A lot of teachers spend weeks playing catch up in the fall to make up for the summer drop.
This would be an obvious advantage to wide-ranging deer, especially to a socially dominant buck when courting several adult females during the autumn rut.
Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn.
Flying high in the autumn sky is the mythical winged horse Pegasus.
The judges revealed little during oral arguments in the autumn.
He will steer AIA's initial public offering, which is expected to take place in the autumn.
The European Commission is due to issue concrete proposals on the subject in the autumn.
Obviously only used model when it was close to the camera (only in the fall render).
In colder regions, however, blood lily should be dug up and stored in the fall.
Just because a scene is supposed to take place in the fall doesn't mean you have to film in the fall.
The beach is green in the summertime and only turns bloody red when autumn approaches.
We're really focusing on improving the developer experience and getting out 1.0 by autumn time.
Plant all varieties of Allium in rich, well-drained soil in full sun in early fall.
It also warns that the poor will probably suffer disproportionately from the public-spending cuts to be detailed in the autumn.
That year he also signed a massive increase in farm subsidies so as not to antagonise farm-state congressmen facing election that autumn.
In the fall, few berries were found in the forest because Bear was taking almost everything for himself.
My friends who have been running for longer are trying to convince me to train for a marathon in the fall. Not sure if I'm ready to take that leap.
Mr Sarkozy has told deputies that his cabinet reshuffle in the autumn would take account of irresponsible behaviour.
Dr Kos said team members were pushing for the new detection equipment to be fully installed by the Autumn, but that there was as yet no firm timescale.
Retrieve unconditionally the latest temperature and humidity sensor readings and, during the autumn season, activate external ventilation or heating based on the following conditions.
During autumn nights, thousands of birds pass directly above the megalopolis, a passage generally unnoticed by its human inhabitants.
The more solar energy the ocean absorbs during the summer, the longer it takes in the fall for the water to cool down enough to freeze.
他取消了在秋季与lady gaga的联合巡回演出很明显是因为演唱会门票销售的不景气。
He canceled a joint tour with Lady Gaga that fall, apparently due to low ticket sales.
Running during the fall season is a treat, especially if you live in the north. Here's why you should lace up and run this fall.
In years when autumn salmon Numbers are low, the bears must find other food, such as wild berries, lupine roots, and mussels.
Widespread, high levels of infection with the new virus occurred during the summer in the northern hemisphere in multiple countries, followed by even higher levels during the fall and winter months.
Are also often fed in the fall in preparation for winter and in the spring and early summer?
Are also often fed in the fall in preparation for winter and in the spring and early summer?