• 结果表明,不同植物类群(禾草莎草类)增加降水20%,地上生物量分别比对照提高103。

    The results indicated that in the grass group and sedge group, the above ground biomass in the plots, where the precipitation increased by 20%, was 103.


  • 美国西南部半干旱地区湖泊水位一个冰河时代似乎现在更高事实一度归因于降水增加

    The fact that lake levels in the semiarid southwestern United States appear to have been higher during the last ice age than they are now was at one time attributed to increased precipitation.


  • 连锁效应可能包括气温升高、云层增厚、降水增加海平面升高。

    The knock-on effects are likely to include more warming, cloudier skies, increased precipitation and higher sea levels.


  • 而当体温度低并且含水量很少时,微粒不能增加云体厚度降水强度

    In contrast, aerosols did not increase the thickness or precipitation intensity of clouds which had cold bases and no ice.


  • 而夏季降水减少了人口增加了,该区供水造成了压力

    Summer precipitation has decreased and the increase in population has put pressure on the region's water supplies.


  • 一方面,降水湿度增加可能会加大传播疾病风险

    On the other hand, more precipitation and increased moisture may lead to more risk of vector-borne diseases.


  • 极端降水在北半球由于气候条件改变增加极端降水事件发生数量比如英国爆发洪水的可能性较2000年增加了两

    Extreme precipitation: Climate change is increasing the number of extreme precipitation events across the Northern Hemisphere — as well as doubling the risk of floods like the one in the U.K. in 2000.


  • 大坝后面水库中的储水,加上用来灌溉土地,会增加附近地区的潮湿度,使降水提高。

    Water in reservoirs behind dams, plus the water used to irrigate nearby land puts more moisture in the air, which falls as precipitation.


  • 趋势一样的:海洋蒸发量增加导致陆地降水增加流入大海中的水量增加

    The trends were all the same: increased evaporation from the ocean that led to increased precipitation on land and more flow back into the ocean.


  • 厄尔尼诺导致海平面上涨数十厘米他们认为大量降水产生额外重量可能会增加海底岩石空隙流体压力

    El nino raises the local sea level by a few tens of centimetres, and they believe the extra water weight may increase the pressure of fluids in the pores of the rock beneath the seabed.


  • Sawadogo则希望通过增加了“zai尺寸收集更多降水

    Sawadogo increased the size of his zai in hopes of capturing more rainfall.


  • 它们建于十四至十六世纪,其土墙容易受到越来越高的温度日益增加降水的损害。

    Their mud walls arevulnerable to increases in temperature and precipitation.


  • 在1948年至2004年间,位于美国西北部地区哥伦比亚流量减少14%,这主要是由于降水减少以及美国西部用水量增加

    The Columbia River in the us Northwest lost about 14 percent of its volume from 1948 to 2004, largely because of reduced precipitation and higher water usage in the west.


  • 他们发现某些年份海水其它年份更加温暖盐度更高,其原因是蒸发量增加或者降水的减少。

    They found signs that in some years the waters were warmer or saltier than others, due to increased evaporation or reduced precipitation.


  • 增加了的降水超过排水系统负荷过去10年间暴雨引发下水道溢流

    Sewer systems weren't built to handle all that water. The last 10 years have seen more severe storms causing sewer overflows.


  • 活动中心建筑南侧建立了一个小小的湿地”,以此作为处理增加降水

    South of the central activity building, a small "wetland" is established, with rain beds to handle increasing precipitation.


  • 世界各地降水增加),由湿度增加导致;

    The rise in precipitation (rain, snow, etc) around the world, as a result of the higher humidities;


  • 减小间距,增加上层潜水入流通道,尤其潜水含水层底板低洼处设置降水井将低洼处的残留水引走。

    Minish the well space and increase transflux routeways upper backwater and driving, especially setup precipitation well and drain residual water at the bottom of diving layer.


  • 水分限制旱地作物产量主要的因素,提高自然降水利用效率增加旱地作物产量有效途径

    Water is the main factor influencing crop yield in dryland areas, and the efficient way to increase crop yield is to improve utilization efficiency of precipitation.


  • 春季夏季阶段变化表现增加趋势潜热的阶段变化晴天前期的降水变化基本一致,波动趋势。

    The sensible heat showed a tendency of increase from spring to summer, but the change of latent heat was similar to precipitation in different development phases of crop and showed a figure of a wave.


  • 华南中、东部平均水汽地区年平均降水一样,存在增加的气候变化趋势,而该地区的蒸发量则有减少的趋势。

    There exists an increasing-trend variation in the annual mean moisture sink and the precipitation over the central-eastern part of Southern China and a decreasing-trend in the evaporation.


  • 除非我们成功的应对,否则中国很多方面面临日益增加压力比如水供给降水变化以及海平面上升

    Unless we are successful, China will face increasing pressure on its water supplies, changing rainfall patterns and rising sea levels.


  • 不同降水年份这些增加水分温度变化相关

    There were different correlations between the promotions increased and the changes of soil moisture and temperature in rich and poor rainfall year.


  • 降水发生之前水汽云中液态水含量均出现显著增加过程降水结束之后则会出现一个显著减少的过程。

    Before the precipitation, there appears a process of obvious increase in the amount of water vapor and cloud liquid water, and after the precipitation, a process of obvious decreases.


  • 季节角度上看夏季降水增加全年降水增加贡献最大

    From the aspect of season, the precipitation increasing of summer makes the biggest contribution to annual precipitation.


  • 降水冰川融水径流量增加百分率相比增加幅度较小

    But, as compared to the increased percentage of runoff from glacier meltwater, the increase amplitude is smaller.


  • 降水冰川融水径流量增加百分率相比增加幅度较小

    But, as compared to the increased percentage of runoff from glacier meltwater, the increase amplitude is smaller.


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