• 声音城市简单有时难以达到目标创造完美录音庆祝活动这里戴夫grohl制作导演纪录片声音城市一个新的拖车

    In celebration of the simple yet sometimes unattainable goal of creating the perfect sound recording, here is a new trailer for the Dave Grohl-produced and directed documentary sound City.


  • 周围空间弥漫法国城市环境声音效果使游客感到仿佛身处法国

    Surrounded by the space that is permeated with French city ambient sound effects, visitors may think they were in France.


  • 讨厌一般的姿态保护玛贝尔,简直就是在贬低存在助长这个城市讨伐猫咪的声音

    Alas, I am loath to cheapen her existence and dignify the city's anti-cat stance by creating a dog-like defense for her.


  • 附近居民他们全天都可以听到爆炸声机枪开火声音,还看到滚滚这个城市上空升起

    Residents of Basra said they could hear explosions and automatic weapons fire throughout the day, and columns of black smoke were seen rising above the city.


  • 城市英国一家报纸记者告诉BBC白天听到零星爆炸声自动武器声音

    A British newspaper journalist in the city told the BBC he had heard sporadic explosions and automatic gunfire during the day.


  • 好比试图找出大声大声,声音跳出墙壁城市街道计划位。

    It's a bit like trying to work out the street plan of a city by Shouting loudly and listening to the sounds that bounce off the walls.


  • 虽然有反对声音,但大多数城市都愿意成功的金融业带来高薪职业大笔税收而拼命搏。

    Despite such drawbacks, most cities would kill for a thriving financial sector that produced highly paid jobs and juicy tax revenues.


  • 11个国外城市部署纽约侦探而且国内分科语言学家(包括母语阿拉伯语普什图语孟加拉语的语言学家)留心注意留心听着这些令人担心喋喋不休的声音

    New York detectives are deployed in 11 foreign cities, and departmental linguists at home (including native speakers of Arabic, Pushtu and Bengali) look and listen out for worrying chatter.


  • 意大利威尼斯一个神奇的天堂,世界上少数几个城市不到汽车声音城市之一。

    Venice, Italy is a magical place. It is one of the few cities in the world where the sound of cars are never heard.


  • 路途崎岖不平,又脏,莉莎特没有看见任何丑陋的东西,毯子城市所有难听声音挡在了外面。

    The ride was bumpy and dusty and dark, but she saw no ugly, and the carpets muffled the ugly noises of the city as well.


  • 四面八方过来汽车电车自行车行人身边消无声息的流动,他们声音融合这个特别生机勃勃城市白色喧闹里,我多么能在这个城市里再多看一点风景。

    I wish I had better peripheral vision as cars, trams, bikes and pedestrians seem to float by from all directions in silence -- their sounds lost in the white noise of this uniquely lively city.


  • 白天城市到处都建筑灰尘工地声音有人晚上这座城市漂亮

    The swirl of construction dust and sound of jackhammers can be overwhelming during the day. Some say the city looks best at night.


  • 知道是因为渐渐暗下来城市分贝降了下来还是因为孩子们的声音提高了知道他们嬉戏的时间剩不多。

    I could never tell whether it was because the city, in the failing light, had grown a decibel quieter or because the children had grown louder, knowing that their time there was almost through.


  • 我们开发改进新的风险管理制度防灾系统维护创造城市环境大家感到轻松声音他们的生活

    So we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life.


  • 这个高度城市生活地面发出声音全部被蒸发了还有各种特写式细节

    At that height, the earth-binding sounds of city life evaporate, along with close-up details.


  • 一瞬间整个城市响彻爆竹震耳欲聋声音

    In an instant the whole city would be engulfed in the deafening noise of the firecrackers.


  • 我们知道城市声音响声足以人们听力造成巨大伤害

    We know the sounds of cities are loud enough to cause great harm to people's hearing in the U.


  • 城市中上层阶级声音他们正在寻求一种现代的佛教徒形象

    This is the voice of the urban middle or upper class who are looking for a more modern image of what a Buddhist can be.


  • 许多似乎喜欢城市上方很高的地方,可以远离来往车辆嘈杂声音

    Many people seem to like living high above the city, away from the traffic and the noise.


  • 这个城市各种颜色、气味声音万花筒

    This city is a kaleidoscope of colours, smells, and sounds.


  • 听到远处车辆往来声音看到遥远城市开始紫色暮霭中发出光芒

    I can hear the distant sounds of traffic. I can see the evening city lights beginning to appear in the distant purple haze.


  • 世界上少数几个不到汽车声音城市之一因为在那里汽车处于禁止之列。

    It is one of a few cities in the world where the noises of cars are never heard because cars are not allowed.


  • CD中收藏声音片断来自城市之中群细心的聆听者。

    The sound recorded in this CD coming from the listeners of the City.


  • 大海的声音城市都显得很遥远甚至伤痛几乎要把她人间蒸发

    The sounds of ocean and city seemed distant, and even the pain had dissolved into cold void.


  • 大海的声音城市都显得很遥远甚至伤痛几乎要把她人间蒸发

    The sounds of ocean and city seemed distant, and even the pain had dissolved into cold void.


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