• 小鸟不再寻找幸福因为已经看到真正幸福不是遥远地方而是自己的心里

    The little bird no more looked for happiness because it had seen the true happiness is not in the faraway place but in your own heart.


  • 遥远的地方发现了未知的民族无限的财富。

    And discovering new people and great riches in far away lands.


  • 因为遥远地方一个女孩关心你。

    Because, in the distant place, there is a girl caring about you and taking care of you.


  • 这个想法为了让人们遥远的地方操控机器人以便同时出席多个场合

    The idea is for people to use robots in multiple locations so as to be in many places at once.


  • 很多埃尔多雷特来说,看到遥远的地方听候提讯使他们感到耻辱。

    Seeing him arraigned in a far-off land has felt humiliating for many people in Eldoret.


  • 他们遥远的地方恐怖势力斗争传播自由保护他们公民同胞们免受危险。

    They died in a distant land fighting terror, spreading freedom, and protecting their fellow citizens from danger.


  • 今天遥远地方,把给予折叠记忆小船任其飘荡思念的心湖里。

    Today, , I in the distant place, you have given me, folded into the memory of the boat, the boat float in yearning heart lake.


  • 今天遥远地方给予昨天折叠记忆小船任其飘荡思念的心湖里。

    Today, , I in the distant place, you gave me yesterday, folded into the memory of the boat, the boat float in yearning heart lake.


  • ⊙、今天遥远地方给予昨天折叠记忆小船任其飘荡思念的心湖里。

    Today, I in the distant place, you gave me yesterday, folded into the memory of the boat, the boat float in yearning heart lake.


  • 感到遥远地方起了微妙的变化,一些未知结果正要发生,潮水般涌来,正如无法阻挡命运

    I could feel a fain shift in a faraway place, a current of unknown consequence was on its way, moving towards me like an unstoppable wave of fate.


  • 想看看历代渔民海盗生活地方,你可以租一条船,带上野餐冰啤酒葡萄酒,驶过星星点点的小岛,遥远的地方抛锚跳下甲板去洗

    Load a picnic and a cool-box of beer and wine, and set off through the scattered islets. Drop anchor somewhere remote and dive off the deck for a swim.


  • 遥远海面上,太阳辉煌地落下几乎可以发誓,我听到地方发出嘶嘶声

    Far out over the sea the sun was setting with such splendor that I would almost have sworn I could hear the water hiss where it touched.


  • 我们可以宇宙遥远地方测量阿尔法常数从而通过研究这些原子光谱线回到过去。

    And alpha is something that we can measure at distant places in the universe and thereby back in time by looking at these atomic spectral lines.


  • 没有卫星探测我们很难发现冰川变化因为几乎没有来到这个世界上遥远地方

    Without satellite observations, it would be very difficult to know if the glaciers are changing, as so few people come to this most remote part of the world.


  • 一个待开发的地区将会之前很少有接触地方比如说遥远村庄山谷

    The next frontier will be in less accessible places, such as remote villages, hills and valleys.


  • 除非遥远的俄罗斯村庄度过冬天,你才会发现‘pechka整个房间唯一一个温暖地方

    Unless you spend winter in a remote Russian village where 'pechka' is the only warm place in the whole house.


  • 很久很久以前遥远的地方住着一位国王一位王后,他们因为第一个孩子,一个女儿的诞生非常开心

    A long time ago and far away there lived a King and a Queen.they were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born.


  • 爆炸声很大,但是事后谈论声音并不大,至少不如遥远其他地方听到那么大。

    After the blast, which itself was quite loud, there wasn't any sound to speak of, at least not that I could hear from so far away.


  • 人类原始祖先中,那些敢于走出洞穴遥远的地方寻觅更好食物或者克服对火的恐惧者,自然积累了显著优势超过他们比较温顺亲属

    Among our primitive ancestors, those who ventured farthest from their caves in search of better food or who overcame their fear of fire accrued significant advantages over their meeker kin.


  • 这个世界,就的这个地方感觉发生了变化更加遥远,就通过电影或者录像看着自己

    The world, the very ground he stood on, felt altered, more distant, as if he were watching himself on videotape or in a movie.


  • 主要储备集中遥远人迹稀少的地方

    The big reserves are mainly in remote and sparsely populated areas.


  • 无论电脑远程控制,还是采用传统手段荒芜遥远地方要比富足的西方国家更易掩盖暗杀的过程细节

    Whether death is by computer or by more old-fashioned methods, the antecedents and details of assassination are easier to hide in rough, remote locations than in rich, westernised ones.


  • 对于飞行员来说,遥远塔希尔检查点附近保持无线电静默一种非常危险的行为;对于塞尔这样的海洋学家来说,这种地方简直是求之不得

    To a pilot, the distant nowhere of Tasil Point is a treacherous cone of radio silence, but to an oceanographer like Purcell, there are few better places to be.


  • 由于中微子很小又是中性的,它们可以宇宙中穿行到很远的地方而不受干扰,这就为天体物理学家带来了一些来自遥远天体的信息

    Because neutrinos are tiny and electrically neutral, they can travel across the universe without interference, bringing with them information about their distant astrophysical sources.


  • 我们经不起离群索居,我们教导孩子们他们不仅关系而且影响遥远地方生活人们,会产生涟漪效应

    We can't afford to live in isolation and we need to teach our kids that the things that they do not only matter to others far away, but impact others who live far away and there are ripples of effect.


  • 伊拉克服役的150万美国人一道,他们一个遥远地方一些他们根本不认识战斗

    Along with nearly 1.5 million Americans who have served in Iraq, they fought in a faraway place for people they never knew.


  • 60年代末期该省遥远沿海居民区提供资金,将人们安置经济前景不错的地方

    In the late 1960s, the province paid people in remote coastal communities to relocate to areas thought to hold more economic promise.


  • 60年代末期该省遥远沿海居民区提供资金,将人们安置经济前景不错的地方

    In the late 1960s, the province paid people in remote coastal communities to relocate to areas thought to hold more economic promise.


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