• 贝尔巴布法河地区,老人坐在咖啡馆角落里,着那些梳着灰发年轻人吹牛

    At Belcourt and Bab-el-Oued, old men seated in the depths of cafes, listening to the bragging of young men with plastered hair.


  • 独自坐在咖啡馆一角灯光昏黄发案没有咖啡点心只有一杯

    Sitting alone in a corner of the cafe, the lights dim incidence, no coffee and snacks, only a cup of water.


  • 特写镜头女人阅读短信手机网络坐在咖啡馆联合办公笔记本电脑

    Closeup of woman is reading text message on mobile phone in network, while is sitting with laptop computer in co-working cafe.


  • 与其三个小时坐在咖啡馆一起分析状况如同闺蜜的一次快速交谈

    Three hours spent analyzing a situation in a cafe with your girlfriends can't compete with a quick chat to a guy friend.


  • 第二不用两个牧民陪伴,就独自开车那个村子里去了,坐在咖啡馆门前花园里平台上,父亲聊起天

    The next day, without his shepherds, he drove to the village and sat on the garden terrace of the cafe to chat with her father.


  • 星期六下午我们坐在咖啡馆聊天喜欢咖啡馆情调,喜欢细节处理上的唯美感觉有着典雅浪漫结合

    Saturday afternoon, we sat in the cafe to chat, I like the mood of the cafe, like it in the details of the processing of the aesthetic feeling, there is a combination of elegance and romance.


  • 贝尔库(Belcourt巴布法河地区(Bab-el-Oued),老人坐在咖啡馆角落里,毛发光滑的青年侃侃而谈自吹自擂

    At Belcourt and Bab-el-Oued old men seated in the depths of cafes listen to the bragging of young men with plastered hair.


  • 作为一个福利金生活单亲母亲,坐在爱丁堡咖啡馆哈利·波特女儿身旁

    Living on welfare as a single parent, she wrote about Harry Potter while sitting in an Edinburgh cafe with her daughter asleep beside her.


  • 今天上午,最喜欢咖啡馆写作时,一个可爱拉丁女子坐在对面。她有着一双明亮眼睛红润的面庞。

    This morning I was writing at my favorite coffee shop when a cute Latin woman with big, bright eyes and rosy cheeks sat down at the table across from me.


  • 社会学家担心总是邮件写文档的失去朋友咖啡馆公车坐在身边陌生人之间的联系

    Sociologists fret about constant e-mailers and texters losing the everyday connections to casual acquaintances or strangers who may be sitting next to them in the cafe or on the bus.


  • 坐在曼哈顿城中的小小咖啡馆,慢慢享受那儿时熟悉小食品味道如同天堂一般

    Sitting in a small coffee shop in the heart of Manhattan and unleashing the flavors of my childhood felt like heaven.


  • 附近露天咖啡馆21岁马莉亚姆·马利克一个朋友坐在烈日下。

    In a nearby outdoor cafe, 21-year-old Maryam Malik sat with a friend in the scorching heat.


  • 今天上午,最喜欢咖啡馆写作时,一个可爱拉丁女子坐在对面。 她有着一双明亮的眼睛红润面庞

    This morning I was writing at my favorite coffee shop when a cute Latin womanwith big, bright eyes and rosy cheeks sat down at the table across from me.


  • 印度卡塔利娜阳台一个咖啡馆餐厅供应早餐午餐晚餐非正式的场地坐在旁边游泳池改变他们菜单整个星期

    India Catalina Terrace is a cafe and restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The informal venue sits next to the pool and changes their menu throughout the week.


  • 每次走进那间常去咖啡馆总会一个坐在边的位置上,看着窗外来来往往的人们。

    Every time I walk into the coffee shop, I always sit by the window, looking out the window.


  • 环顾咖啡馆秒钟下了眼镜坐在面对位子上

    He looked around the cafe for a few seconds, took off his glasses and sat down in a chair facing the door.


  • 坐在一家咖啡馆旁边陌生人发现他/她正在上周刚看完的

    You're at a café, you look over to the stranger next toyou and see that they're reading the book you justfinished last week.


  • 坐在一家咖啡馆旁边陌生人发现他/她正在上周刚看完的

    You're at a café, you look over to the stranger next toyou and see that they're reading the book you justfinished last week.


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