• 这座坟墓旋风中,他们还是嬉笑自如

    In this whirlwind of the sepulcher in which they stood, they still laughed freely.


  • 坟墓费用如此之高,以至于大多数选择一个坟墓3甚至遗体挖出之后,仍然不能长久地安息

    The cost of the grave is so great that most people choose to rent a grave for three years and even after being dug up, lasting peace is still not guaranteed.


  • 根据挖掘情况,我们可以知道房子布局坟墓位置但是我们试图解释他们这样做原因只是瞎猜而已

    Based on excavations, we can know the layout of the houses and the location of the graves, but we're only guessing when we tried to say why they did it that way.


  • 这座坟墓旋风他们还是嬉笑自如。

    In this whirlwind of the sepulchre in which they stood, they laughed.


  • 无非坟墓渴望。

    Is but its longing for the tomb.


  • 节非常感性,鲜花装饰坟墓画面

    It's an intensely erotic passage, this image of decorating King's tomb with flowers.


  • 坟墓门徒进去看见了。

    8finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed.


  • 家庭经常鲸鱼骨头加固草屋,同时做死者坟墓记号

    Families used the whales' bones to frame sod houses and mark the graves of the dead.


  • 欧盟丹麦北欧邻国拥有广泛的从摇篮到坟墓保障制度

    Denmark and its Nordic neighbors have the most extensive cradle-to-grave protection systems in the European Union.


  • 第二上层人物遗体——可能是个女的——这个遗体发现向下走向靠近坟墓地方。

    A second elite individuallikely a female—was found on a landing adjacent to the tomb.


  • 坟墓四围下的。他们曾在活人之地使人惊恐

    Whose graves are set in the sides of the pit, and her company is round about her grave: all of them slain, fallen by the sword, which caused terror in the land of the living.


  • 欧盟丹麦北欧邻国拥有广泛的从摇篮到坟墓保障制度他们负担最高税收

    Denmark and its Nordic neighbors have the most extensive cradle-to-grave protection systems in the European Union. They also pay the highest taxes.


  • 这些纹身间或坟墓壁画中发现小型女性雕像大腿矮小的Bes神祗画像。

    The tattoos occasionally found in tomb scenes and on small female figurines which form part of cosmetic items also have small figures of the dwarf god Bes on the thigh area.


  • 这时一个扫地老大爷了过来,男孩好奇问道这座坟墓来历老人停了下来,无不叹息的说。

    Then, an old man who sweeped the ground walked there. Out of curiosity, he asked the old man the origin of the grave.


  • 告诉童年怎样阴沉透过痛苦悲哀,上天照亮我们通往坟墓之星是如何闪耀

    Tell how his boyhood was one drear night-hour, how shone for him, through his griefs and gloom, 10 No star of all heaven sends to light our Path to the tomb.


  • 如今丈夫也葬同一个地点他们竖立简单石碑它们脚下也各有一块平平的石,作为坟墓标志

    Her husband lies in the same spot now; and they have each a simple headstone above, and a plain grey block at their feet, to mark the graves.


  • Senned jem是古埃及从事法老坟墓一个工匠那时他备受尊敬。他墓穴1886年埃及帝王发现

    The tomb of Sennedjem, a respected artisan who worked on the tombs of the pharaohs, was found completely intact in Egypt's Valley of the Kings in 1886.


  • 虽然没有清楚那些木乃伊生前平时些什么,不过他们玉米热狗倒是真的,那玩意儿要是吃太多,真的早早坟墓

    Although no one knows what those mummies were eating, it's safe to say they never encountered a corn dog. Too many of those things will lead you to an early tomb.


  • 起初罗森博格话语缓慢略显僵硬不过随即开始一起也一一扬,声音的力度加强了——来自坟墓声音。

    Initially, Rosenberg spoke slowly and stiffly, but then his hands began to rise and fall, along with his eyebrows, the power of his voice growing-a voice from the grave.


  • 可怜丁梅斯代尔先生虑及坟墓时候或许一直在扪心自问:既然墓中一个诅咒的东西,那坟还会会长青草

    And, all this time, perchance, when poor Mr. Dimmesdale was thinking of his grave, he questioned with himself whether the grass would ever grow on it, because an accursed thing must there be buried!


  • 书中有段描写充分表达了Piaf不屈不挠的精神:渐渐远去的这位女歌手,就像一只垂死挣扎的飞蛾,她的歌声来自坟墓的呐喊生命之歌拒绝死亡,拒绝沉默。

    The fading chanteuse, he wrote, was “like a dying moth, ” singing “in a voice like a shout from a tomb, . . . the voice of life itself, refusing to die, refusing to be silenced.”


  • 那里有着一个形的、台阶的平台,封装坟墓金字塔预示经典的玛雅E布局,它是以危地马拉的 瓦夏克通现场 (Uaxactún site )的E组来命名的,巴尚德

    With its long, terraced platform, the pyramid that housed the tomb presages the classic Maya "E group" layout, named after Group E at the Uaxactún site in Guatemala, Bachand said.


  • 那时注意到坟墓死亡日期也是同一天

    It was then that I noticed the date of death on the grave was that same day.


  • 那时注意到坟墓死亡日期也是同一天

    It was then that I noticed the date of death on the grave was that same day.


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