• 墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动

    Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.


  • 墨西哥观众西班牙语了。

    It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.


  • 本书生动地表现了墨西哥生活

    The book gives us fascinating insights into life in Mexico.


  • 安德鲁飓风昨晚进入墨西哥

    Hurricane Andrew was last night heading into the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 他们墨西哥一直住到六月

    They remained in Mexico until June.


  • 旅居墨西哥顺便学会了西班牙语

    She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico.


  • 我们墨西哥一端旅行到了一端。

    We've travelled from one end of Mexico to the other.


  • 教皇墨西哥主持了弥撒

    The Pontiff celebrated mass in Mexico City.


  • 墨西哥晴朗气候离开了西雅图

    He left Seattle for the sunnier climes of Mexico.


  • 一起到了墨西哥,支持革命事业

    She ran away with him to Mexico and espoused the revolutionary cause.


  • 墨西哥格林尼治标准时晚7个小时

    New Mexico is seven hours behind GMT.


  • 墨西哥科利马山昨晚开始喷发熔岩火山灰

    Mexico's Mount Colima began spewing lava and ash last night.


  • 在船员体育场举行美国墨西哥预选赛

    Crew Stadium hosted the U.S.-Mexico qualifier.


  • 看起来墨西哥全球左翼之前连结又恢复了。

    This looks like a reversion to Mexico's previous solidarity with the global left.


  • 这辆巴士着油门,准备启程返回墨西哥

    The old bus was revving its engine, ready to start the journey back towards Mexico City.


  • 墨西哥这个地区大量安全沙滩宜人气候

    This area of Mexico has an abundance of safe beaches and a pleasing climate.


  • 成功农业改革也是墨西哥实现现代化的必要条件。

    Successful agricultural reform is also a sine qua non of Mexico's modernization.


  • 墨西哥菲律宾双方他们商业银行债权人达成了协议。

    Mexico and the Philippines have both concluded agreements with their commercial bank creditors.


  • 墨西哥两个人都是4年级退的学,现在都外侨

    Both left school in the fourth grade in Mexico and are resident aliens in the United States.


  • 警方墨西哥卡车进行了突袭扣留了10非法移民嫌疑人

    Police held 10 suspected illegal immigrants after a swoop on a Mexican truck.


  • 印度中国墨西哥泰国餐馆…,而且还有很多其他国家的餐馆!

    There are Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Thai restaurants... and then some!


  • 墨西哥航空公司宣布降价出售从洛杉矶到该公司设有航班的墨西哥各城市的往返机票。

    Mexicana Airlines has announced cheaper round-trip tickets between Los Angeles and cities it serves in Mexico.


  • 而且通过推动墨西哥加拿大美国经济繁荣将会帮助我们解决与我们大家有关的问题取得进展

    And by boosting economic prosperity in Mexico, Canada and the United States, it will help us move forward on issues that concern all of us.


  • 一些西部农民反应是业务转移墨西哥

    Some western farmers have responded by moving operations to Mexico.


  • 估计,墨西哥幸福感指数为22%。

    But it estimates Mexican well-being at 22%.


  • 墨西哥是个非宗教国家梵蒂冈没有外交关系

    Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican.


  • 估计,墨西哥人的福利水平约为美国的22%。

    It estimates Mexican well-being at 22%.


  • 挪威官员于凌晨4点通知了墨西哥妻子

    Norwegian officials notified his wife in Mexico City at 4:00 a.m.


  • 罗伯特·安德森次大陆复制墨西哥成功

    Robert Anderson to duplicate his Mexican success in the sub-continent.


  • 特立尼达墨西哥油轮船员周末隔离

    In Trinidad, the crew aboard a Mexican tanker was kept in isolation over the weekend.


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