界里薛立卡根指是,同一个东西两个不同名字

    And that you can't do, because in the real world of course Shelly and Kagan pick out just two different names of this very same thing.


  • 现实世界里公共领域禁止表达情感,但是这些情感却可网路发声。

    Hearing sentiments that are forbidden from the real world public sphere uttered in the perceived privacy of the Internet legitimates those sentiments.


  • 有人建议一个网上圣诞派对提供虚拟食物礼品;还有人则办法现实世界里个节

    Some suggested holding an online Christmas party with virtual food and gifts provided, while others said they would figure out their own ways to spend the holiday in the real world.


  • 现实世界里问题很少会按照安排好的出现因此能够理解他们深层结构才是关键

    In the real world, problems rarely come neatly packaged, so being able to discern their deep structure is key. 2013.12.


  • 现实世界里可能制作版本新奥尔良城市分别对其发动五个飓风袭击测试各种后勤能力

    In the real world, you can't create five versions of New Orleans and throw five hurricanes at them to test different logistics.


  • 女权之邦肯定会那样的女人事实上知道现实世界里有些男人女人也是这样做的。

    Surely there'd be women in the Gynocracy like that. In fact I even know a few men who do it for us here in this world.


  • 现实世界里美貌一种营销工具有时它会为你开启机遇之门,但有时也会让个闭门羹

    In me real world beauty is a marketing tool that can occasionally open doors and occasionally slam them in your face.


  • 但是秀完了分数之后,玩家可能会发现自己陷入了另一无穷尽的游戏,只不过这次现实世界里

    However, after sharing their scores, players might find themselves in another infinite game, this time in the real world.


  • 现实世界里变化永无止境的,有一些变化,月食发生瞬间,另一些变化则反复出现,比如日出和日落。

    In the real world, changes never stop. Some changes happen only once in a while, like an eclipse of the moon.


  • 现实世界里同样有着各种不同特质场所将人们物们聚合一起,参与赋予建筑生命力建筑又改变着人们生活

    Similarly, people gather in all sorts of places with various features in the real world. The participation of people endows buildings with vitality, where buildings change people's life.


  • 但是现实世界里这个想法无从下手,许多物理学研究过我们是否真的通过假设性洞(天体物理学术语)”来跳跃空间。

    While nothing even close has yet made its way to the real world, a number of physicists have studied whether we really could hurtle ourselves through a hypothetical wormhole.


  • 现实世界直视前方遥远地平线Web2.0世界中,我视线会四处游荡而且——最好——点击某个人

    In the real world I would keep my eyes straight ahead and focus on the distant horizon. In the web 2.0 world, however, I can let my eyes wander and - best of all - click on somebody.


  • 现实世界里氢动力汽车迄今为止尚未获得成功,其部分原因缺乏续加燃料基础设施成本过高以及最近偏好电动车政策摆向

    Hydrogen cars have so far enjoyed little real-world success, due in part to a lack of charging infrastructure, cost and - more recently - a political swing towards electric cars.


  • 现实世界使用RSA时应该谨记重要的一点,前文提到所有数字很大的数,只有这样才能保证,即使用目前最好的算法很难攻破上述算法。

    The big thing to keep in mind with RSA in the real world is that all of the Numbers involved have to be big to make things really hard to break using the best algorithms that we have.


  • 史泰龙是土生土长的纽波特纽斯人。小说中的虚构城市主人公分别被用来命名华威洛夫蒂斯大道使得《黑暗在现实世界里变得不朽

    His Lie Down in Darkness is immortalized by the Port Warwick development named after his fictional city, a square bearing his name and Loftis Boulevard, named after the novel's main character.


  • 我们这个充满刺激世界,产生无聊情绪似乎现实的。

    In our stimulation-rich world, it seems unrealistic that boredom could occur at all.


  • 就是外部实施社会治疗问题现实世界中,就学校一样,我们坚持自己选择朋友

    And that's the problem with a social cure engineered from the outside: in the real world, as in school, we insist on choosing our own friends.


  • 报告称,年轻人需要少花时间数字世界里,多花时间在现实生活中。

    The report says that young people need to do less in the digital world but more the real world.


  • 本书主角与书名同名,是个心理学家两个平行世界穿越神话世界成了现实

    It details the titular character, a psychologist, who travels between parallel worlds where the mythologies of our world are the reality.


  • 一个书呆子参加嘻哈派对,能得美人归,事只有电影才会发生,这可是典型的电影场景,绝非现实世界可以看到。 但是,胶片上的幻景也会成真。

    WHEN a geek leaves a hip party with a gorgeous girl on his arm, it is typically in a scene from a film rather than one from the real world.


  • 一个书呆子参加嘻哈派对,能得美人归,事只有电影才会发生,这可是典型的电影场景,绝非现实世界可以看到。 但是,胶片上的幻景也会成真。

    WHEN a geek leaves a hip party with a gorgeous girl on his arm, it is typically in a scene from a film rather than one from the real world.


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