• 法国全进口健康护肤品全世界药房销售

    It is the healthy cosmetic exported from France, only sold in the pharmacy around the world.


  • 可以药房里买家用血压,来经常测一测

    You may also want to buy a home blood pressure monitor, available in many drug stores, to measure your blood pressure more frequently.


  • 所以,无论药房柜台还是实验室,你都可以高枕无忧了。

    So whether you're behind the pharmacy counter or in the lab, you can rest easy.


  • 药房拿到处方说明书时,你就会得到一个副作用的说明

    When you pick up a prescription at a pharmacy, you get a list of common side effects.


  • 食杂店可以调味品的货区找到在药房直接药剂师行。

    At the grocery stores you can just check it out at the spices section and you can just ask assistance from the pharmacist in a drug store.


  • 他们普遍发现药房杂货店可以成为一个伟大的自然补救

    They are commonly found in pharmacies and grocery stores and can be a great natural remedy.


  • 好的谢谢。你不能中途药房停一下阿斯匹林

    Yes, I'll appreciate it very much. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way?I need to buy some aspirin.


  • 没有什么消费者药房超市、以及沃尔玛这样的品牌折扣店的消费倾向能显示美国人的心理了。

    Nothing says more about the American mind-set than what consumers are buying, and ignoring, at drugstores, supermarkets and mass-merchandising outlets like Wal-Mart and Target.


  • 伦敦东北部哈克尼的Clockwork 药房可以婴儿润肤露囊炎膏药之间找到

    At the Clockwork Pharmacy in Hackney, north-east London, you can find it between the baby lotion and the bunion plasters.


  • 上一年秋天,当德国街头溜达着看药房橱窗时,我我所看见各种各样奇异草本茶叶所震撼。

    Last fall, I was doing some pharmacy window-shopping in Germany and was struck by the amazing assortment of herbal teas that I saw.


  • 大多是法国救援者队伍拉出了一个24岁出纳员RichmondExantos4:30左右一个市区倒塌宾馆药房下。

    A team of mostly French rescuers pulled a 24-year-old cashier, Richmond Exantos, from a collapsed hotel and pharmacy downtown around 4:30.


  • 只有美国病人只有径直药房后面才能拿到处方然而健康人们却可以前台买到香烟

    Only in America...... do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.


  • 2004年卖出《药房以后斯比每次伦敦举办大型当代艺术品销售活动时,都会提供斯特作品。然而今年六月的晚间销售中,索斯比没有提供的任何一件作品。

    Even Sotheby's, which has had a Hirst in every major contemporary sale in London sincePharmacy” in 2004, offered none of his art in this year's evening sale in June.


  • 1861年,这座房子成了Johann Abrakham进行摄影工作地方1970年,作为同种疗法药房十九世纪八十年代作为同种疗法的医学中心

    In 1861 the house became the place of the Johann Abrakham's photographic studio in 1970 - for the central homeopathic pharmacy and in 1980's - for the homeopathic medical centre.


  • 随着食品店以及药房富含ω-3的鱼类亚麻籽饮食补充饮食中维持这些重要脂肪酸的摄入已经不再过去那么困难

    With omega-3 rich fish and flaxseed oils now common in grocery and drug store supplement sections, maintaining a diet replete in these crucial fatty acids is not as hard as it once was.


  • 知道很多心目中情人节是个宣传过度压力巨大商业化节日(放松,放松,不要看到药房或者巧克力货架就紧张)。

    I know a lot of people find valentine's day to be a commercialized, over-hyped, pressure-cooker of a holiday (um, take it easy with the chocolate aisles, drug stores).


  • 去年七月份Murray内华达州的家中以及事务所里执行搜查令后发现了一张2009年512拉斯维加斯一家药房购买异丙酚时留下的收据

    A search warrant executed last July on Murray's las Vegas, Nevada, home and business turned up a receipt for propofol purchased on May 12, 2009, from a las Vegas pharmacy.


  • 四川省内已经有200多家药房销售公司产品

    In Sichuan Province has more than 200 pharmacies are selling products to do.


  • 典型传统药房中,病人面对医师等待他们处方同时坐柜台对面使他们能够进行对话

    In a typical traditional pharmacy, patients wait for their prescriptions facing the pharmacists and seating across the counter, enabling them to engage in conversations.


  • 所居住的马萨诸塞州患者怀疑有滥用药物的行为时,医生们可以查询专业数据库追查患者取得管制类药物的各家药房

    In my state, Massachusetts, doctorscan also use a specialized database to track every pharmacy a patient took controlled drugsfrom — an especially useful tool when drug abuse is suspected.


  • 医生:吃一些阿司匹林扑热息痛应该会有帮助药房拿药可以买一些。 。

    Some aspirin or Panadol should help. You can pick some up at the pharmacy when you go to fill your prescription.


  • 方法运用计算机网络技术门诊药房应用工作模式探讨

    Method: usage calculator network technique at the out-patient service pharmacy and to work the study of the mode.


  • 目的建立一个医院药房部门间合理公平分配奖酬模式

    OBJECTIVE: To establish a new mode for the reasonable and fair allocation of reward in each sections of hospital pharmacy.


  • 国大药房每个会员会员家庭提供及时药学咨询服务国大药房购药还可以享受一定的折扣

    Guoda Pharmacy provides timely pharmacological consulting and services. You are granted discounted price if you shop with us.


  • 诺华公司产品很快美国药房上架去年年底报批欧盟

    Novartis said the product should be available in US pharmacies soon. It was submitted for approval in the European Union late last year.


  • 前言: 目的:探讨窗口前后台)调剂模式门诊药房应用优势不足

    Objectives:To discuss advantage and disadvantage of pharmacy model with big windows(with front and back table)in hospital.


  • 思•施华蔻1898年柏林创办药房,至今迈入第111个年头我们隆重举办“111时尚一部分以示庆祝

    Hans Schwarzkopf was founded in 1898 in Berlin, a small pharmacy, has been entering the first 111 years, we have organized a grand "111 Fashion Show Part One" to mark the occasion.


  • 国内药学刊物上发表论文数篇,曾参与放心药房创建工作。

    What's more, she has published several dissertations on Chinese pharmacy publications and participated in the foundation of "safe dispensary".


  • 前言:目的:为解决医院药房药品医用商品管理几个主要问题提供建设性建议

    OBJECTIVE: To put forward constructive Suggestions regarding some key issues in the management of non-drugs medical commodities in hospital pharmacy.


  • 前言:目的:为解决医院药房药品医用商品管理几个主要问题提供建设性建议

    OBJECTIVE: To put forward constructive Suggestions regarding some key issues in the management of non-drugs medical commodities in hospital pharmacy.


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