• 利用液晶光阀特性容易实现投影屏幕显示

    Is easy using the liquid crystal shutter characteristic to realize projects the large screen display.


  • 最后LED屏幕显示系统性能进行分析评价

    Finally, it has carried on the analysis and the appraisal to the performance of LED Large Screen Displaying system.


  • 有源矩阵驱动平面发射阴极屏幕显示主要候选部件。

    The field emission cathode driven with an active array is the main candidate for large screen displays.


  • 采用先进DSP数控系统屏幕显示操作简便维护简单

    Advanced DSP numerical control system and large LCD brings out much convenient operation and simpler maintenance.


  • LED拼接显示作为实现屏幕显示一种方法得到广泛使用

    LED panel has been bought into wide use as a means of realizing large screen display.


  • 从制造成本使用方便来看,近期投影显示唯一比较实用大屏幕显示技术

    Among these technologies, the projection display is the most practical one, because of its lowest cost and most convenient use.


  • 从制造成本使用方面来看,近期投影显示唯一比较实用大屏幕显示技术

    Among these technologies, the projection display is the most practical one, because of its lowest cost and most convenient to use.


  • LED工业屏幕显示系统一种新型的、实时在线显示工艺过程参数显示系统。

    LED industrial scale large-screen display system is a new, real-time and on-line system for displaying process parameters.


  • 屏幕显示还有宽敞虚拟键盘使得平板电脑适合于某些我们智能机执行的任务

    The larger displays and more roomy virtual keyboards on tablets make them more suitable for some of the tasks for which we've been using our smartphones.


  • 通常来说这种活动上只有编辑过输出信号可以传播便携式电视大屏幕显示器上

    Normally at such events there is only a single feed of edited output relayed to portable TVs or large-screen displays.


  • 介绍高清晰度多媒体大屏幕显示系统原理方案组成关键技术分析了应用前景

    This paper introduces the principle, scheme, construction and the key technique of the system about high-definition multimedia video-wall. Meanwhile it analyzes the perspective in application.


  • 生产线采用一个电器柜集中控制屏幕显示所有工艺参数通过屏幕调整,简单快捷

    The whole production line is controlled by one electrical cabinet, and displayed on big screen, on which all the technical parameter can be adjusted easily and quickly.


  • 随着DCS系统电厂中的广泛应用大屏幕显示技术成为DCS节点进行实时检测有效手段

    With the wide application of DCS system in power plant, large-screen display technology has become the effective instrument for the real-time detection of DCS nods.


  • 设备可以精确到0.0001英寸通过屏幕显示数据,激光器接受装置之间的距离可高达150英尺

    Measurements as small as 0.0001 inch are displayed on the large screen and the laser and receiver can be separated by as much as 150 feet for large industrial projects.


  • 屏幕显示投影仪、幻灯机、液晶投影机DVD机、录音机录像机等可小时计算使用。

    Large screen displays, projectors, overhead projectors, LCD projectors, DVD players, tape recorders, video camcorders are ready for your renting by hour or by day.


  • 激光屏幕显示光学扫描机理工作特性曲线出发,探讨了获得更逼真、清晰、更复杂图像途径

    This paper had discussed the mechanism and the work curve character of optical vibrating mirror, and explored the way of developing the picture quality in large screen show by laser.


  • 屏幕显示方面等离子体显示PDP)以其视角对比度、高分辨率等优势而显示出越来越竞争力

    Meanwhile, in the field of large screen display, Plasma Display Panel (PDP) featuring high contrast, high resolution and wide visual angle, shows great advantages in competition.


  • 基于LCOS投影显示具有很好的显示性能甚至达到HDTV的水平,价格低廉,或许是唯一CRT比美屏幕显示技术

    The LCOS based projector has good performance even for HDTV and low price; perhaps the only large screen display technology which could compete with CRT.


  • 公司,高层员工们屏幕显示旁边看着屏幕显示表示网站交易量电子商务中国开展程度图表,一起见证这次分享的过程。

    Inside, the company monitors how far this sharing has progressed on a bank of screens that chart the ebb and flow of site traffic and the steady spread of e-business across China's map.


  • 投影显示技术是九十年代兴起大屏幕显示技术,它微电子技术、精密光学仪器技术以及精密机械技术为一体,成为现代显示领域主流

    This display technology integrates microelectronics, precision optical instrumentation and precision mechanical technology, and is becoming one of the main stream in the present display field.


  • 网络浏览器使用起来得心应手。得益于它屏幕,iPad显示整个网页减少用户滚屏的次数。

    The Web browser also works beautifully, and takes advantage of the big screen to show full pages and cut down on scrolling.


  • 三星电子最近宣布,他们发明出工业界第一个TECOF装置,用于屏幕高分辨率LCD电视中的显示驱动器集成电路(DDI)。

    Samsung Electronics announced that it has developed the industry's first thermally-enhanced chip-on-film (TECOF) package for the display driver IC (DDI) used in large-screen, high-resolution LCD TVs.


  • 20世纪90年代初期研究人员完善玻璃熔合过程制造屏幕显示器铺路。

    By the early 1990s, researchers had perfected a glass fusion process that paved the way to ever increasing screen sizes.


  • 上图显示就是戴尔30显示拼起来的大屏幕每个显示器的分辨率是2560x1600,这样便可显示包含2.4千万像素点的超精细游戏画面,更可怕的是这样的超分辨率下游戏居然还可以流畅运行。

    That's six Dell 30" monitors, each at a resolution of 2560x1600, showing Dead Space at over 24 megapixels.


  • 他们日程显示电视屏幕,就与机场航班时间表类似

    Their schedules are also displayed on large television screens, akin to flight schedule displays in airports.


  • 因此,那些打算屏幕显示器上一掷千金的人们,还需耐心等候

    So, if you are thinking of splurging on a super-big screen, you may want to wait a while.


  • 它可以屏幕图标平铺的形式显示各种信息同时通过最近相关最经常使用”的最佳方案分类数据,其中的一个设计人员这样讲道

    It presents information in those categories in large on-screen ICONS, or tiles, and sorts data by what is most "recent, relevant and frequently used," as one designer says.


  • 调查显示三分之一受访者不惜重金改善家庭娱乐条件,以给客人留下好印象,比如更换或添置沙发餐桌游戏机屏幕电视机等

    The poll showed that nearly a third of respondents had splashed out cash for home entertainment improvements such as sofas, dining tables, games consoles and bigger televisions to impress the guests.


  • 问题很少有显示电视机配有这个端口,如果笔记本连接一个屏幕时,不得不用转接头

    The problem is, few monitors and TVs include DisplayPort ports, so you’ll almost have to have a convertor if you want to connect your laptop to a larger screen.


  • 问题很少有显示电视机配有这个端口,如果笔记本连接一个屏幕时,不得不用转接头

    The problem is, few monitors and TVs include DisplayPort ports, so you’ll almost have to have a convertor if you want to connect your laptop to a larger screen.


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