• 外交标准不可接受行为

    By diplomatic standards, this was outrageous behaviour.


  • 这个国家外交仍然是孤立的。

    The country remained diplomatically isolated.


  • 英国阿根廷重新建立了外交关系

    Britain and Argentina reopened diplomatic relations.


  • 英国威胁说断绝外交关系

    Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations.


  • 的研究外交著作特别值得一

    His books on diplomatic history were eminently readable.


  • 十二月重新建立正式外交关系

    Formal diplomatic relations between the two countries were re-established in December.


  • 按照国际法驻外外交免受刑事诉讼

    Under international law, diplomats living in foreign countries are exempt from criminal prosecution.


  • 批评外交政策人怀有特别怨恨

    He reserved particular venom for critics of his foreign policy.


  • 联合国调解员们双方之间进行穿梭外交

    UN mediators are conducting shuttle diplomacy between the two sides.


  • 多年来外交事务上表现出了一定预见能力。

    Over the years he's demonstrated a certain prescience in foreign affairs.


  • 总统指责没能清楚地表述对外交事务总体设想

    The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs.


  • 大使馆官员要求使用外交豁免权于稍后被释放

    The embassy official claimed diplomatic immunity and was later released.


  • 然而日本领导者阻止1991年外交灾难重演

    Japanese leaders, however, are eager to prevent a rerun of the diplomatic disaster of 1991.


  • 西奥多•罗斯福在很大程度上是一外交关系现实主义者

    Theodore Roosevelt was preeminently a realist in foreign relations.


  • 总统玩了场精明的外交游戏因为一开始就要求进行直接对话

    The president has played a shrewd diplomatic game because from the outset he called for direct talks.


  • 尤其令人担心外交政策提供咨询同时也在外国公司工作

    It is particularly concerning that he is working for foreign companies while advising on foreign policy.


  • 1979年1月1日,中美正式建立外交关系

    January 1, 1979: China and the US formally established diplomatic ties.


  • 墨西哥是个非宗教国家梵蒂冈没有外交关系

    Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican.


  • 东方更多人力物力实现军事外交目标

    The East had many more human and material resources with which to pursue its military and diplomatic objectives.


  • 哥斯达黎加外交表示一些乘客下落不明,没有说明具体多少人。

    Some passengers remain missing, the Costa Rican foreign ministry said, but did not specify how many.


  • 16世纪早期外交优先规则制定之前敌对的大使经常仪式上争夺尊贵座位

    Before the rules of diplomatic precedence were worked out in the early sixteenth century, rival ambassadors often fought for the most honourable seating position at a ceremony.


  • 我们正在进行一个关于外交重要讨论接下来知道的是,正在谈论那边那个穿着肮脏衣服外交信使

    We were having an important discussion about diplomacy and the next thing I know, you're talking about that diplomatic courier in the dingy suit over there.


  • 成了拘泥华盛顿外交礼节人。

    He has become a stickler for the finer observances of Washington protocol.


  • 外交官们没有正式同意安德森计划

    Diplomats haven't formally agreed to Anderson's plan.


  • 这些事件导致一些高级外交驱逐出境。

    These events led to the expulsion of senior diplomats from the country.


  • 西方外交官们贬低这些报告重要性

    Western diplomats have played down the significance of the reports.


  • 做过驻美国苏丹沙特阿拉伯的外交

    He has worked as a diplomat in the U.S., Sudan and Saudi Arabia.


  • 法国人提出了外交工作交由联合国处理意见

    The French had floated the idea of placing the diplomatic work in the hands of the UN.


  • 德娜凭借多年来学到技巧担任着外交妻子角色

    Dena was filling the role of diplomat's wife with the skill she had learned over the years.


  • 费尔里有着受过训练外交有的所有魅力社交礼节。

    Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.


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