• 心中想着多么美好的世界呀。

    I'll watch them bloom for me and you and I think to myself, what a wonderful world.


  • 看见它们盛放着,我自己说这是一个多么美好的世界

    I see them bloom for me and you. And I think to myself what a wonderful world.


  • 哈哈街上还有人忍饥挨饿呢。多么美好的世界金钱就是权利

    AlejandraR:LOL another"s people starving on the street. What a beautiful world where money is power."


  • 看见蓝天白云白天光明驱散黑暗,我自己说这是一个多么美好世界

    I see skies of blue clouds of white. The bright blessed days the dark sacred nights. And I think to myself what a wonderful world.


  • 看到了蓝天白云。明亮、幸福白天漆黑神圣夜晚。我心中想着多么美好的世界啊。

    I see skies of blue and clouds of white. The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night. And I think to myself what a wonderful world.


  • 如果所有能够随时展现出他们钓鱼等待鱼儿上钩耐性的话,将会是一个多么美好世界

    This would be fine world if all men showed as much patience all the time as they do while they are waiting for fish to bite.


  • 弗恩注意到车上其他人只是坐在那里眼睛看著窗外多么美好世界,她,自己是多么幸运,能够亲自照顾只小猪

    Fern took no notice of the others in the bus. She just sat and stared out of the window, thinking what a blissful world it was and how lucky she was to have entire charge of a pig.


  • 如果脑子里呆哪怕,你就能看到那精致感官所感受到的这个世界多么美好,你甚至可能会因此而落泪

    If you could live in my head for just one day, you might weep at how much beauty I perceive in the world with my exquisite senses.


  • 穷困尼日利亚海湾遥远世界强国之间多么美好的事情

    Yet the impoverished Nigerian harbors a love affair with the distant superpower.


  • 职业服务可以帮助他人好的人生、更美好生活、更美好的世界。这是实现我们“超我服务”座右铭一个多么理想的方法

    Vocational Service can help others gain a better life, a better standard, a better world. What a wonderful way to fulfill our motto of Service Above Self!


  • 时,梦想能够警察时候我觉得当一名女警察是一件多么事情啊,我可以坏人维护世界和平是一个美好的

    When I was nine years old, my dream is to be a female, then I think the police when a policewoman is a how cool thing, I can catch villains, safeguard world peace, it is a beautiful dream.


  • 一切多么美好,然而,我们现实世界寻找的时候,却事与愿违。

    This is all well and good , except when we come to look for such things in the real world .


  • 开始看到每天发生事情都处于控制之中时的感觉多么美好。更何况你可以做到。当发现世界不再你为敌时的那种感觉是如此之

    You'll start to see how much better it feels to be in control of what happens every day. How much more you can get done. How good it feels not to feel like the world is fighting against you.


  • 只是坐在那里车窗看,想着这是个好的世界,自己又是多么幸运,居然可以拥有头小猪

    She just sat and stared out of the window, thinking what a blissful world it was and how lucky she was to have entire charge of a pig.


  • 那时亚当夏娃居住的是一个多么美好和快乐的世界啊!

    What a perfectly happy world Adam and Eve enjoyed then!


  • 曾经以为自己与众不同认为世界角落美好颗虔诚充满爱享受生活多么惬意的事。

    And thinking I'm difference at one time, every corner of the world that are beautiful, with a sincere and loving heart to enjoy life is so happy.


  • 如果国家能够遵循一个基本的立国之道,即东西原处,自己弄脏的地方自己收拾后,那么这个世界将是多么美好啊。

    Or if we had a basic policy in our nations to always put things back where we found them and cleaned up our own messes.


  • 两人在一起周围事物发表评论,说的话往往有点儿愤世嫉俗味道并不认为世界多么美好

    The two together around the things and people for comments, to say the taste is often a bit cynical, do not believe how beautiful the world.


  • 两人在一起周围事物发表评论,说的话往往有点儿愤世嫉俗味道并不认为世界多么美好

    The two together around the things and people for comments, to say the taste is often a bit cynical, do not believe how beautiful the world.


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