Night falls, and the Midnight Riders emerge from the shadows and compete in daredevil RACES through the city.
The series debuted its second season in March 2016 to rave reviews.
If you spent your formative years as your neighborhood's daredevil, you may be a risk lover.
If you've seen the hit movie Daredevil, you've heard a Little Rock band that is making it's way up the Billboard Charts!
If you keep a keen eye, you will find a thin old man with white hair in all the Spider-man movies, all the X-Men movies, all the Fantastic Four movies, and the Hulk and Daredevil movie.
Daredevil stars Cox as a blind lawyer-by-day, red-suited hero-by-night. His other senses are finer tuned than a normal human's, but in every other aspect, he's a mortal man.
Fantastic Four, Spider-man, X-Men, Hulk, Ghost Rider, the Punisher, Daredevil, Blade,... what do all these Hollywood blockbusters have in common?
Fantastic Four, Spider-man, X-Men, Hulk, Ghost Rider, the Punisher, Daredevil, Blade,... what do all these Hollywood blockbusters have in common?