My musical studies have evolved and include mega-doses of Hawaiian language and cultural studies.
This is because if you only have eight consonants and five vowels, as Hawaiian does, you're going to get lots of homophones.
WikiWiki is the Hawaiian term for “quick” and you can’t get much quicker than a wiki when trying to publish content to the world wide web.
"Ohana" means "family, " and "family" means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. —Lilo and Stitch.
取自于夏威夷语中表示快速的名词,该名称由quick - web变成了WikiWikiWeb,并随之产生一种新的协作方式。
Taken from the Hawaiian word for fast, the name quick-web became WikiWikiWeb, and with it came a new means of collaboration.
他将这项技术命名为wiki wiki Web(来源于夏威夷语单词wiki,意为迅速或快),后来这个名字被缩略到只有wiki。
He has named the technology wiki wiki Web (from the Hawaiian word wiki for quick or fast) that was shortened to just wiki later.
它们的另一个名字,mola mola,听起来像夏威夷语,实际上却是拉丁语中“磨石”的意思,这与它们那圆形,很怪异,似乎被切割了一样的形状有关。
Their other name, mola mola, is — it sounds Hawaiian, but it's actually Latin for millstone, and that's attributable to their roundish, very bizarre, cut-off shape.
Hawaiian’s secondary status can still be felt there today: there are only 2,000 native speakers, although efforts to promote the learning and teaching of Hawaiian are proving somewhat successful.
That is the friendly greeting that means both "hello" and "goodbye" in the native Hawaiian language.
Its creator says some of Cameron's original words had "a vaguely Polynesian feel". Others have suggested that it sounds like German or Japanese.
Its creator says some of Cameron's original words had "a vaguely Polynesian feel". Others have suggested that it sounds like German or Japanese.