• 适当的位置几年没有要求小心

    The rudbeckias fulgida 'Goldsturm', in place for several years demands no care.


  • 仅仅移除数据库进入保留所有文件适当的位置

    Removes the database entry only. Leaves all files in place.


  • 有一腰带漂浮泡沫下面位置保持背心适当的位置

    A waist belt positioned below the flotation foam keeps the vest in place.


  • 所有具有相对位置关系螺栓部件均放置适当的位置

    The relationship between the relative positions of all the bolts and parts are placed in the appropriate position.


  • 可以添加词条编辑现有的词条,适当的位置加上链接推广哦!

    You can add vocabulary entry , edit existing vocabulary entry , the link that adds you in proper place makes promotion!


  • 这个丝带属于卡尔林克 列 夫显示该奖章(左边第二个适当的位置

    This ribbon bar belonging to Karl Rinklef shows the award ( second from the left) in its proper place;


  • 径向压缩配件锁定适当位置并且防止配件之间轴向移动

    The radial compression of the pipe results in the fitting being locked in place and prevents axial movement between the fitting and the pipe.


  • 安装好探测器主机适当位置显示器车内后视镜,就开始正常工作

    Host detectors installed in the appropriate position, the display caught in the rearview mirror on the car, began to work properly.


  • 最后步骤中部署之前确保构建路径所有JAR依存关系适当的位置

    In the final step, before deploying, make sure that the build path and all JAR dependencies are in place.


  • 尽管适当的位置全面策略急需的,真实事故响应计划随一个真实的事故而定。

    While it's imperative to have an overall policy in place, an actual incident response plan should depend on the actual event.


  • 拍杆金属杆部分能够伸长,一端配有手柄一端配有可夹头,用来适当的位置固定手机。

    The metal sticks are typically extensible, with a handle on one end and an adjustable clamp on the other end to hold a phone in place.


  • 链接使用加载函数真实地址替换这个引用以便生成的二进制代码适当的位置正确的地址。

    The linker replaces that reference with the actual address at which it had loaded the function, so that the resulting binary code has the right address in place.


  • 一旦适当位置,探针部的热敏电阻探测出任何轻微温度上升,这意味着液体可能下降到了探针端部以下

    Once in place, a thermistor at the end of the probe is able to detect any slight rise in temperature should the liquid drop below the end of the probe.


  • 确保足够的磁盘空间适当的位置),以便继续写入所有相关诊断文件接收事故期间可能生成任何其他文件。

    Ensure that there is enough disk space, wherever appropriate, to continue to write all the relevant diagnostic files, and to receive any other files that might be generated during an incident.


  • 这些设备适当位置中,因为网络供应商有限带宽分给同一位置许多服务器而且所有的带宽必须要分享。

    These devices are in place because your network provider has to fraction out its limited bandwidth to many servers at its location, and all of the bandwidth must be Shared.


  • 估算远程调用时间时,例如跟踪语句了解一部分哪里开始以及到哪里结束非常重要,因为这样才可以适当位置设置跟踪语句。

    When measuring the time for a remote call, for example with trace statements, it is important to know where each part starts and ends, so that the trace statements can be appropriately placed.


  • 我们已经改变游戏而且由于我们防护软件放适当位置病毒最近几年改变了,”Symantec安全工作组技术主管ZulfikarRamzan

    "We've changed the game, and viruses have changed in recent years because of the protection we're putting into place," says Zulfikar Ramzan, the technical director of Symantec's security team.


  • Mac计算机上,Applications文件夹解压文件夹适当位置

    On a Mac, the Applications folder is a suitable place for the extracted folder.


  • 多亏撞上了极大好运气美国宇航局恰好适当时间哈勃太空望远镜恰好对准适当的位置胶片捕捉到了这些图像

    Through an enormous stroke of luck, NASA aimed the Hubble Telescope at precisely the right place at precisely the right time to capture these images on film.


  • 包含一个带有程序全部相关文件文件系统,这些文件安装时会放到您系统文件系统适当位置

    That is, it contains a filesystem with all the relevant files for your program that, when installed, will be placed in the appropriate spots in your system's filesystem.


  • 虽然有点笨拙,但一种非常简单方法,能够使条文本注释显示与其相应饼图分区适当靠近位置

    Although a bit clumsy, it's s simple way to have each of the text annotations appear in a reasonably close proximity to their appropriate pie slices.


  • 已经相信这些实践软件工程师工具包中一个适当位置如果得到正确使用他们可以帮助团队更加优秀

    Now, I have come to believe that these practices have a rightful place in the software engineer's toolkit; used correctly, they can help teams excel.


  • 访问提交日期服务非常知名,所以可以确定中介放置适当位置

    The services that have access to the delivery date are well known, so the mediation can be placed in the appropriate place with certainty.


  • 标题描述前面添加%表明CAE应该适当属性文件查找位置

    Prefixing the value in your caption or description with % indicates that the CAE should look up the value in the appropriate property file for the locale.


  • 注意定义集合XML设计没有禁止主题重用而是指导集合适当位置使用适当类型主题

    Note that defining an XML design for a collection doesn't prevent topic reuse, but instead guides topic reuse so that appropriate types of topics are used at positions within the collection.


  • 使用Ajax技术显示ui,此类富ui使用多个异步检索到内容适当位置进行自我更新

    It USES Ajax techniques to present a rich UI that updates itself in place using content that it retrieves asynchronously from multiple sources.


  • 创建项目时,Visual Studio . NET检索适当Office应用程序位置存储位置以及必要的命令行参数

    When you create your project, Visual Studio.net retrieves the location of the appropriate Office application and stores that location along with necessary command-line parameters.


  • 创建项目时,Visual Studio . NET检索适当Office应用程序位置存储位置以及必要的命令行参数

    When you create your project, Visual Studio.net retrieves the location of the appropriate Office application and stores that location along with necessary command-line parameters.


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