The chance of getting AIDS at the doctor's or dentist's office is extremely low.
A lot of the women, for example, I would see in the clinic would be women who are in middle or higher management jobs.
Depending on their size and location, polyps are either removed in the physician's office or in an operating room.
I still recollect how we clustered in front of the clinic and tried to clog the front entrance.
They wanted to know if there was a connection between what they were seeing in clinic and what was happening at the choir school.
As a resident, I was fortunate to have worked in clinics and under supervisors who encouraged cost consciousness.
She is hesitant to reveal her uncertainties about a threat at the clinic, but asks whether Jack had harbored any thoughts to someone else on the inside working against Palmer.
"Based on what I was seeing in the clinic, I was not that surprised," says Grobmyer.
Outside the safe house, the man who pretended to be an FBI agent at the clinic phones Andre Drazen.
One has to treat it, "Pesera declared at the door of the clinic, his words carried live on Argentine television."
She had previously had two miscarriages, and had booked an appointment at an abortion clinic after discovering in August that she was pregnant once more.
To find out how useful the practice may or may not be, Hwang and colleagues surveyed people who were waiting in clinics to see their doctors.
Women, some carrying crying children, form a long queue in the clinic's brightly-coloured corridor adorned with posters of babies and cartoon characters.
He anticipates serving half of his community service in a soup kitchen - "I like to cook" - and the other half in a hospital or some sort of nonprofit agency.
Tracy said at the clinic’s official opening: ‘You honour me because I am a movie actor, a star in Hollywood terms.
Her work, she now knew, was not bound to the hours of the clinic, or to making sure patients received the correct dosages of drugs.
They are among Russian society’s most marginalized people, more likely to face a few weeks handcuffed to a clinic bed than to receive basic treatment to break their addictions.
I was part of the sceptical community myself until we saw patients in the clinic and understood how strikingly similar the features are.
For the four years writing the book, I had felt a sense of mission and purpose like never before in my life.
"No, it's ok. I can deal with that alone, plus you worked all day in the clinic," said Lisa smiling and kissing Thomas on the cheek.
"It's the mental anguish," he said in a private room at the clinic, where he turned off the lights because the drugs had made him extremely sensitive to many things, including overhead lighting.
The place that these medical and educational services are offered might be a mobile van, local hospitals, clinics and worksites, depending upon the needs of the target audience.
Women who chose home-based medical abortion were more likely to be satisfied, to choose the method again and to recommend it to a friend than women who opted for medical abortion in a clinic.
As Nina leads the Bauers into a car, the suspicious FBI agent is on the phone, watching them from a window above.
因为在诊所我不能提供很多的医疗援助, 我寻找了另一个方式让自己投入到治疗领域,那就是开始去提高受压迫患者的精神状态。
Since I could not provide much medical assistance at the clinic, I sought a way to involve myself in the healing that was taking place and to raise the spirits of the downtrodden patients.
David Beckham received a helping hand from wife Victoria as he struggled into a waiting car - two days after emergency surgery on his torn Achilles tendon.
David Beckham received a helping hand from wife Victoria as he struggled into a waiting car - two days after emergency surgery on his torn Achilles tendon.