• 诊所牙医诊所感染艾滋病可能性极小

    The chance of getting AIDS at the doctor's or dentist's office is extremely low.


  • 比方说,很多诊所看到女性都是中高级管理人员。

    A lot of the women, for example, I would see in the clinic would be women who are in middle or higher management jobs.


  • 依据息肉大小部位可以诊所手术室切除息肉。

    Depending on their size and location, polyps are either removed in the physician's office or in an operating room.


  • 记得我们聚集诊所门口试图堵住诊所正门的场面。

    I still recollect how we clustered in front of the clinic and tried to clog the front entrance.


  • 他们知道诊所遇到的情况唱诗班发生的情况是否联系

    They wanted to know if there was a connection between what they were seeing in clinic and what was happening at the choir school.


  • 作为一名住院医师有幸诊所工作,同时我的上司鼓励花费意识

    As a resident, I was fortunate to have worked in clinics and under supervisors who encouraged cost consciousness.


  • 迟疑一下没有杰克透露,也许诊所一个针对杰克家人的威胁

    She is hesitant to reveal her uncertainties about a threat at the clinic, but asks whether Jack had harbored any thoughts to someone else on the inside working against Palmer.


  • 基于诊所一切,这个结果并不惊奇。”Grobmyer说

    "Based on what I was seeing in the clinic, I was not that surprised," says Grobmyer.


  • 安全屋外,那个诊所假装联邦调查局特工打电话给安德烈.德拉赞。

    Outside the safe house, the man who pretended to be an FBI agent at the clinic phones Andre Drazen.


  • Pesera诊所门口前接受了采访,这番话被被上了阿根廷电视

    One has to treat it, "Pesera declared at the door of the clinic, his words carried live on Argentine television."


  • 曾经有过次流产经历并且8月份发现又怀孕之后诊所预约堕胎手术。

    She had previously had two miscarriages, and had booked an appointment at an abortion clinic after discovering in August that she was pregnant once more.


  • 为了确定该项做法是否有用医生他的同事那些诊所候诊人们进行了调查

    To find out how useful the practice may or may not be, Hwang and colleagues surveyed people who were waiting in clinics to see their doctors.


  • 妇女有些抱着哭闹孩子,她们诊所婴儿卡通人物招贴画装点亮色长廊中排起了长队

    Women, some carrying crying children, form a long queue in the clinic's brightly-coloured corridor adorned with posters of babies and cartoon characters.


  • 期望一半流动厨房社区服务——“喜欢烹饪”——一半诊所非营利机构

    He anticipates serving half of his community service in a soup kitchen - "I like to cook" - and the other half in a hospital or some sort of nonprofit agency.


  • 特雷西诊所开幕式:“你们敬仰是因为电影演员好莱坞是一个明星

    Tracy said at the clinic’s official opening: ‘You honour me because I am a movie actor, a star in Hollywood terms.


  • 知道工作不仅仅局限诊所工作时间内或者确保病人得到正确药物剂量

    Her work, she now knew, was not bound to the hours of the clinic, or to making sure patients received the correct dosages of drugs.


  • 他们俄罗斯边缘化的人群,经常面临诊所床上几个星期而不是接受最基本治疗戒除毒瘾

    They are among Russian society’s most marginalized people, more likely to face a few weeks handcuffed to a clinic bed than to receive basic treatment to break their addictions.


  • 曾经也是怀疑态度医学界中人,直到诊所看到病人才理解两者的特点多么相似

    I was part of the sceptical community myself until we saw patients in the clinic and understood how strikingly similar the features are.


  • 著书4年时间里一种前所未有的使命感目标。那时,每天诊所工作8到9个小时。

    For the four years writing the book, I had felt a sense of mission and purpose like never before in my life.


  • 没关系可以处理而且诊所一整天了。”丽莎吻了吻托马斯脸颊

    "No, it's ok. I can deal with that alone, plus you worked all day in the clinic," said Lisa smiling and kissing Thomas on the cheek.


  • 精神上折磨,”诊所一个单独房间里说道,他灯,因为药物很多东西非常敏感包括灯光

    "It's the mental anguish," he said in a private room at the clinic, where he turned off the lights because the drugs had made him extremely sensitive to many things, including overhead lighting.


  • 根据目标受众需要这些医疗教育服务可以辆行驶的面包车本地医院诊所和工作现场开展。

    The place that these medical and educational services are offered might be a mobile van, local hospitals, clinics and worksites, depending upon the needs of the target audience.


  • 那些选择诊所进行药物流产女性相比,选择进行药物流产的女性可能得到满足、再次选择此方法推荐朋友

    Women who chose home-based medical abortion were more likely to be satisfied, to choose the method again and to recommend it to a friend than women who opted for medical abortion in a clinic.


  • 尼娜鲍尔的家人钻进辆小车时,那个值得怀疑的联邦调查局特工讲电话,他诊所上面其中一层的窗户观察着她们。

    As Nina leads the Bauers into a car, the suspicious FBI agent is on the phone, watching them from a window above.


  • 因为诊所不能提供很多的医疗援助, 我寻找了另一个方式自己投入治疗领域,就是开始提高压迫患者精神状态

    Since I could not provide much medical assistance at the clinic, I sought a way to involve myself in the healing that was taking place and to raise the spirits of the downtrodden patients.


  • 因为比赛时跟腱断裂,大卫·贝克汉姆接受紧急外科手术天后爱妻维多利亚帮助下,艰难地登上了一诊所外等候的轿车

    David Beckham received a helping hand from wife Victoria as he struggled into a waiting car - two days after emergency surgery on his torn Achilles tendon.


  • 因为比赛时跟腱断裂,大卫·贝克汉姆接受紧急外科手术天后爱妻维多利亚帮助下,艰难地登上了一诊所外等候的轿车

    David Beckham received a helping hand from wife Victoria as he struggled into a waiting car - two days after emergency surgery on his torn Achilles tendon.


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