• 艾伯塔省班夫郡举行TELUS高尔夫巡回赛中,理查森松鼠正在做在第二发球动作

    A Richardson's ground squirrel takes in the action from the second tee during the Telus Skins Game golf tournament in Banff, Alberta.


  • 另外小型哺乳动物老鼠松鼠许多水禽捕食重要食物,它们自己也可能鸣禽的重要捕食者。

    Alternatively, small mammals such as mice and ground squirrels are important in the diet of many waterfowl-nest predators and can themselves be important predators of songbird nets.


  • 松鼠其他松鼠生活树上而是洞里

    Ground squirrels live in burrows, instead of in the trees like other squirrels.


  • 草原犬鼠许多松鼠不一样,群居西部草原的大中。

    Prairie dogs, unlike many ground squirrels, live together in big burrows on the western prairies.


  • 通常见到鼠、松鼠其他一些鸟类厨房旁边

    It is common to see chipmunks, ground squirrels, and various species of birds gathering around camp kitchens.


  • 根据在周围发现大马哈鱼松鼠骨骼遗骸,科学家们判断这个房子修建夏季

    Scientists believe the house was occupied in summer, based on the bones from salmon and immature ground squirrels found there.


  • 理查森松鼠正在做第二发球动作,图为艾伯塔省班夫telus高尔夫巡回赛

    A Richardson's ground squirrel takes in the action from second tee during the Telus Skins Game golf tournament in Banff, alberta.


  • 南加利福尼亚松鼠冬眠也夏眠。这种动物七月份就开始休眠了,有时会休眠到来年春天。

    The ground squirrel of southern california both estivates and hibernates . this kind of little animals begin resting in july and sometimes remain this way until the following spring.


  • 保护项目科学家检查完加州松鼠把它了,这个保护项目旨在帮助亚哥的穴鸟(穴居猫头鹰)。

    California ground squirrel is released after being checked by scientists in a conservation programme designed to aid burrowing owls in San Diego County.


  • 日照大部分时间里,此野生动物———丛林狼、松鼠蜥蜴以及走———纷纷寻觅着稀罕且又狭小乘凉之所。

    For most of the daylight hours, the wildlife of the place-coyotes, ground squirrels, lizards, road-runners-seek rare, small spots of shade.


  • 例如松鼠发现捕食者附近潜伏时会发出报警不仅是为了警示它们伙伴而且攻击者知道自己隐蔽枉然

    Ground squirrels, for example, use alarm signals when a predator is lurking nearby, not only to warn their peers, but also to make it known to the attacker its cover is blown.


  • 许多松鼠悄无声息携带着一种松鼠致命疾病

    Many gray squirrels are silent carriers of a disease fatal to red squirrels.


  • 如果关注那些森林松鼠或者慷慨提供它们花园让他们觅食,你就能确切知道这种动物一直什么为食。

    If you stick with forest squirrels or those that have been subsisting on your garden largesse, you know exactly what that beastie has been snacking on.


  • 他们扛着时,彼此间叽里咕噜说话听上去松鼠叫声,又像鹿声大气的咳嗽

    As they carried me, they spoke to one an-other in a gibberish that sounded like the bark of a squirrel or the rough cough of a deer.


  • 游客们位于克罗伊登的克罗伊登休闲公园幸运瞥见只罕见白化松鼠

    Visitors to South Croydon Recreation Park in Croydon have been lucky to get a glimpse of this rare albino squirrel.


  • 世界成千上万都是松鼠们偶然土里,然后小松鼠记得自己到底把这些坚果在哪里,最后才能生根发芽的。

    Millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts and do not remember where they were hiding them.


  • 松鼠简单回答消失在树顶的枝桠里。

    "Squirrel", she replied very simply and vanished into the topmost branches.


  • 春天了。中短促了一个冬季的小松鼠快乐钻出,在树林间翻腾跳跃起来

    Spring is coming. A short winter squirrels happily come in tree holes drilled hole in the woods somersault jump up.


  • 松鼠母亲离别母亲,急匆匆山坡

    Mother rabbits squirrels parting mother hurriedly ran to the hill.


  • 母亲一再吆喝下,松鼠开端慢腾腾家里走。但是,刚走门口,松鼠阿嚏阿嚏打起喷嚏

    In her constant crying, little squirrel shuffles only beginning to go home. However, the front door, a small squirrel on Ati Ati playing the sneeze.


  • 并且证明自己相当适应阔叶林部分原因消化橡实能力,但松鼠没来之前

    Until the grey squirrel arrived, that is, and proved itself rather better adapted to broadleaf forests thanks, in part, to its ability to digest acorns.


  • 来到处杂草丛生的土坎时,松鼠母亲咚咚咚土坎上下脚

    Came under a grassy ridge, the squirrel mother tapping on the ridge stamped in three scraps.


  • 爷爷满面笑容说:“松鼠送来了。”

    "I've brought you the squirrel skins," said grandad, smiling broadly.


  • 为了探讨有效可行的防治策略我们危害严重的洪雅人工林设置赤腹松鼠进行研究

    In order to explore feasible and effective control strategies, we have serious harm Hongya plantation area to set up kind of red-bellied squirrels for research.


  • 很快便能入睡到了早晨,松鼠爬上房顶,敲敲打打开始它快乐日常工作

    Sleep would come easily and in the morning the red squirrel would be on the roof, tapping out his gay routine.


  • 就是松鼠能够电线奔跑原因的蹄子电线杆子的接变压器接触时,会可怜被打死。

    That's why a squirrel can run across an electrical line, but sadly die when its foot makes contact with the (grounded) transformer on the pole at wire's end.


  • 倒是那些松鼠,开头有点羞答答,过后就自己东西一样老实不客气干起来了。

    They were manifestly thieves, and I had not much respect for them; but the squirrels, though at first shy, went to work as if they were taking what was their own.


  • 的确我们正如松鼠一样海洋中的王国持有欢乐振动

    And indeed we are. Just like Squirrel, we hold the vibration of joy for kingdoms upon the land and within the sea.


  • 田鼠已经舒舒服服底下楼房睡着了,猫头鹰安坐在沼深处空心树里面,兔子松鼠狐狸躲在家里安居不动。 看家的狗在火炉旁边安静躺着,牛羊在栏圈里一声不响站着。

    The meadow-mouse has slept in his snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed.


  • 田鼠已经舒舒服服底下楼房睡着了,猫头鹰安坐在沼深处空心树里面,兔子松鼠狐狸躲在家里安居不动。 看家的狗在火炉旁边安静躺着,牛羊在栏圈里一声不响站着。

    The meadow-mouse has slept in his snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed.


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