• 城市弱势群体权益保护问题当前社会焦点问题之一。

    The matter of protecting the rights of vulnerable groups is a focus problem in current society.


  • 本文关于城市弱势群体家庭教育资源状况个案研究结果呈示

    The text shows us the conclusion of the individual case study of the resource state of the urban weak group's family education.


  • 因此本文社区教育角度研究关注城市弱势群体继续接受教育问题

    Therefore, this paper from the perspective of community education concerned on the problem of continued education of the urban vulnerable groups.


  • 随着社会城市步伐加快城市弱势群体队伍逐渐扩大引起人们关注

    Along with the acceleration of social urbanization pace, the team of urban disadvantaged groups has been gradually expanded and aroused people's concern.


  • 实施心理救助途径其一普及心理健康知识提高城市弱势群体求助意识

    There are three approaches to implement mental salvation. Firstly, popularize the knowledge of psychology health, improve salvation consciousness.


  • 正是由于这些原因存在,城市弱势群体容易采取一些极端行为维护自身权益

    For these reasons, the social vulnerable group in cities is likely to take some extreme ACTS to protect their own interests.


  • 针对导致城市弱势群体家庭子女教育处境不利不同原因研究者提出改善建议

    The researcher offers the advices to improve against the different causes of causing the disadvantageous educational condition of the urban weak group.


  • 第四部分多个角度和层面提出开展社区教育解决城市弱势群体教育问题对策建议。

    The fourth part from various respects to carry out Suggestions to resolve the lifelong education of the urban vulnerable groups by community education.


  • 城市弱势群体那些生存权利话语权利不能充分得到实现导致生存困难城市居民

    The social vulnerable group in cities is citizens whose rights of subsistence and speaking can not be fully realized and lead to the survival difficulties.


  • 城市弱势群体特征成因作一剖析从中找出扶助之策,解决弱势群体问题具有重要的现实意义。

    And it is of great significance to analyze the features and causes of weak colony and to find solutions to support them.


  • 第三部分理论分析重要性分析、可行性分析三个角度对利用社区教育解决城市弱势群体教育问题进行探讨

    The third part from the theoretical foundation, the analysis of the importance, analysis of feasibility to discuss how community education work on lifelong education of the urban vulnerable groups.


  • 城市弱势群体之所以弱势”的原因多方面的,但是自身能力差文化水平缺乏竞争优势其中非常重要方面

    Urban vulnerable groups was a "weak", there were many reasons for, but their own poor, low literacy levels, lack of competitive advantage is one very important respect.


  • 城市弱势群体——年龄弱势群体特殊居住需求进行了分析总结,试图运用建筑设计手法改善提高年龄弱势群体的居住水平

    The article analyses and concludes the special residential needs of social vulnerable groups on age, so as to improve and raise their residential level by the methods of architecture design.


  • 社会转型时期城市进程群体资源流动重组导致城市弱势群体产生及严重状况;经济地位和社会地位的长期低下是此类人群在现阶段的基本特征。

    In time of social transfer, the flow and recombination of the colony resources in the course of urbanization has led to the formation of urban puny colony and its deteriorating situation.


  • 本文尝试从城市社会弱势群体进行社会互助视角寻求构建和谐社区方法途径

    In this article, through the view of social interdependency given by the urban society to vulnerable groups, the author attempted to seek the way and approach to build up a harmonious society.


  • 这些使城市空间方案居住于此的弱势群体表现出慷慨欢迎态度,从而使约束感随之消失了

    Thus, the urban constraints disappear in the spatial resolution which offers a generous welcome to the disadvantaged population occupying the social residence.


  • 城市人均住房面积城镇住房弱势群体比例明显不相称,原因之一部分股票闲置资源严重

    Urban per capita housing area of urban housing and the proportion of disadvantaged groups is manifestly disproportionate, one of the reasons is that part of the stock of idle resources seriously.


  • 作为社会中的弱势群体城市低收入者不但居住权利,随着生活水平提高,对居住环境舒适度有了更高要求

    As vulnerable groups in society, urban low-income not only have the right of residence, but also require more comfortable living environment with the improvement of living standards.


  • 县级市公共图书馆相对于城市公共图书馆来说,可以称得上弱势群体”,它们由于经费不足人才匮乏等原因,经常处于“巧妇难为无米之炊”境地。

    Comparing with large city public libraries, the county public library is weak and small, it is difficult to develop for a great shortage of outlay and talented people.


  • 农民工下岗职工城市社会弱势群体但是他们文化背景不同,他们的 消费 行为应当具有可比性

    The urban migrant workers and the laid-off workers are both the social disadvantaged groups, but their culture background are different, so it has comparison between the two groups.


  • 城市社会弱势群体我国广大的城市下岗或失业者群体、从农村剩余劳动力转化而来的农民工群体失地农民群体

    The urban social vulnerable groups include the laid-off group, the immigrant rural workers and the cropland-lost peasants in our country.


  • 我国城市流浪乞讨人员长期以来一直生活社会最底层是最为特殊弱势群体

    Most of urban vagrants and beggars have long been living in the bottom of society.


  • 解决低收入弱势群体住房问题缓解城市居住压力都起到了一定的促进作用。

    It contributes to solving the house problem of weak group and relaxing residential pressure.


  • 解决低收入弱势群体住房问题缓解城市居住压力都起到了一定的促进作用。

    It contributes to solving the house problem of weak group and relaxing residential pressure.


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