Janes offered an interesting explanation of Augmented Reality's value.
The intelligence punctures system based on the augmented reality technique is introduced.
The research of this paper focuses on the plant layout problems based on Augmented Reality.
Augmented Reality, technology that superimposes a layer of data on top of a user's view of the real world, is one of the hottest things around these days.
Self-photography under virtual background is the application of augment reality technology in the amusement photography field.
It is helpful to apply ar technique to the scene planning for architectural designers or beauty spot developers.
It's an augmented reality air guitar app that tracks your hands and plays along. You can even pick individual strings!
Vision consistency, which has always been the difficulty that augmented reality is facing, includes geometry consistency, motion consistency, and light effect consistency.
The Visible City goes beyond the walls of a traditional museum, enabling you to experience history in a whole new way through augmented reality technology.
He claims that the new technology realizes his longtime dream of preserving realistic memories of the dearly departed for the living.
IPhone 3gs owners will be able to make up their own minds on the finer points of Augmented Reality User Experience as soon as the next, AR supporting, OS is rolled out.
The topic explored the technical realization of equipment maintenance systems based on Augmented Reality and application models in the field of equipment maintenance.
This system can meet the requirements of interactive characteristics of reality-virtual and human-computer in design process.
The game relies on a type of technology called augmented reality in which players try to capture digital creatures that are overlaid onto the real world with the help of the phone's camera.
While normally we wouldn't cover toys here at ReadWriteWeb, there is something special about this new lineup: these toys are integrated with augmented reality.
Van derKlein相信面向消费者的多功能隐形眼镜,不过是不久的将来就会实现的一例增强现实技术。
Van der Klein believes a consumer-oriented, multipurpose lens is just one example of where augmented-reality technology will take form in the near future.
It's great to see both VR and ar getting serious recognition from world leaders, especially in markets in which the tech is likely going to thrive.
Layar, an Amsterdam-based startup focusing on augmented reality, shares University of Washington's vision of an augmented-reality contact lens.
Ar has been widely used in the areas of medical, military, industry, education, entertainment and engineering, and it becomes a recent hotspot in virtual reality area.
All you'll have to do is look at it and your mobile handset or AR-equipped eyeglasses will identify the object and look up the best price and retailer.
New demands, but also new business opportunities, will arise for automation manufacturers from emerging technologies such as the digital factory, augmented reality and micro process engineering.
Augmented reality can not only add fun and interactivity to a print publication, but, as shown here, it can also vastly improve a journalist's ability to tell a story in a compelling way.
The argument reality technology is a good approach to combine the advantages of image-based method and model-based method, thus has been popular recently.
With more than 400 responses, only 11% of you said it is just hype. 61% said you think it is important, including 21% who think Augmented Reality is both important and hype.
AR is a technology in which a computer-generated image is superimposed onto user's vision in the real world, giving user additional information generated from the computer model.
We identify five areas of technology where popular applications are likely to score their first major successes by exploiting the speed and capacity of the 4G wireless networks to come.
Now one company developing such an app says Apple has said the technology required will be officially enabled in the next version of the iPhone OS - which is expected out in September.
它利用内建于许多手机和平板电脑上的GPS和数字罗盘来直接标记这些站点在一个显示于设备屏幕的活跃的feed上——这是一项被称为AR (augmentedreality增强现实)的技术。
It USES the GPS and digital compass built into many phones and tablets to mark these sites directly on a live feed displayed on the device's screen-a technique known as augmented reality.
荷兰软件公司SPRXmobil不久将发布一款Android手机应用,称其为“世界上首款增强现实(Augmented Reality)技术浏览器”。
Dutch software firm SPRXmobile will soon release an application for the Android phone that it calls "the world's first Augmented Reality browser."
这符合metaio公司共同创始人兼首席技术官(CTO)Peter Meier对增强现实未来的构想,在他的构想中,孩子们每天早上都能看到麦片盒子侧面的互动内容。
This falls directly in line with metaio co-founder and CTO Peter Meier's vision for the future of AR, where kids will view interactive content on the side of their cereal boxes each morning.