• 根据最新报道,这场大火墨西哥历史最大的一场。

    The fires are among the largest in Mexico’s history, according to news reports.


  • 超过一百万张票售出使得这部影片成为迄今为止墨西哥历史成功纪录片

    More than 1m tickets have been sold, making it by far the most successful documentary in Mexico's history.


  • 历史上,墨西哥辍学率一直很高因为贫困家庭孩子辍学,帮助解决温饱问题。孩子经常街上糖果工艺品或者餐馆打工

    Mexico has historically had high drop-out rates as poor families pull kids out of school to help put food on the table, and children often sell candy and crafts in the streets or work in restaurants.


  • 82岁·哈斯利普(JOAN HASLIP)法国玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette)墨西哥皇帝马克西米兰(Maximilianof Mexico)历史人物的著名传记作家。

    JOAN HASLIP, 82, popular biographer of such historical figures as France's Marie Antoinette and Emperor Maximilian of Mexico.


  • 墨西哥禁止神职人员干政历史可以追溯到19世纪中叶

    Mexico has a long history of anticlericalism, going back to laws in the mid-19th century.


  • 一些原因可能造成墨西哥范围死亡原因,内科医师兼密西根大学医学历史中心主任howardMarkel

    A couple of factors could be causing the greater death toll in Mexico, said Howard Markel, a physician and director of the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan.


  • 特诺奇蒂特兰在历史伟大阿兹特克帝国现在墨西哥首都。 1521年西班牙征服者到达该地,这里曾有大约30万人口

    The capital of the great Aztec empirewhich eventually morphed into today’s Mexico Cityhad about 300,000 inhabitants when Spanish conquistadors arrived in 1521.


  • 就是为什么最近墨西哥卡拉克穆尔古玛雅城所发现有1300历史的古代壁画,具有非常重大意义的原因。

    That's why the recent discovery of a 1, 300-year-old mural at Calakmul, Mexico, is so significant.


  • 自从斯隆数字巡天于2000年开始工作几个星期墨西哥望远镜收集到数据量就超过整个天文学历史积累数据量。

    WHEN the Sloan Digital Sky Survey started work in 2000, its telescope in New Mexico collected more data in its first few weeks than had been amassed in the entire history of astronomy.


  • 而且墨西哥历史享受最高增长率粗略估计认为大约有7个百分点。

    And Mexico enjoyed the highest growth rates in its history: roughly, I think, about 7 percent.


  • 虽然埃克森·瓦尔迪兹号油轮漏油事件认为是美国历史严重人为生态灾难,但墨西哥海湾漏油事件的严重程度可能会最终超过

    While the Exxon Valdez oil leak is considered to be the largest man-made environmental disaster in U.S. history, the Gulf of Mexico spill may eventually surpass it in severity.


  • 梦幻般的阿兹·克球场位于墨西哥世界杯历史几个令人难忘经典镜头都和它有关。

    Mexico City's fabled Estadio Azteca has been the backdrop for some of history's most unforgettable FIFA World Cup TM moments.


  • 这座房屋加利福利亚洲富有阶层西班牙墨西哥稀有历史遗存现在已被遗弃遭受风吹雨淋,面临毁坏的危险。

    A rare reminder of California's rich Spanish and Mexican history, the structure now sits abandoned, deteriorated, exposed to the elements and threatened by demolition.


  • 墨西哥泄漏事故可能成为美国历史严重环境灾难钻井平台爆炸导致11名工人身亡

    The Gulf spill could be one of the worst environmental disasters in U. S. history and the rig explosion killed 11 workers.


  • 美国南部,美墨边界。 位于德克萨斯州墨西哥的新拉雷多姊妹城市,其历史渊远流长

    ONE of the twinned cities that straddle America’s southern border with Mexico are as historically close as Laredo, in Texas, and Nuevo Laredo, in Mexico.


  • 他们指出化石燃料挖掘也有导致灾难性事故历史包括煤矿垮塌最近英国石油墨西哥的漏油事件。

    They pointed out that the excavation of fossil fuels has its own history of catastrophic accidents, including coal mine collapses and the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 墨西哥1912年1月成为美国第47圣达菲作为首府历史美国五十个其他任何一个州的首府历史要长。

    New Mexico became the forty-seventh state in January of nineteen twelve. But Santa Fe has a longer history of serving as a capital city than any of the other capitals of the fifty states.


  • 是否寻求商务酒店迎合专业人士或是了解墨西哥历史文化休闲之旅,萨卡特卡斯每个人东西

    Whether you seek a business hotel that caters to professionals or are looking for a leisure trip to explore Mexico's culture and history, Emporio Zacatecas has something for everyone.


  • 历史最大意外事件,恰好发生墨西哥起因是1979年墨西哥钻井平台(Ixtoc-1)爆裂

    The largest accidental oil spill in history, which was also in the Gulf, was due to a 1979 blowout on a Mexican rig called Ixtoc-1 (see chart).


  • 历史学家Bracamonte表示:“尽管像巴西墨西哥这样国家在同性权益方面取得最大进步,但同样也是这些国家,因同性恋仇恨引发犯罪仍然最多。”

    "Countries that have made the most progress, such as Brazil and Mexico, also have the highest levels of hate crimes," says Mr Bracamonte, a historian.


  • 历史地理自然资源这些,已经墨西哥了她的阔邻居,正如所说:“并非我们所能选择的”。

    History, geography and natural resources have wedded Mexico to its wealthy neighbour: "it's not something we chose," he says.


  • 不仅德国啤酒制造商而且墨西哥玉米饼生产者,都已注意他们主要原材料成本增长迅速,已达历史最高水平。

    Not only German beer producers, but Mexican tortilla makers have see the cost of their main raw material growing quickly to historical highs.


  • 那时他们凭着3比1战胜墨西哥取得了非洲国家世界杯历史上的首次胜利

    They, of course, became the first African side to win a match at the Finals when they defeated Mexico 3-1.


  • 墨西哥是个具有悠久文明历史国家玛雅人的金字塔阿兹特克人太阳历,见证贵国古代文明的辉煌

    Mexico is a country with a time-honored civilization. The Mayan pyramids and Aztec Sun Calendar both stand testimony to the splendor of your ancient civilization.


  • 比如墨西哥瓦哈卡州木雕艺术家们从事面具玩具雕刻历史长达几百的时间。

    For example, wood artists in the state of Oaxaca in Mexico have been carving mask face coverings and toys for hundreds of years.


  • 从新墨西哥著名普韦布洛复兴风格启示,219间客房伊尔杜拉杜酒店水疗中心一个奢华AAA酒店山区圣达菲历史

    Pulling its inspiration from New Mexico's famous Pueblo Revival Style, the 219-room Eldorado Hotel & Spa is a lavish AAA Four Diamond resort in the mountainous Santa Fe historical district.


  • 尽管几个美国领事馆遭受了炸弹袭击,但八月份游客人数仍创下了这个月份历史新高,美国游客Patrick Mathiasen说:“我说我要去墨西哥旅游,很多人用嘲讽的表情看着我。”

    The numbers in August were the highest-ever for that month, despite a bomb attack on a United States consulate a few months earlier.


  • 尽管几个美国领事馆遭受了炸弹袭击,但八月份游客人数仍创下了这个月份历史新高,美国游客Patrick Mathiasen说:“我说我要去墨西哥旅游,很多人用嘲讽的表情看着我。”

    The numbers in August were the highest-ever for that month, despite a bomb attack on a United States consulate a few months earlier.


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