• 汤姆大嗓门尖叫使观众感到惊讶

    Tom's leather-lunged scream surprised the audiences.


  • 正在诧异时候房东大娘的东北大嗓门响起来了。

    Being I am surprised when the landlord of the Northeast ma 'am voice came on the rings.


  • 雄性利用牠们的大嗓门争夺食物求偶宣示领土

    Male howler monkeys use their loud voices to fight for food, mates, or territory.


  • 罗!”他们刚踏进过道听见一个沙哑大嗓门嚷起来

    'Hallo!' cried a loud, hoarse voice, as soon as they set foot in the passage.


  • 争论大嗓门并且毫无礼貌整个周末我们强忍住未下。

    He was argumentative, loud and just plain rude. We bit our tongues the entire weekend to keep from telling him where to go!


  • 美国喜剧女演员伍皮·戈德堡是个大嗓门,披着一头长发辫,长着一嘴大牙

    The American comedy actress Whoopi Goldberg is all voice dreadlocks and teeth.


  • 回答:”没有应该开会途中大嗓门唱,你步入会议室时在心中唱

    "Nope, " I replied. "You should belt it out at the top of your lungs on the way to the meeting and hear it in your head when you walk in. Try it.


  • 道德规范不能仅仅多数人投票说了算,就象不能枪炮大嗓门说了算一样。

    Morals and ethics cannot be determined by a majority vote, any more than they can be determined by the barrel of a gun or a loud mouth.


  • 经常穿着皱巴巴、垮垮的睡衣菜市场小贩讨价还价大嗓门惊动整条大街

    She would oftentimes wear wrinkled baggy pajamas and bargain heatedly with hawkers in the market with such a loud voice that everyone could hear.What will her man think of her?


  • 1952年来到芝加哥开始布鲁斯俱乐部里表演,她大嗓门很快被接受

    She came to Chicago in 1952 and began singing in blues clubs. She was instantly accepted because of her big voice.


  • 但是露皮欧拉老师学校音乐戏剧后莉莉发现自己的大嗓门也是一个优点呢!

    But when Miss Loopiola comes to her school to teach music and drama, Lily Hippo finds she is loud in just the right way!


  • 第一,”被指控西尔弗将起来,额头上的大嗓门房子直响。

    "That's for number one," cried the accused, wiping the sweat from his brow, for he had been talking with a vehemence that shook the house.


  • 经常穿着皱巴巴、松垮垮的睡衣菜市场小贩讨价还价大嗓门能惊动条大街

    She often wears rumpled baggy, pajamas, in markets and vendors bargaining, loud voice to rouse the whole street.


  • 干农活的时候,查宜弟偶尔也会想起去世丈夫那个农活得又好的大嗓门男人。

    As she works in the field, her mind occasionally turns to her deceased husband, the man with a loud voice who was a quick and excellent worker in the field.


  • 虽然党的注意离体大嗓门重点方向上面可以攻击的朋友从另外一个方向。

    And while the party's attention is focused in the direction of the disembodied big voice, the friend from above can attack from the other direction.


  • 其实如果查宜弟,那个大嗓门男人之间是否爱情,查宜弟肯定知道怎么回答不好意思回答。

    In fact, if asked whether there was romantic love between her and the man with a loud voice, she would be too embarrassed to answer, and wouldn't know how to.


  • 一个大嗓门中年人在墙上画着每个当天击毁飞机记录凡是击毁超过5架飞机以上的都会获得敬酒称赞。

    A loud-mouthed middle age man went around, announcing each pilot's result for the day, and his running kill record. For those who exceeded five kills, a thorough toasting - and soaking followed.


  • 美国媒体报道,名美国大嗓门悍妇在火车上狂打手机16个钟头,终于警方带下火车,以扰乱治安罪受到指控

    US woman was taken off a train by police and charged with disorderly conduct after she spoke too loudly on her mobile phone for 16 hours, US media reported.


  • 如果大嗓门而且你并不是惧怕大型动物那么你可能对北极熊观察员这个工作兴趣,而且这个工作目前空缺

    If you have a loud voice and aren't too scared of large animals then you may be interested in a new polar bear spotting job that has become available.


  • 如果开枪那么申请这个工作将会加分这份工作唯一要求就是你必须要有一个大嗓门,你才可以吓跑北极熊

    Having firearm skills would be a bonus when applying for the job but the only requirement is you have a loud voice so you can scare off the polar bears.


  • 没有看见美国公共场合大声讲话,凡是大声喧哗之处,几乎无一例外都是皮肤黑头发黑眼睛似乎中国人天生就是大嗓门

    I did not see the Americans loudly in public speech, make much noise at all, almost without exception, are yellow blackhead black eyes, it seems that the Chinese people born loud!


  • 有时候有些只要打电话就会开启大嗓门模式,好像他们不是手机信号来传输自己声音而是在通过喇叭传话一样。

    Sometimes, some people just cannot help yelling 1 whenever they are on the phone, it seems that their voice is not transmitted through phone signal but via a speaker.


  • 有时候有些只要打电话就会开启大嗓门模式,好像他们不是手机信号来传输自己声音而是在通过喇叭传话一样。

    Sometimes, some people just cannot help yelling 1 whenever they are on the phone, it seems that their voice is not transmitted through phone signal but via a speaker.


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