• 我们学生中的95%的。

    95% of our students are out-of-state students.


  • 群人聚集克里姆林宫广场上

    A huge crowd gathered in a square outside the Kremlin walls.


  • 麦克里里住夏洛茨维尔市校舍改建的小楼里。

    McCreary lives in a converted schoolhouse outside Charlottesville.


  • 这些镜头被正在基地拍摄电视台工作人员捕捉到了。

    The images were captured by TV crews filming outside the base.


  • 渔船康沃尔海岸礁石搁浅了。

    The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Cornwall.


  • 树木遮住房子视线

    Taller plants interrupt the views from the house.


  • 可以预订英语课程,当场交费。

    Lessons with English-speaking instructors can be booked and paid for in the resort.


  • 最后他们不得不用加固那些墙壁

    Eventually, they had to reinforce the walls with exterior beams.


  • 的话消失九霄云

    Her words disappeared into the ether.


  • 可以微煎直到变得脆内

    The potato cakes can be shallow or deep-fried until crisp outside and meltingly soft inside.


  • 他们的部队炮轰7英里德国防线

    Their unit was shelling the German lines only seven miles away.


  • 所有学生都必须参加英语考试无一

    All students without exception must take the English examination.


  • 小说最后一部是以意大利为背景。

    All his novels are set in Italy with the exception of his last.


  • 除了装袋工作一家速食店打工。

    In addition to being a bagger, he's worked at a fast-food restaurant.


  • 囚犯信件照片不允许任何私人物品

    Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions except letters and photographs.


  • 在工作赚取的使可以尝试事物

    The money he made from these extracurricular activities enabled him to pursue other ventures.


  • 托尼结果除了一个手指严重,没受别的伤。

    Tony emerged unscathed apart from a severely bruised finger.


  • 那时大约二十辆小型货车后门突然敞开

    At that instant, the rear doors of a panel truck some twenty yards away flew open.


  • 除了一个轮胎充气没有做过任何汽车保养

    Other than blowing up a tyre I hadn't done any car maintenance.


  • 另一个怡人的短程旅游18英里马塔莫罗斯。

    Another pleasant excursion is Matamoros, 18 miles away.


  • 区域大部分地区(日本食肉传统上都是猪肉

    The source of meat for much of this region (excepting Japan) has traditionally been the pig.


  • 学校里除了板球什么都不感兴趣,显然不对。

    At school, it simply wasn't done to show that you cared for anything except cricket.


  • 除了有点儿魅力多伦多其他众多机灵年轻小伙子没有两样。

    Except for a patina of charisma, he was like a thousand other bright young men in Toronto.


  • 2005年到了俄亥俄州那儿除了做其他事情,他还当记者

    He moved to Ohio in 2005 where, among other things, he worked as a journalist.


  • 除了喧闹帕罗奥图一百岁生日聚会实际上被设计一个简朴实惠的活动。

    Despite all the hoopla, Palo Alto's 100th birthday party is actually designed to be a simple, down-to-earth affair.


  • 119颗太阳系行星中的颗。这些行星围绕太阳其他星体运行。

    The planet is one of 119 known extra-solar planets, objects that orbit stars other than the sun.


  • 这些工厂生产享受了巨额补贴的垃圾产品,除了兜售给俄国人,找不到其他买主。

    The factories produce hugely subsidized rubbish they can't pawn off on anybody but the Russians.


  • 除了自己姓名军衔编号出生日期绝不可能捕获他的人透露其他任何信息。

    He could never ever give any responses to his captor other than name, rank, serial number and date of birth.


  • 个农场就在镇50英里处。

    Only 50 miles outside town was the farm.


  • 马斯没有把球打出墙

    Thomas didn't hit the ball over the wall.


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