• 它们只是片土地上陌生人。”夏威夷大学研究巴日族的研究员RedneyJubilado 说道

    "They are simply a stranger to the land," said Redney Jubilado, a University of Hawaii researcher who studies the Bajau.


  • 拥有夏威夷大学博士MBA学位

    He holds PhD and MBA degrees from the University of Hawaii.


  • 相信夏威夷大学一个学习英文的很好的地方

    That's why I came here to study and I believe that Hawaii is a good place to learn English.


  • 夏威夷大学巴拉克老巴马非洲第一交换留学生

    Barack Obama Sr. was the first African exchange student at the University of Hawaii.


  • 1997年初赴美国柏克利加州大学夏威夷大学做访问学者

    At the beginning of 1997, she was a visiting scholar in Berkeley University and Hawaii University in US.


  • 12月6日,在夏威夷大学展示观察危险小行星特别设计望远镜

    On December 6th the University of Hawaii will activate a telescope designed specifically to look for dangerous asteroids.


  • 就读于美国圣路易斯社区大学夏威夷大学伊利诺伊大学

    She also studied at St. Louis Community College, University of Hawaii, and Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville.


  • 夏威夷大学,人们这些岛屿历史以往的文化有着浓厚的兴趣。

    At the University of Hawaii there is a great deal of interest in the history of the islands and the culture of the past.


  • 更重要的是夏威夷大学林赛·发现许多雌性配对的信天翁历经始终忠贞不渝

    What's more, Lindsay Young from the University of Hawaii found that many of the albatross female-female pairs remain faithful over several years.


  • 就任亚利桑那州立大学教授之职任教于新安普顿大学夏威夷大学

    He taught at the University of New Hampshire and University of Hawaii before taking the endowed professorship at the Arizona State University.


  • 于是各种美国大学好几打的信,最后终于有一个学校回复了他夏威夷大学

    He wrote to dozens of US universities and one eventually replied: the University of Hawaii.


  • 自桐,夏威夷大学社会工作者硕士,是加拿大注册临床社会工作者和督导师。

    Samuel Tam, Canadian, Master of Social Worker (MSW) from University of Hawaii, Register Clinical Social Worker and Supervisor in Province of Alberta, Canada.


  • 随后一些原理应用于夏威夷大学计算机工作施乐帕克研究中心计算机相连网络

    He then applied some of the principles from that network, which linked computers at the University of Hawaii, to his work at PARC.


  • 将近年后,夏威夷大学诺阿分校海洋学家史密斯重返骨架所在的海底,进行适宜研究

    Almost a year later Smith, an oceanographer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, returned for a proper study of the skeleton site.


  • 夏威夷大学马诺亚校区研究者们认为,夏威夷应该是做海域再生能源设备试验的最佳场所

    Hawaii could be the ideal site for an experimental form of ocean -based renewable energy plants, according to researchers at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.


  • 夏威夷大学经济研究组织预计在2012年前游客量不会回升2006年顶峰——超过7百万游客

    The University of Hawaii Economic Research Organisation does not expect tourism to return to its 2006 peak levels of over 7m visitors until 2012.


  • 为了进一步探讨一课题檀香山夏威夷大学卜宋义博士他的同事分析了来自多民族群组受测者数据

    To explore this topic further, Dr. Song-Yi Park, from the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, and colleagues, analyzed data from subjects enrolled in the Multiethnic Cohort Study.


  • 1979年取得美国夏威夷大学工商管理学硕士衔,于同年取得会计师资格。已婚,育有

    He obtained his MBA degree from the University of Hawaii in 1979 and his CPA in the same year. He is married with two daughters.


  • 当地学校的学习成绩非常好赢得内罗毕上学奖学金,随后他来到美国就读夏威夷大学

    He did well in a local school and won a scholarship to attend school in Nairobi before coming to the United States to study at the University of Hawaii.


  • 夏威夷大学中国研究中心主办张乾元教授的《中国艺术含蓄》学术讲座克奥卡举行

    The lecture, "Implicit Beauty in Chinese Art" by Prof. Zhang Qianyuan, and sponsored by the Center for Chinese Studies of UH, was held at Tokioka Hall.


  • 夏威夷大学科学家建议,将塔罗修改基因长出一种更强壮的塔罗树,更少受到病毒攻击影响。

    Scientists from the University of Hawaii are suggesting that the tarot be genetically modified to create a stronger plant less subject to the virus attacking it.


  • 奥巴马的父亲来自肯尼亚一个贫穷小镇他的白人母亲是堪萨斯人他们夏威夷大学相遇,后来檀香山结婚

    Obama's parents - Barack Obama Sr., a black man from a poor village in Kenya, and Ann Dunham, a white woman whose parents grew up in Kansas - met at the University of Hawaii and married in Honolulu.


  • 夏威夷大学约翰.莱德,加利福尼亚大学安东尼.以及珊塔.芭拉都发表文章证明他们的方法可靠。

    And for several years John Learned of the University of Hawaii and Anthony Zee of the University of California, Santa Barbara, have been promulgating what they believe is a better idea.


  • 另一个对于吸烟人群实验中夏威夷大学研究组发现每天喝柚子可以帮助减小吸烟人群癌症比率

    For smokers in another experiment, the University of Hawaii research team found that drinking grapefruit juice every day can help reduce the smoking rate of people suffering from cancer.


  • 这样竞争很残酷亚当.帕克(AdamPack)这么,他是夏威夷大学一位海洋哺乳动物学家心理学家。

    The competition can get vicious, says Adam Pack, a marine mammal biologist and psychologist at the University of Hawaii, Hilo.


  • USIMBA学员可利用夏威夷大学以及中山大学校友网络平台,覆盖面包括美国本土北美亚洲校友网络。

    The USIMBA students could connect with both Hawaii alumni network which covers US mainland, North America and Asia, and the alumni network of Sun Yat-sen University.


  • 巴马父亲肯尼亚母亲美国人奥巴马七岁那年,母亲夏威夷大学读书结识的个印尼结婚,之后他们印尼

    Mr Obama, who was born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, moved to Indonesia when he was seven -after his mother married an Indonesian man she met while studying at the University of Hawaii.


  • 美国夏威夷大学纳米技术专家日前制造出世界上体积最小的刷子,他们说这种刷子的毛只有根头发丝的千分之一那么细

    University of Hawaii nanotechnology experts have invented the world's smallest brush - a device boasting bristles a thousand times finer than a strand of human hair.


  • 巴马父亲肯尼亚母亲美国人奥巴马七岁那年,母亲夏威夷大学读书结识一个印尼结婚,之后他们印尼

    Mr Obama, who was born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, moved to Indonesia when he was sevenafter his mother married an Indonesian man she met while studying at the University of Hawaii.


  • 巴马父亲肯尼亚母亲美国人奥巴马七岁那年,母亲夏威夷大学读书结识一个印尼结婚,之后他们印尼

    Mr Obama, who was born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, moved to Indonesia when he was sevenafter his mother married an Indonesian man she met while studying at the University of Hawaii.


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