They note concerns that wild plants could, as a result, gain genetically engineered resistances.
A related report looked at genetic changes in cattle over time.
The researchers said findings suggest that in future it might be possible to control the size of the malaria-carrying mosquito population by introducing a genetic change that makes males sterile.
So naturally divergent cats were found and then bred so there is really no modification of the gene.
Dr. Tattersall believes the leap to humans may have been brought about very suddenly, perhaps by a few critical genetic changes, which is why the transition is so hard to trace in the fossil record.
We've turned the notion of natural selection on its head. Nature isn't the only force that picks the genes that stick around - we're doing it too.
Moreover if, as I expect, the dire prophecies of GM doom fail to materialise, the feeling of let-down may spill over into complacency about real risks.
It is likely that the genes involved, which include genes that encode neuronal ion channels, have been subject to a positive selection pressure leading to an accelerated evolution of genetic changes.
After being consumed by the mothers, the methyl donors worked their way into the developing embryos' chromosomes and onto the critical agouti gene.
Given the pace of progress on these and other fronts, gene therapy is at last ready to mature from a soundbite into sound clinical practice.
But it paid off. He applied genes that had been used for years to transform normal tissue into tumor cells, and the tissue grew.
Scientists at the bioengineering company Arteriocyte had a DARPA contract (Defense and Research Projects Agency) to engineer red blood cells, a process called pharming.
It allows selected individual genes to be transferred from one organism into another, also between non-related species.
Researchers have discovered new small molecules that may prevent prostate cancer cells from turning off normal genes in a process that transforms normal cells into cancer cells.
This tool has already yielded insights into the genetic changes that correlate with different drug treatments, pointing us to genes that may contribute to drug resistance.
In the long term, finding these genes will radically transform the practice of medicine.
该基因可在干细胞中将毒性小的5 -氟胞嘧啶(5 -FC)转变为5 -FU,该化疗药物由干细胞进入肿瘤细胞,产生致死性的旁观者效应。
This gene can convert a less toxic drug, 5-fluorocytosine (5-fc), to 5-fu inside the stem cells, and the chemotherapy can then seep out into the tumor, producing a lethal by-stander effect.
Darwinian theory that explains new species in terms of genetic mutations.
本文我们分离到了一个控制小穗分生组织向花分生组织转变以及花器官发育的基因SUPERNUMERARYBRACT (SNB)。
Here, we report the identification of the SUPERNUMERARY BRACT (SNB) gene controlling the transition from spikelet meristem to floral meristem and the floral organ development.
GENETICALLY modified stem cells are to be injected into the brains of cancer patients, where they will convert an inactive cancer drug into a potent and targeted tumour-killing agent.
With the completeness of the two model plants, Arabidopsis and rice, genomic sequencing project, the emphasis of plant genomic research has focused on functional genome research.
Due to the completion of human genome project and the advent of new technologies, the traditional drug discovery is shifting to genomics-based drug discovery.
This risk "signature, " confined to a set of 16 genes, could be detected in a blood sample as early as 18 months before the infected person developed active TB.
Biology was next, with genome sequencing throwing up so much of the stuff that genetics has turned partly into an information science.
The researchers injected stem cells from rats into the embryos of mice that had been genetically altered so they could not produce their own organs - and so creating mice that had rat organs.
We previously reported that SUPERNUMERARY BRACT (SNB) regulates the transition of spikelet meristems into floral meristems in rice.
They also converted one species of bacterium into another through a "genome transplant".
In humans, mutations in this gene long have been known to initiate a series of events that cause colon polyps, which eventually become cancerous.
In humans, mutations in this gene long have been known to initiate a series of events that cause colon polyps, which eventually become cancerous.