Known map of a robot path planning environment, including the global path planning and local amendments to the Road King planning.
The system provides a visual map of crucial sustainment information for warfighters and fuses information needed to define the tactical environment.
The roadkill maps give researchers a better understanding of the environmental impacts of roads.
The robot's brain fuses all the information gathered by its sensors and updates the map of its world.
It also houses location and environmental sensors that will help build up city-wide air quality maps which other cyclists can use to plan their journey.
FalconCommand integrates the data with maps to provide vital battlefield intelligence, allowing the entire military enterprise to work on a common operational picture.
In traditional robotics (that is, robotics before 1986), a robot has a central "brain" that builds and maintains a "map" of the world and makes plans based on that map.
Also, keeping a world map up to date is hard because the external world is always changing.
The 13th edition of the "comprehensive" version of the atlas included a number of revisions made for reasons of environmental change since the previous one, published in 2007.
You can see by, in the desert environment of combat, commanders in order to obtain accurate map, we must deploy adequate staff and sufficient technical equipment.
The shape of the world pops out easily from laser data because they represent a direct contour map of the surrounding area.
"I'm interested in having robots build and maintain a high-fidelity model of the world," says Teller, whose central research focus is developing machines that have situational awareness.
A new map of 151 countries has revealed exactly which parts of the globe deliver long and happy lives for their citizens, within the environmental limits of the planet.
So the study of automatic cartographic generalization in the web environment is of the utmost urgency.
At the part of system application, it introduces the environment of system develop, and the produce flow of map data, with some examples of the system.
The software includes an electronic map interface, a water quality simulation module and a water environment capacity calculation module.
Roam engine, which is all-purpose and independent of model, of virtual environment is designed. Camera control, collision detecting and planar map control are discussed.
The cognitive city map of environment behavior science has enlightening significance to the study of the individuals in the society and to the understanding of the society.
Plato's maps of Atlantis have even been argued to resemble the geography of ancient Crete.
To offer more intuitionistic information of the battlefield environment for the commander, the demand for the aerial photo map is also becoming increasingly prominent.
So, research on environment modelling of mobile robots, usually named map building, receives more and more attention.
Data for the map were obtained from U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI).
Navigation algorithms for robots to map the environment completely in short time play a very important role in the robotic task.
This paper presents a path planner in the way of circuit map for the tractor-trailer robots on the basis of equivalent size.
They then make rapid accurate decisions about objects, and use this information to build environmental maps.
The knowledge from spatial cognition forms cognition map to our living environment that affect our decision-making and behavior.
Then we discuss in detail the characteristic of the model supporting system and the visual model construction environment.
A new data fusion method called obstacle group identification was proposed. This method is based on grid map created by using laser and ultrasonic sensors.
The description of the robot's work environment and the actualizing process was studied, and a new method of making topologic map of the environment was proposed.
The description of the robot's work environment and the actualizing process was studied, and a new method of making topologic map of the environment was proposed.