Stressing freedom of marriage equality and resolutely safeguard the rights and interests of women are two notable features of the new marriage law.
Li said that China is resolute to maintain the international nuclear non-proliferation system and peace and stability in the Middle East.
It is the guarding of individual's esteem and value, as well as the defending of the beauty of an ideal personality.
Jaeger defended the ages, noting that other fossils they discovered at the site and magnetic details in the rocks supported their interpretation.
The bottom line of China's policy is very clear: we will resolutely safeguard our national sovereignty, security and maritime rights and interests, and firmly safeguard regional peace and stability.
Next, this kind of thing doesn't remember how many times happened, form is also varied, WangGongGuang attitude is still, withstood a severe test, resolutely safeguard tax dignity.
Let me say again that China is fully supportive of maintaining the international nuclear nonproliferation regime.
Add to the above Hobbes' repeated insistence that law serve as an instrument for achieving social equality.
G 8外长敦促国际社会对伊朗的核问题采取“适当并且强硬的措施”,尽管伊朗声称开展核项目纯粹是出于维护和平的原因,国际社会仍然要坚决制止。
The G8 ministers urged the international community to take "appropriate and strong steps" to show its resolve over the nuclear program, which Tehran insists is purely peaceful.
Around the globe, people are making their voices heard, insisting on their innate dignity, and the right to determine their future.
Declare this to ensure: Our company will firmly obey the copyright law of national and international standards, will consciously safeguard standards copyright!
We will tenaciously investigate all kinds of accidents and prosecute those responsible for them in accordance with the law to uphold the sanctity of the law and disciplinary regulations.
For all countries, there is the Shared responsibility to take effective measures to tackle emergencies, protect safety of tourists and oppose terrorist ACTS against tourists.
The highest criterion of discipline is whether one truly protects and carries out the policies of the Party and the state.
So bloggers who have worked hard to build a community around their blog, stay well away from money making practices that may harm their reputation and put off their readers.
So bloggers who have worked hard to build a community around their blog, stay well away from money making practices that may harm their reputation and put off their readers.