• 这种吸入能力极好可以处理大型物体降低磨损

    These pumps have excellent suction capabilities, are designed to handle large objects and to minimize wear.


  • 此次例行探险最后一次潜底时,扫描声纳海底发现了大型物体

    On the final dive of the trip, the scanning sonar detected a large object on the seafloor.


  • 大型物体视觉测量中,多视点对齐关键技术之一

    Multi-view point clouds registration is one of the key techniques in 3D vision measurement for large object.


  • 纸箱、纸板大型物体捆绑,报纸书刊印刷品,成衣服装。

    The packer is sultable for paper box, paper case, news paper, books and periodicals etc.


  • 随着镜头装置视野变大,实现大型物体隐形

    The device can also be scaled up depending on the size of the lens, and would allow large objects to be cloaked.


  • 现有康普顿散射成像技术中,如何大型物体进行成像问题始终没有得到充分解决

    In the field of Compton scatter imaging, the problem of how to image a large-scale object is still not fully settled.


  • 升平出现解决如何沼泽滩涂地区进行物体的运移,特别是大型物体的运移这样个难题

    The emergence of air-cushion platform has solved the problem that how to move the object in the marsh or shoal area, especially to move the super and large object.


  • 另外有些标识牌位置上存在问题大型物体或者建筑树木遮挡人们带来很大麻烦

    In addition, some signs in the location of the problem, such as large objects or buildings, trees and other cover, it will give people a lot of trouble.


  • 动词后接宾语时,动词词尾则说明宾语的大小kitobana意思是“日光下三件大型物体给予某人”。

    Where verbs take objects, an ending will tell their size: kitobana meansgives three large objects to a man in the sunlight.”


  • 引力透镜工作原理如下:较大型物体星系挡住一个远处物体另一个星系可以从阻挡物的旁边绕过来。

    Gravitational lensing works like this: When a large nearby object like a galaxy blocks a distant object, such as another galaxy, the light can detour around the blockage.


  • 澳洲的盲人朋友可能很快能重见光明,感谢一种帮助他们感知大型物体增加他们外围视力

    Severely visually challenged people in Australia may soon have some sight. It's all thanks to a bionic eye which promises to help them sense large objects by increasing their peripheral vision.


  • 屏幕了起来最初只是层厚厚的迷雾然后就见到一些好像大鱼影子一样的大型物体屏幕上不断地流过

    The screen lit up . At first there was nothing but a thick grey mist. Then some large objects, like the shadows of enormous fish, flowed across the screen in a steady stream.


  • 大型物体维形貌数字化测量由于传感器单元测量区域,所以空间图像拼接技术实现整体测量关键技术。

    In the 3d digital measurement of large-scale objects, image Mosaic is the key technology to achieve the whole measurement for the small measuring field of sensor unit.


  • 本文针对大型物体自由曲面测量中,传感器单元测量区域问题,提出了一种基于粘性目标实现空间图像拼接方法。

    The small measuring field of sensor unit is the key problem in the free form surface measurement of large scale objects.


  • 目前有在大型物体体积测量引入激光测距仪进行测量的应用技术,但是激光对内河船舶只能解决水面以上部分船舶参数的测量英语口译。

    Now the laser range finder is introduced to the large-scale object volume measurement, though, which is only limited to the ship parameters above water.


  • 不过,有可能采用其他大型无生命物体量子装置相连接

    However, it might be possible with other large but inanimate objects linked to a quantum device.


  • 盖茨展示了该公司平面电脑台茶几外型的电脑可以一个大型触摸屏电脑那样工作放置上的物体进行回应

    Gates also displayed the company's Surface computer, a coffee table shaped PC that works like a large touch-screen PC and can respond to objects placed on top of it.


  • 科学家们称之为暗物质未知物体组成万物聚集在一起的看不见,在大型强子对撞机证实另为他物之前也被认为是天使的功劳。

    And the web of unseen, unknown material that scientists call dark matter, holding everything together, might as well have been spun by the angels until the Large Hadron Collider proves otherwise.


  • 大型强子对撞机虽然用来研究构成一切物体已知最小单位——粒子——,但它本身却是世界上有史以来最大复杂机器

    Though built to study the smallest known building blocks of all things - known as particles - the LHC is the largest and most complex machine ever made.


  • 研究者总结到,小型的肉食动物猎物速度较快的环境占有优势大型掠食动物则猎物体型较大,速度较慢的环境下具有优势

    The researchers conclude that smaller carnivores would have had an advantage in environments with predominantly fast prey, and bigger ones where prey was slower and larger.


  • 正好看到这个大型漂浮物体非常缓慢地移动可能一个橄榄球那么长

    I happened to look over and saw this large floating object that was just moving very slowly. It was probably about a football field in length.


  • 勒亚利三角洲必须要通过巴巴海峡才能流入阿拉伯(海峡微小长条形的碎片状物体可能大型船只)。

    Water in the Lyari River Delta must empty into the sea through the Baba channel. (Tiny, oblong slivers in the channel are probably large ships.)


  • 结构通常固定地球表面地球轨道运行大型人造建筑物体

    A structure usually refers to any large, man-made object permanently fixed to Earth's surface or in its orbit, as a result of construction.


  • 大型填充氦气热气气球,充满后模拟某个形象物体

    A large helium or hot-air balloon constructed so as to resemble a figure or an object when inflated.


  • ,在她回家当时看到了一个大型发光物体靠近树林后面某个地方垂直上升

    Running home, she said she had then seen a large glowing object rising vertically from behind some nearby trees.


  • 理想的外壳适合用于大型物件检测不同物体大小狭窄空间、双上进料轨道运动

    Ideal housing for large object detection, varying object size, confined spaces, two-up feed tracks and two axis movements.


  • 随着大型海洋结构物设计研究日益受到重视,研究物体之间的流体动力干扰特性显得十分必要。

    Much attentions have been paid on the study of hydrodynamic interaction between multiple objects which is known as an important factor in the design and study of super-large offshore structures.


  • 随着大型海洋结构物设计研究日益受到重视,研究物体之间的流体动力干扰特性显得十分必要。

    Much attentions have been paid on the study of hydrodynamic interaction between multiple objects which is known as an important factor in the design and study of super-large offshore structures.


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