The origins of life on Earth bristle with puzzle and paradox.
Volcanic rock rafts could have played a key role in the origins of life on Earth, a team of scientists suggests.
One microscopic aquatic organism plays a major role in making life on earth possible: phytoplankton.
Life could have existed on another planet, maybe even one as close as Mars, and then made its way to Earth instead of originating here.
It's a central human question that drives us to wonder about origins-of humans, life, the Earth, the Universe.
But finding microbes that are unusually clever at adapting to hostile environments tells us nothing about the origin of life on Earth — or anywhere else in the universe for that matter.
But finding microbes that are unusually clever at adapting to hostile environments tells us nothing about the origin of life on Earth - or anywhere else in the universe for that matter.
Long lived oceans may have teemed with microbes at a time when the life is thought to have also been starting on Earth.
Some question whether life began on Earth at all, asserting instead that it came from a distant world or the heart of a fallen comet or asteroid.
如果这种想法行得通,这些新细胞——丘奇称之为“镜像生命(mirror life)”——足以回答关于地球上乃至全宇宙生命起源的最深奥问题。
If it worked, those new cells-church called them "mirror life" -could answer one of the deepest questions about the origin of life, not just here on Earth but everywhere in the universe.
Earth is an ocean planet. About three billion years ago, life on our planet began in the deep blue seas.
Life on Earth may have its origins in outer space, according to NASA research. Scientists have analysed meteorites that formed billions of years ago before falling to Earth.
Icy objects such as comets may have helped start life on Earth by delivering water and carbon-based molecules to the young planet.
We must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life, that given a planet only approximately like our own, life is almost certain to start.
This round of Mars missions hopes to answer lingering questions which may cast light on the nature and origin of life on Earth.
Molecular scientists study such compounds for clues about the origins of life on Earth.
Since even bacteria are biologically complex, scientists think they arose from life forms that got a foothold on Earth even earlier.
Observing from the origin of life-beings, both animals and human beings exist as a certain kind of living forms on the earth.
Life originated in the early seas less than a billion years after the Earth was formed.
Some specialists believe that beings on earth originate from the outer space, and research papers published in recent years add to the reliability of the opinion.
It urged parents as well as teachers to provide children with the facts about the origins and evolution of life on Earth.
Addressing the challenge of answering this question would help to reveal new insights and refine theories concerning the origin and evolution of life on our planet, as well as life beyond Earth.
Addressing the challenge of answering this question would help to reveal new insights and refine theories concerning the origin and evolution of life on our planet, as well as life beyond Earth.