• 本期节目会大家介绍英国大学如何度过他们课余时间他们学习强度生活情况

    Find out how students spend their free time, how much they study and what life is like for them.


  • 演讲墨菲校长会见了大使。 墨刘大使专程受邀来讲座表示热烈欢迎衷心感谢,并介绍科克大学近期中国有关院校深入开展合作情况

    Before the lecture, Ambassador Liu was welcomed by President Murphy, who also briefed him about the recent cooperation between the UCC and its Chinese partners.


  • 介绍深圳大学图书馆地下室渗漏情况分析了引起渗漏的原因,对渗漏治理方案进行了讨论介绍了渗漏治理过程

    This article introduces the leakage of basement of Shenzhen University Library, analyses the cause of leakage, discusses the treatment scheme and introduces the process of treatment.


  • 本文介绍罗蒙诺索夫莫斯科国立大学学校概况专业设置、收费标准、入学要求办理签证所需材料情况

    This paper introduces the general situation of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and its majors and curriculum provision, tuition fee, admission requirements, documents for transacting visa, etc.


  • 文章分析了EDA技术及其课程主要特点介绍广东工业大学信息工程学院进行EDA教学实践情况

    This paper analyses the main features of the course of EDA, and introduces EDA teaching practice at Faculty of Information Engineering in Guangdong University of Technology.


  • 湘潭大学图书馆布线系统介绍综合布线系统特点及其工程中的应用情况

    Taking the project of Xiangtan University library for example, the feature of comprehensive distribution system and its application in project were introduced.


  • 我校电力工程学院负责人也介绍我校诺森比亚大学开展合作办学具体情况

    Dean of school of Power Engineering of NJIT introduced the specific situation of cooperative school-running program between NJIT and Northumbria University.


  • 本文结合南通大学管理信息课程设计教学实践介绍关于该课程设计教学设计实施情况

    This paper introduces teaching design and implement of Management Information System Course design in Nantong University based on practice.


  • 文章介绍南京大学建筑研究所主题为“南京城艺术家访问展览计划情况

    This article introduces an exhibition and artists visiting plan with the topic of "Nanjing City" sponsered by Architectural Research Institute of Nanjing University.


  • 详细介绍北京大学参与HERMES国际实验合作的工作情况特别是在寻找夸克工作所做的贡献

    We minutely recount the status of the group of Peking University participating in HERMES Collaboration, specially for the outstanding contribution in searching pentaquark.


  • 本文着重介绍澳洲国立大学学校概况专业特色入学要求学费奖学金情况

    This paper offers an introduction to the general survey, the major feature, the admission requirement, the tuition fees and scholarship of Australia National University.


  • 介绍剑桥大学建筑系主要科研内容研究生培养情况

    The paper introduces the main content of scientific researches and postgraduate studies at the Architectural Department of Cambridge University.


  • 本文介绍新加坡南洋理工大学学校概况入学要求专业设置以及学费中国合作项目情况

    This article introduces the general situation, admission requirements, major project, tuition and cooperative items with China and so on of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


  • 介绍华中农业大学园艺专业实验实习基地建设管理体制改革基本情况

    This article introduced some attempt on the building and administrative system of the practice base of the speciality of horticultural science in Huazhong Agricultural University.


  • 论文介绍西安石油大学开设综合设计型物理实验公共选修课程相关情况

    Some details of the public elective Course of the Comprehensive and designing physics experiment that offered in Xi ' an Shiyou University are introduced in this paper.


  • 介绍北京科技大学自然科学基础实验中心下属物理实验教学中心建设情况

    In this paper, the experience of building the physics laboratory of University of Science and Technology Beijing is reported.


  • 通过美国大学研究资助情况介绍讨论我国研究生阶段增设研究资助意义分类方法科学基金其中的作用

    By analyzing the research assistance in the USA, this paper discusses the significance, classifications and methodology for establishing it in China, as well as the roles of the science foundations.


  • 文章介绍澳大利亚大学图书馆诸多方面情况我国大学图书馆工作提出建议

    This paper introduces many aspects about Australia university libraries, and puts forward some Suggestions to the university libraries in China.


  • 文章追溯历史沿革基础上,着重介绍斯德哥尔摩大学中文系现阶段汉语教学的一些基本情况,包括教学模式教学特点

    The paper also summarizes the basic facts of the present Chinese teaching as well as the major teaching models and features at the Chinese Department of Stockholms University.


  • 本文介绍上海交通大学泡筒进行螺旋桨噪声试验研究情况部份结果。

    This article describes the propeller noise tests in JTU cavitation tunnel and some of these test results obtained.


  • 全面介绍南京大学天文各种教育水平,包括大学本科硕士博士博士后教育情况

    In the paper, a complete series of educational programs of undergraduate, masters, doctoral and post-doctoral levels in astronomy department of Nanjing University has been described.


  • 论文首先我国大学专业设置情况专业人才培养现状过程特征进行了介绍

    Based on this thought, this thesis first introduces the current situation, process and features of the academic specialties and professional training in China.


  • 本文介绍武汉大学图书馆整理中文图书个人名称规范工作方面情况主要包括普通汉语名称以及外国人译名称。

    The text introduces Wuhan University Library how to coordinate the personal name authority of Chinese books, including the common Chinese name and the Chinese name of the foreigner.


  • 介绍北京大学EN串列静电加速器近两年来维护运行情况

    The status of operating and maintaining for EN tandem accelerator at Peking University between 2006 and 2007 was introduced.


  • 首先介绍弯曲技术基本原理应用研究情况然后详细报道浙江大学岩土工程研究所参与此次国际平行试验的试验内容和初步分析结果。

    The fundamentals and applications of bender element technique were comprehensively reviewed. Then the detailed report of IGE-ZJU for the international parallel test was presented.


  • 文章介绍清华大学热能工程系脱硫除尘示范工程中集散控制系统开发研制情况

    In this paper, the Distributed Control system (DCS) is described. This system is developed by DEPT. of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University.


  • 第三部分介绍浙江省高校贫困大学资助政策体系,各项资助政策的经费执行情况进行分析

    The second part analyzes the literature on subsidization to impoverished students, and discusses the relevant theoretical basis on educational equity and policy implementation.


  • 本文还简单地介绍清华大学游泳池式反应堆供热试验情况

    The experiment on nuclear district heating with the swimming pool reactor in Qinghua Univ. is described briefly.


  • 介绍了“2 0 0 1年全国大学电子设计竞赛”的情况以及我院参赛一些收获体会

    This article introduces some information about 2001 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest, our college team's performance, experience and reflections.


  • 介绍了“2 0 0 1年全国大学电子设计竞赛”的情况以及我院参赛一些收获体会

    This article introduces some information about 2001 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest, our college team's performance, experience and reflections.


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