• 隐蔽摄像机监视着公共场所

    Video spy cameras are being used in public places.


  • 大多数工作场所现在都已禁止吸烟

    Non-smoking is now the norm in most workplaces.


  • 工作场所年龄歧视问题忽视

    The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized.


  • 公共场所所有必须皮带牵住。

    All dogs must be kept on a leash in public places.


  • 娼妓禁止公路上公共场所拉客

    Prostitutes were forbidden to solicit on public roads and in public places.


  • 礼拜场所盗窃认为渎神行为

    Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege.


  • 政府制定法律,工作场所禁止歧视

    The government will legislate against discrimination in the workplace.


  • 打破公共场所的种族界限做出过许多努力

    She made numerous efforts to break down colour lines in public places.


  • 乡间小屋变成业内外人士合作制作音乐场所

    He turned his country house into a place where professionals and amateurs collaborated in the making of music.


  • 自尊有助于消除工作场所性别不平等

    Self-esteem helps to combat gender inequality in the workplace.


  • 他们成功挽救了沿途几百吃饭场所

    They also saved hundreds of eating places along the way.


  • 出于健康考虑,所有公共场所禁止吸烟

    It makes sense that smoking should be banned in all public places for the sake of health.


  • 2006年出台禁烟规定禁止工作场所吸烟

    The anti-smoking rules introduced in 2006 outlawed smoking only in the workplace.


  • 之前几个世纪游客饱餐一顿的场所了。

    There were eating places travellers could go to centuries before that.


  • 有些动物通过模仿它们生活场所外观来隐藏自己。

    Some animals hide by looking like the places where they live.


  • 为什么我们不同性别的人设置严格的就餐场所呢?

    Why should we have strict places for different sexes to eat?


  • 我们预计大大减少学校工作场所旷工现象。

    We predict this will dramatically reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces.


  • 我们现代工作场所也是基于过时的时间限制而运作的。

    Our modern workplaces also operate based on outdated time constraints.


  • 这家公司正在寻找更大营业场所

    The company is looking for larger premises.


  • 大厅婚礼其他社会活动提供场所

    The hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions.


  • 其中名士兵立即开始场所进行搜查

    Two of the soldiers swiftly began making a sweep of the premises.


  • 游乐场年轻人寻求各种惊险刺激绝佳场所

    An amusement park is the perfect locale for youngsters to have all sorts of adventures.


  • 国际会议中心为期3天艺术节举办场所

    The International Convention Centre is the venue for a three-day arts festival.


  • 旅馆是非正式场所,所以就餐需要考究衣服

    The inns are informal and dress-up clothes are not required for dinner.


  • 加拿大今年晚些时候禁止所有办公场所吸烟

    Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year.


  • 麦克纳利现在拥有一些极时髦闹市区名人娱乐场所

    McNally now owns a clutch of uberchic downtown celebrity hang-outs.


  • 这个水上公园周围那些最好公共游泳场所一样好。

    The water park will be on a par with some of the best public swim facilities around.


  • 一些雇员不得不轮用办公桌直到能够找到更多的办公场所为止。

    Some employees will have to hot-desk until more accommodation can be found.


  • 场所禁止吸烟。

    No smoking in public areas.


  • 场所禁止吸烟。

    No smoking in public areas.


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