• 状况通常出现比赛开始时候,每个人都在大声的呼喊吼叫

    This usually takes place at the start of the game when everyone is yelling and screaming.


  • 个24岁的男孩看向火车窗口外,大声呼喊

    A 24-year-old boy looking out from the train's window shouted.


  • 另一些人寻找秘密地牢,他们大声通风口呼喊疯狂地地板,唯一想要做的就是寻找到他们长期失散亲人

    Others searched for hidden dungeons, shouting into air vents and frantically prising up floor tiles in the hope that long-missing relatives might be found underground.


  • 在那里他们模拟灾区环境下进行练习,训练场景让人想起令人毛骨悚然的现实悲剧嗅探在倒塌的建筑中搜寻,搜救人员大声呼喊以便发现可能生还者

    There they conduct exercises in a simulated disaster zone which are an eerie echo of real tragedies: sniffer dogs scrabble over collapsed buildings and rescuers call out to potential survivors.


  • 伟大恺撒大帝登陆埃及朝地直挺挺地跌倒潮湿海滩——可以想象得到手下的官兵是怎样的惊惶失措一一直至后来这个充满雄韬伟略男子大声呼喊:“非洲你弄到手了! ”!

    The great Caesar landing in Egypt fell flat on his face in the wet shore. you can imagine the consternation of his officers, until the great and resourceful man shouted, Africa I've got you!


  • 他们赞美耶和华时候,众民大声呼喊耶和华殿根基已经立定

    And all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.


  • 发现墙头张望的迷惑不解的面孔,他似乎毫不生气不感到窘迫而是大声呼喊去。

    Even when he observed my bewildered face staring over the wall he did not seem put out10 or embarrassed, but shouted for me to climb over.


  • 即使注意到张在外张望的迷惑不解的脸孔时,也似乎毫不生气窘迫而是大声呼喊墙去。

    Even when he observed my bewildered face staring over the wall he did not seem 13 put out or embarrassed, but shouted for me to climb over.


  • 年后终于得到一次机会常服采访任务中华丽现身,并且作为名曾经极客女孩,大声呼喊:“再也不是乔西·盖勒了!”

    Years later, she gets her chance to finally come back in style and be popular as part of an undercover journalism assignment, leading to the triumphant geek-girl cry, "I'm not Josie Grossie anymore!"


  • 不久就从两位男孩的脸上呼啸而过。看着自己的跛天使上下扇动着臂膀,用尽全力大声呼喊:“我会飞爸爸,我会飞了!”

    The little boy's father began to cry as he watched his beautiful little crippled son flapping his arms up and down in the wind, all the while yelling at the top of his voice


  • 艾布拉姆斯执导的《星际迷航》中出演了工程师的角色,因此不管走到哪,都有人大声呼喊,“司考特!”

    J. Abrams' Star Trek, so it was the only way he could go shopping without someone Shouting, "Scotty!"


  • 一个混沌未开世界没有,没有地,没有声音,什么都没有崩溃的是,即使是大声呼喊也得不到一丝回音

    It's like a chaos world, no days, no more, no sound, nothing, more let a person collapse, even cried out with a loud voice, without a trace of echo.


  • 发现了墙头张望的迷惑不解的面孔,他似乎毫不生气,也感到窘迫,而是大声呼喊墙去

    Even when he observed my bewildered face staring over the wall he did not seem put out or embarrassed, but shouted for me to climb over.


  • 寻求并且大声呼喊对于能够他们沟通如此思想的人,但是又不致于导致他们死亡

    I seek and call out to those to whom I can communicate such thinking without bringing about their deaths.


  • 即使发现墙头张望、迷惑不解的面孔时,他似乎也毫不生气,也没难为情而是大声呼喊墙去。

    Even when he observed my shocked face staring over the wall he did not seem put out or embarrassed, but shouted for me to climb over.


  • 突然所有年轻人座位站了起来,尖叫着呼喊着,大声嚷嚷着,起了欢乐舞蹈。

    Then, suddenly, all of the young people were up out of their seats, screaming and shouting and crying, doing small dances of joy.


  • 首先需要通过挤压他们脖子肩膀之间皮肤大声呼喊来确定他们无意识了还是睡着了或者喝醉了

    First, you need to find out if they're unconscious, asleep or drunk, by squeezing the skin between their neck and shoulder and Shouting.


  • 回声上面大声呼喊可以感受到强烈的回声。

    This is the echo wall; standing on the top of a loud cry can feel a very strong echo.


  • 爷爷恐惧大声呼喊,恨不得躲地毯下面妈妈还是鼻子灌了

    Grandfather cried out in horror and tried to disappear under the blanket, but Mother clamped his nose shut and dosed him anyway.


  • 说,伏在三重铁丝网陡峭地朝地方,抬头朝着石块土坯垒成的胸墙大声呼喊

    That is, he had lain down where the ground fell sharply away below the triple belt of wire and shouted up at the rock and earth parapet.


  • 朋友这个和你远见偶尔小声你说,但是大声呼喊

    You, my friend have this vision within you, it "whispers" to you occasionally, but in some cases it cries out.


  • 但是他们快要跑视线之时第一猎人过头大声呼喊好像看见站立在阴影中的角兽似的,“你还是呆自己的地方吧,可怜家伙。”

    But before they were out of sight, the first hunter looked back over his shoulder and called, just as though he could see the unicorn standing in shadow, "Stay where you are, poor beast."


  • 噪声环境中时人们需要大声呼喊他人交谈。研究并未提供男人女人工作不同噪声水平中的不同细节

    In a noisy workplace, people shout to hear each other. The study does not provide details of differences in noise levels between the men's and women's workplaces.


  • 喜欢部分接力比赛刺激,所有的学生大声呼喊运动员一个,没人可以肯定冠军,直到最后时刻

    The part I like most is relay race, that is so exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athletes chase one by one, nobody can be sure who is the champion until the last minute.


  • 此时再也抑制不住内心涌动,我大声呼喊:“汶川坚强!”

    At this point, I can curb the surging heart can not, I would like to shout loudly: "Wenchuan, strong!"


  • 蟒蛇尼尼大声呼喊尼尼是否来此它们里面宝物

    They called out to the Nyi Nyi, asking if they were coming to steal the head ring and it's precious contents.


  • 蟒蛇尼尼大声呼喊尼尼是否来此它们里面宝物

    They called out to the Nyi Nyi, asking if they were coming to steal the head ring and it's precious contents.


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