• 研究人员弗朗西斯科代罗教授'这项研究所用设备基本上全球诊所医院使用相同

    Researcher Professor Francesca Cordeiro said: 'The equipment used for this research is essentially the same as is used in clinics and hospitals worldwide.


  • 他们建议流感容易传播的地方医院医疗诊所应该提高绝对湿度

    But they suggest that absolute humidity levels be raised in buildings such as hospitals and medical clinics where the disease most often spreads.


  • 社区建立预防疾病帮助家庭患儿以及需要时候儿童送往诊所医院支持机制

    Developing support mechanisms within communities for preventing disease, for helping families to care for sick children, and for getting children to clinics or hospitals when needed.


  • SaadatDjoldosheva吉尔吉斯斯坦边远地区开办了一所只有基本设施诊所;而MargarethaBerndtson赫尔辛基一所具有先进设备的现代医院护士长

    Saadat Djoldosheva runs a clinic with basic facilities in a remote region of Kyrgyzstan; Margaretha Berndtson is head nurse in a modern hospital with advanced facilities in Helsinki.


  • 尼娜到达诊所寻找杰克家人时,偶遇了了联邦调查局特工,那名特工这里盘问被送来医院盖恩斯名手下

    Nina arrives at the clinic, and while looking for Jack's family she comes upon an FBI agent who is there to de-brief some of the men from Gaines' team who got brought in.


  • 根据情况,中和社区以及卫生诊所医院提供照护

    As appropriate, care can be delivered in the home and community, as well as health clinics and hospitals.


  • 根据目标受众需要这些医疗教育服务可以辆行驶的面包车本地医院诊所和工作现场开展。

    The place that these medical and educational services are offered might be a mobile van, local hospitals, clinics and worksites, depending upon the needs of the target audience.


  • 按照新的计划官方以后农村地区建设2000个县级医院5000个城镇诊所

    Under the scheme the authorities will build 2, 000 county hospitals and 5, 000 township clinics in rural areas in the next three years.


  • 一项开始2008年中,名为“布朗克斯知道”计划第一年里,70%检测出h . I.V.阳性居民送到医院诊所接受治疗Sweeney博士

    In the first year of a program called Bronx Knows, begun in mid-2008, 70 percent of residents with a confirmed positive H.I.V. test were sent to doctors and clinics for care, Dr. Sweeney said.


  • 与此同时医院诊所护理学校很多的护士教师职位空缺等待着

    Meanwhile, hospitals, clinics and nursing schools are scrambling to fill vacant positions for nurses and teaching staff.


  • 安徽省近代史中,西方教会安徽境内兴办诊所医院达74所。

    In the modern Anhui province, the west missionary established clinics and hospitals to 74 in Anhui.


  • 这个专业主要学习各种场合客户提供按摩疗法所需技能,如健康俱乐部医院或者私人诊所

    Massage therapy majors learn the skills necessary to provide therapeutic massage to clients in a variety of Settings, from health clubs to hospitals to private practice.


  • 记录生命体征目的病人医院诊所、诊室其他健康保健部门就诊其建立一个基础数据。

    The purpose of recording vital signs is to establish a baseline on admission to a hospital, clinic, professional office, or other encounter with a health care provider.


  • 血液骨髓检测可以医生诊所医院。骨髓穿刺和活组织检查通常都要做。

    Blood and marrow tests may be done in the doctor's office or in a hospital. A bone marrow aspiration and biopsy are almost always done together.


  • 通常星期六上午安德鲁早上10开始自己诊所接待病人中午时分医院去一下。

    Normally on Saturday mornings Andrew saw patients in his office from 10 a. m., then dropped into the hospital around midday.


  • 一些专家预测由于这项新的研究药物流产比重增长更多,因为与人流诊所医院手术流产相比,药物流产能更多的保护个人隐私

    Some experts predict the percentage of such "medical abortions," which offer more privacy than surgical termination at an abortion clinic or hospital, will rise even more due to the new study.


  • 各位与会者数百万医院诊所社区幕后工作者大量艰苦卓绝努力硕果

    This is the participants and millions in hospitals, clinics and community workers have a lot of hard and bitter behind-the-scenes efforts to fruition.


  • 一名临床心理学家可以医院精神卫生诊所私人诊所实习,但值得注意的这些单位必须由国家批准授权。

    A clinical psychologist may practice in a hospital, mental health clinic, or private practice, and must be licensed by the state in order to practice.


  • 美中互利公司北京上海广州开办了西式医院诊所满足富裕外籍人士和中国富人的需求。

    Chindex has opened Western-style hospitals and clinics in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to cater to affluent expatriates and wealthy Chinese.


  • 地震中,四川省内大部分医院诊所被毁,造成医务人员和医疗设备严重短缺

    Hospitals and clinics were destroyed along with so much else across Sichuan province in the quake, leaving acute shortages of staff and facilities.


  • 二级护理重点医院诊所提供专业化护理。

    Secondary care focuses on the provision of specialized care in the hospital or clinic Settings.


  • 转移健康中心如果无法自己医生取得联系,你可以告诉健康医护工作人员怀疑到达诊所医院后被迅速感染

    If you cannot contact your health care provider before traveling to a health facility, tell a health care worker of your suspicion of infection immediately after arrival at the clinic or hospital.


  • 临床营养学主要将来职业方向是设计把饮食作为医学治疗一部分医院其他诊所经营餐饮业

    Clinical nutrition majors prepare for careers designing diets as part of medical treatment programs and running food services in hospitals and other clinical Settings.


  • 朋友学业缘故,患病时时间医院诊治而是选择了一家诊所,去时大夫是何等的热情

    Friends from school because of illness in the teeth do not have time to go to the hospital treatment, but opted for a small clinic, interesting how the enthusiasm of the doctor.


  • 朋友学业缘故,患病时时间医院诊治而是选择了一家诊所,去时大夫是何等的热情

    Friends from school because of illness in the teeth do not have time to go to the hospital treatment, but opted for a small clinic, interesting how the enthusiasm of the doctor.


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