• 这个帝国多年渐渐走向堕落。

    The empire had for years been falling into decadence.


  • 这些大楼多年一直无人看管

    The buildings had been neglected for years.


  • 多年我们一直生活恐惧

    We lived for years in a perpetual state of fear.


  • 多年叔叔一直说话

    She's not been on speaking terms with her uncle for years.


  • 多年会计师一直假账。

    His accountant had been cooking the books for years.


  • 20多年来我们既是朋友又是同事。

    We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years.


  • 多年下雨最多的一个十月份。

    It was the wettest October for many years.


  • 多年一直可靠地运转着。

    It's been working reliably for years.


  • 多年英国电影业一味模仿好莱坞

    For years the British film industry merely aped Hollywood.


  • 多年他们遭到了种族主义者的羞辱

    For years they suffered racist taunts.


  • 是贵报多年忠实读者

    I have been a faithful reader of your newspaper for many years.


  • 多年来教育资金严重不足

    Funding of education had been grossly inadequate for years.


  • 多年设法一直给人一种未婚假象

    For years he managed to keep up the fiction that he was not married.


  • 他们多年一直俄罗斯泄露国家机密

    For years they had been betraying state secrets to Russia.


  • 多年价格几乎没变过

    For many years prices have remained virtually unchanged.


  • 年来极其错误断言从未曾受到质疑

    For years, blatantly false assertions have gone unchallenged.


  • 多年这种反常行为使科学家们感到困惑。

    For years this anomalous behaviour has baffled scientists.


  • 身为音乐家,多年不断在技艺上精益求精

    As a musician, she has spent years perfecting her technique.


  • 多年来外交事务上表现出了一定预见能力。

    Over the years he's demonstrated a certain prescience in foreign affairs.


  • 拉尔夫那时正在尽情享受多年来第一次真正假期

    Ralph was luxuriating in the first real holiday he'd had in years.


  • 德娜凭借多年来学到技巧担任着外交家妻子角色

    Dena was filling the role of diplomat's wife with the skill she had learned over the years.


  • 多年对夫妻间紧张起伏关系总是登上报纸头条。

    For years, the couple's tempestuous relationship made the headlines.


  • 多年日本厂商第一未能位居进口汽车名单榜首。

    It was the first time in years that a Japanese manufacturer had not topped the list for imported vehicles.


  • 6个月美国100多年来严重的市民骚乱洛杉矶市爆发了。

    Six months ago America's worst civil disorder in more than 100 years erupted in the city of Los Angeles.


  • 年来,他一直为这个梦想而努力。

    He kept working on this dream for years.


  • 多年一直夹带手表海关

    For years he has been smuggling watches through customs.


  • 多年来一直黑暗中摸索

    I've been groping in the dark in a number of years.


  • 多年一直从事这项活动。

    I've been doing this for years.


  • 政府多年一直禁止香烟公共广告

    The government have imposed a ban on public advertising of cigarettes for years.


  • 多年一直保持着收集旧历嗜好

    He pursued his hobby of collecting old almanacs for so many years.


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