The primary school is basic stage of compulsory education and key period of forming good study habits, it is the period of laying a foundation of one's growing up too.
After investigation, the paper proposes some ideas on how to improve the financial input system of rural compulsory education.
On the basis of investigation, this article analyses various difficulties in implementing《English Course Standards》(Trial Draft) of junior and senior middle schools.
Through pointing out the polarization of compulsory education, the author puts forward some ideas of running every school effectively to promote the general level of elementary education.
While the compulsory education is an important part in rural areas of basic education in China.
Then refer to the research on this area both inside and outside, we redact a questionnaire on the basis of the curriculum standard, curriculum content and the information of teaching and learning.
So, based on that, we were able to say that increasing compulsory schooling did actually have an effect on their cognitive abilities as measured at 19 years of age.
The investigation undertaken is a piece of basic research on the development of curriculum of compulsory education in the special school for mental retardation.
Accepting the compulsory education is not only the basic right of each citizen, but also should be protected by the law and the national system.
In the newly published maths curriculum criteria of basic education, more emphasis is put on maths language's education value and learning aims in either compulsory education or senior middle schools.
Secondary vocational schools are targeted on training the high-quality junior and mid-level technicians who have finished nine-year compulsory education.
Compulsory education has basic and guiding characteristics of overall importance. Compulsory educational fairness is the precondition of social fairness.
七年级着重于培养良好的学习习惯及夯实学科基础,以义务教育课程为主,国际课程、综合课程合理配置; ;
We focus on the cultivation of habit and basic subject learning in Grade 7. And courses are mainly about compulsory subjects, with International course and Comprehensive course as supplement.
In China, compulsory education in rural areas takes an important part in the whole education system.
Experiment of basic education and entire operation come into action nationwide since the issue of mathematics curriculum criterion of nine-year compulsory education in 2001.
In the view of reality, on one hand, although the government has instituted a series of measurements to derate educational charge, it still seems to be a burden to the majority of rural families;
In the view of reality, on one hand, although the government has instituted a series of measurements to derate educational charge, it still seems to be a burden to the majority of rural families;