She is the goddess of righteous anger; divine retribution and vengeance, but only where vengeance is actually fair in balance.
As The Vengeance descends from her elevation to do it, thetumbrils begin to discharge their loads.
In Greek mythology, Tyche was usually invoked along with Nemesis, the goddess of bad luck.
An avenging deity or spirit, the masculine personification of Nemesis, frequently evoked in Greek tragedy.
Nemesis, why don't you put Taurus in front of me and let me break its horn?
The design of Vengeance should make sure that threat generation doesn't start to slip behind as the dps characters gear up.
Apollo represents the new order of light and civilization against the primitive Furies, who scream only for blood and more blood.
The Vengeance stooped, and the jar of adrum was heard as she moved it at her feet behind the counter.
Our guardian angel Heidi will soon become the wrathful Nemesis with a sword in her hand and fire in her breath, we're all doomed!
The OED tells me that this word comes from ancient Greek where Nemesis was a goddess.
She resumed her knitting and went out. The Vengeance followed. Defarge went last, and closed the door.
The last play concerns the punishment of Orestes at the hands of the Furies, or Erinyes, the goddesses who purge him of the sin of matricide.
Saint Antoine slept, the Defarges slept: even the Vengeance slept with her starved grocer, and the drum was at rest.
Recent scientific analysis no longer supports the idea that extinctions on Earth happen at regular, repeating intervals. Thus, the Nemesis hypothesis is no longer needed.
But with global warming causing sea levels to rise, the water that was once Venice's protector has become its Nemesis.
Where lesser coasters cruise leisurely back into the station, Nemesis has your heart in your mouth from start to stop.
The short, rather plump wife of astarved grocer, and the mother of two children withal, this lieutenanthad already earned the complimentary name of The Vengeance.
In the Eumenides, Athena convenes a trial for Orestes, in which Apollo and the Furies argue against each other as to whether Orestes should pay for his crimes with death.
这个妇女很矮而颇胖,是一个饥饿的杂货小贩的妻子和两个孩子的母亲。 这位副手已经赢得了“复仇女神”的美誉。
The short, rather plump wife of a starved grocer, and the mother of two children withal, this lieutenant had already earned the complimentary name of The Vengeance.
顷刻间,一大群人从监狱墙角转出,锯木工也在其中,他跟复仇女神手牵着手。 他们的人数不少于五百,可跳起舞来倒像有五千个妖魔鬼怪。
A momentafterwards, and a throng of people came pouring round the corner bythe prison wall, in the midst of whom was the wood-sawyer hand in handwith The Vengeance.
For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then of tragedies; but in life it doth much mischief; sometimes like a siren, sometimes like a fury.
For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then of tragedies; but in life it doth much mischief; sometimes like a siren, sometimes like a fury.