• 这里地形很快耕地变为沙漠

    The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert.


  • 北美大陆地形严格限制进攻通道

    The North American continent's geography severely limited the lines of attack.


  • 洪水过后条河流域地形已经明显改变了

    The topography of the river's basin has changed significantly since the floods.


  • 一带地形了如指掌

    He knows the terrain of this locality like the back of his hand.


  • 其他因素外,降水受到地形的影响。

    Precipitation is influenced by topography among other things.


  • 不幸的是,地区山区地形长达2000英尺

    Unfortunately, the terrain of the mountains in that region extends up to 2,000 feet.


  • 所以上升更快因为无处就是地形作用。

    So it rises even faster because it has nowhere else to go, that's where topography comes into the picture.


  • 控制地形选择战场可能一个明智和成功的战士重要技能

    Governing terrain and choosing your battlefields are perhaps the most crucial skills of a wise and successful warrior.


  • 降雨对于沙漠地表水地下水资源影响很大程度上取决于地形

    The impact of rainfall upon the surface water and groundwater resources of the desert is greatly influenced by landforms.


  • 真正使困惑地形山脉山谷之类因素如何影响降水的。

    What I am really confused about is how the topography of the land, the mountains and valleys and stuff, affects precipitation.


  • 为进行精准重复运动而设计的机器人高低不平地形表现佳。

    Robots built for precise, repetitive movements don't do so well on rough terrains.


  • 这些机器人打理陌生地形可能未出现,出现的”。

    This alien terrain tended by robots is still a while away, he says "but it will happen."


  • XY地形相似 X 县的人口密度显著高于 Y 县。

    County X and County Y have similar terrain, but the population density of County X is significantly higher than that of County Y.


  • 没有队友帮上忙一个人你在雪上山上地形上,你自己。你是个勇士。”

    "No teammates can help. You're alone. It's you against the snow, the mountains, the terrain, yourself. You're a warrior."


  • 他们通常1020人的队伍作战,很坚强依靠艰难地形糟糕交通条件生存下来。

    They usually operated in bands between ten and twenty strong and relied for survival on difficult terrain and bad transport.


  • 由于地下水位不是平面而是随着地形起伏的,所以地下水地表水一样受到重力影响。

    Because the surface of the water table is not flat but instead rises and falls with topography, groundwater is affected by gravity in the same fashion as surface water.


  • 考虑天气大量燃料地形附近居民区,这场火灾尤其复杂。”消防局份声明

    "The fire is particularly complex given the weather, the large quantity of fuel, the terrain and the proximity of residential areas," a statement from the fire department said.


  • 个已形成表面标志一个热点——一个远离表面板块边缘的火山隆起地形孤立区域

    The surface mark of an established plume is a hot spotan isolated region of volcanoes and uplifted terrain located far from the edge of a surface plate.


  • 我们相信如果让动物实验室里工作它们测试我们确定我们耐心忠诚地形记忆极限

    We believe that if animals ran the labs, they would test us to determine the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain.


  • 有些地区由于土质地形位置河流地下水距离几乎没有水分能提供植物一些地区则

    Some areas, because of their soil texture, topographical position, or distance from rivers or groundwater, have virtually no water available to plants, whereas others do.


  • 足够时,这种炽热岩石球体强行通过地幔上升地球表面地形形成一个宽阔的隆起

    When a reservoir is sufficiently large, a sphere of this hot rock forces its way up through the upper mantle to Earth's surface, creating a broad bulge in the topography.


  • 这种地形好像聚拢扩大声音

    This landscape seemed to trap and amplify sounds.


  • 个重达240公斤的机器人被送入天空,用于勘测火星的地形、地理状况,以及水、冰、环境和其他物理场的有关情况。

    The 240-kilogram robot was sent into the sky to survey Mars' landforms, geography situation, and something about water, ice, environment and other physical fields.


  • 对于造成海洋机制至今没有给出非常令人满意解释

    No very satisfactory account of the mechanism that caused the formation of the ocean basins has yet been given.


  • 假设人类经常迷路地方丢失了方向,请寻找我们周围地形留下痕迹

    Assuming you're lost in an area humans tend to frequently, look for the marks we leave on the landscape.


  • 这些充分利用了这个地形,他们山坡寻找野生谷类植物坚果同时草木茂盛低地河谷里寻找瞪羚其他猎物

    These people exploited the landscape intensively, foraging on hill slopes for wild cereal grasses and nuts, while hunting gazelle and other game on grassy lowlands and in river valleys.


  • 地形美国可以分成3个主要地区

    Physiographically, the United States may be separated into three major divisions.


  • 此基础上进一步结合实验模型这个数字模型用于分析正弦地形上的近岸流在波浪作用下的分布情况。

    Combined with the lab experiment, the numerical model is applied to wave-induced nearshore currents on a fixed tri-cuspate beach.


  • 地中海渡口附近台地地形极了。

    The terraced terrain near the Mediterranean ferry is terrific.


  • 这些盆地地形明显。

    These basins are evident in the topographic image.


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