Echo is always complaining about her job as a cashier, but frankly it's something to have a job in these difficult days.
The first lesson from this is that you can go too far in simulation; locking access to individual dice is, frankly, just silly.
Honestly, if we got stuck in the rut of "hi", "hello", "how are you?" and "what's going on?", you will fail to give the afraid to ask more personal questions.
Frankly, establishing the parameters of consent among humans can be just as controversial.
That sounds like a lot of trouble; and, to be honest, it's not a totally simple process.
Honestly, I didn't really care, and ended up doing it 2 halfheartedly.
Frankly speaking, I have been thinking that the work mode is not right for us after the discussion.
Frankly, I don't even want to try tackling this using Calendar.
Frankly speaking I managed to guess only three of them and was surprised by my lack of perception.
Frankly speaking, we have very slim chances of managing our time because we have very little control over it.
Frankly, what's delightful about it is that we now have five major planets orbiting it.
It honestly took me a while to realize that not all users are just like me!
There have to be four or five things you want to come see that frankly as a consumer you'd pay for.
Confess, Marianne, is not there something interesting to you in the flushed cheek, hollow eye, and quick pulse of a fever?
Another common mistake is to suppose that XML is somehow used behind the scenes — a view I once held myself, to be honest!
And to be honest, I think if they did, they probably wouldn't be successful, because they don't have the perspective.
I started to cry, too-for freaking Bwana Beast, a character about whom, frankly, I could not possibly care less.
This article covered a lot of ground in a short space, and frankly, it only scratched the surface of what these two outstanding libraries have to offer.
“I’m scared to,” Lisa confessed, and the blue of her eyes showed it, anxious and bright amid her fading freckles.
Honestly, we think there are enough problems - and enough solutions - that there are room for both methods.
"Honestly, for a few hours, we didn't know what to say," the spokesman told me.
To put it bluntly, we are very thin, and a crisis would quickly stress our cyber forces.
一位男士曾坦白地说;“一个我无法回答的大问题是:女士想要的是什么? ”?
Once a man confessed, "The great question I have not been able to answer is What does a woman want?"
We’ve been without a television for over two months now—and to be honest, we hardly notice its absence.
Honestly, I prefer a set of canned gauges with which I can just supply the data.
The singer's lawyer said he would appeal against the sentence and criticised the judges' admission that they were influenced by public pressure.
The singer's lawyer said he would appeal against the sentence and criticised the judges' admission that they were influenced by public pressure.