• 学习最基本礼貌用语商务客户电话交谈获取联系信息,与苛刻客户达成妥协

    Learn basic polite expressions needed to talk with business clients on the phone. Take contact details and reach a compromise with a difficult client.


  • 这些执着电话中交谈就不断搓揉车轮电话举行一方面其他驾驶

    These attachments let you talk on the phone and keep your hands on the wheel rather than hold your phone in one hand and driving with the other.


  • 第一针对一系列比较通讯媒体诚实度的研究发现人们电话交谈说谎可能性电子邮件两倍

    The first study to compare honesty across a range of communication media has found that people are twice as likely to tell lies in phone conversations as they are in emails.


  • 最终一次电话交谈愤怒指责漫骂是如此失去理智也明白了问题的源头不是

    Finally, though, during one telephone conversation, his anger, accusations, and name-calling became so clearly irrational that I knew our dispute had its origins with him and not with me.


  • 随后交谈明智做法电话时候手机倾斜移开耳朵只有电话的时候才靠近耳朵。

    During the ensuing conversation, it's advisable to tilt the phone away from your ear when you are talking and only bring it in close to your ear when you are listening.


  • 表示有一电话交谈里根电话

    She also says that on one occasion, Regan hung up on her in the middle of a phone conversation.


  • 交谈谈话一边去电话或者回短信

    How many times have you put a person on hold so that you could answer your cell phone or text a message during a conversation?


  • 听到美国大学辅导员电话一位留学生之间交谈

    You are going to hear a telephone conversation between an American college advisor and a Chinese student.


  • 如果朗读内容,发现听起来并不平时电话顾客面对面交谈时的内容,那么就是不对的。

    If you read your content out loud and it doesn't sound like something you'd say to a customer over the phone or in person, then it's wrong.


  • 电话交谈过程操作员可能添加移除修改订单或者修改客户账号信息

    During the course of the phone call, that operator might add or remove orders, change orders, or modify a customer's account information.


  • 有了这个计划能够发挥电话交谈不同声音:声音的街道交通堵塞建筑工地园林机场

    With this program you will be able to play different sounds during a phone conversation, ie: sounds of street, traffic jam, building site, garden, airport etc.


  • 电话交谈李肇星强调解决苏丹南部达尔问题处于关键阶段

    In the telephone conversation, Li stressed that the settlement of the Darfur issue in southern Sudan is at a key stage.


  • 随后交谈理智做法电话时候手机倾斜移开耳朵只有电话的时候才凑近耳朵。

    During the ensuing conversation it's advisable to tilt the phone away from your ear when you are talking and only bring it in close to your ear when you are listening.


  • 麦康奈尔还他们电话交谈同意寻找能够达成一致议题

    Obama to win approval on international trade pacts and tax reform, and said they agreed in a telephone call to look for issues where they could reach agreement.


  • 麦康奈尔还他们电话交谈同意寻找能够达成一致议题

    Obama to win approval on international trade pacts and tax reform, and said they agreed in a telephone call to look for issues where they could reach agreement.


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